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Posts posted by wortelhaar

  1. Sara legs and some random rune items from a merchanter that didn't pay attention in world 1, he was too busy autotyping to notice a drunken dwarf who needed over 10 minutes to take him down.




    I've had 2-3 whips, and several dragon and barrows armour pieves from stupid people who didn't bring antifire's to dragons, or got DC'ed at barrows, whenever I could I gave back what I had saved from the greedy looters who obviously weren't planning on giving anything back.

  2. 1) Castle wars, without any doubt - played multiple games a day before I got muted, and quit 2 years ago. I still have the 1432 tickets I earned such a long time ago, they just sit in my f2p bank with my fighter torso and a fire cape now.


    2) Clan wars, since I have now returned and don't plan on getting my membership back until i'm sure I don't get bored again. People tend to get a little bit too serious in there though, and it's one big backstabbing-fest in the busy worlds. KO'ing people in red portal is also great fun, it barely ever works, but when it does, I always laugh my [wagon] off irl.


    3) Fist of Guthix - I know it's noobish and requires little or no skill, but on my second account I get to win most games and it also gives me some profit, which is not the case in any of the above.

  3. heya, i recently revived my barrow gloves goal, and started questing, now that i am really close to achieve this, i need to gather 4 more quest points.


    i've been using tip.it guides all along, but now i have a question.


    mostly i prepare all of the items before i start the quest, the list of items needed for the rat catcher quest contains "grounded unicorn horn", any idea where/how to get one of those? i tried using a pestle and mortar on a unicorn horn, but that makes unicorn horn dust...





  4. 2 years ago, when i got scammed for 50k, that was like everything i had at the time


    pathetic... i got scammed for guth legs a year later and almost cried, then a year later (now) i somehow tele out of dk lair without picking up my first d axe drop ever and don't care lol, i laughed at that last one 8-)

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