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The new lost library (Time for some changes)


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I guess I will keep writing lost library (I never had a backup on my hard drive since I wiped it quite recently) so this time, it will be...not a redo but an expansion of what has already been written, and then more of the story...




I will post soon please post ideas and mournful crying... :cry:

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Ratchet! True heart! Use google Cache to find what you can... I was able to piece together some of my previous works...




But alas, I shall have to rewrite many of my works. I saved Love Hurts though! :D :D


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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Ratchet! True heart! Use google Cache to find what you can... I was able to piece together some of my previous works...




But alas, I shall have to rewrite many of my works. I saved Love Hurts though! :D :D






I have tried the cache...did not find anything... :(




http://z4.invisionfree.com/The_Lost_Lib ... t_Library/




^^^Thats the official Lost Library website though, its just a small forum but I will work more on it.

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Book 1: When Darkness falls






The bazaar was open on the weekends and was a place of great joy. As crowds of men and women flocked to the rare items shops and the discount clothing stores, guards stood watch, always making sure that thieves were caught and thrown into the cells of the king of Misthalin. Right now, all of the guards were having a short break at a local bar inside the bazaar. There, the smell of beer was pungent, and drunks walked clumsily around, mugs of beer held in their shaking hands. The guards sat at the bar, sitting on uncomfortable wooden stools, laughing and talking about the days events when a drunk lightly tapped one of the guards shoulders.


"Yes sir, might I tell you that you seem to be drinking to much of that ale." The guard pointed at the mug in the drunks hand.


"Ale is good, you buy me some?" The smell of ale was on his breath, and could make anyone pass out. The guard had dealt with enough drunks before, so had gotten used to the smell. He laughed whole-heartedly, shaking his head vigorously.


"No more ale. If I were you, I would go home and sober up before you do something dumb."


"Sir, you are a menace to society."


"Quite." The guard stood up and grabbed the drunk, dragging him to the door. He then escorted him out of the bazaar.


"Good day to you sir." The guard said, watching the drunk hobble away. The drunk stopped about twenty five yards from the guard.


"What are you waiting for? Shoo!"


"Do you take me for a dog?" The drunk turned around, a malicious smirk forming at his mouth.


"Sir, I am armed." The guard drew his sword and waved it around.


"So am I." The drunk suddenly disappeared, and then a form appeared ten feet away from the guard, a dark cloaked swaying form.


"Who the hell are you?" The guard asked, backing away.


"I am just an empty shell of a man, who needs something to be put in the shell to feast on."


The figure ran at the guard. The guard started swinging his sword around clumsily. The dark form grabbed the sword between his fingertips and yanked it away, throwing it behind him. People were walking around the guard and the figure, and did not notice what was taking place. The guard pleaded with the people, but they just brushed their shirts muttering "Damn mosquitos," and continued forward.


The figure laughed. "They cannot hear you or see you, for you are not in the world you know, this is the land of the crystal, where nobody can see us. We are like ghosts that have not materialized. We can see them, but they cannot see us, but can feel us."


"Why do they walk around us?"


"The power of the crystal of course!"


"What crystal?"


"This one."


The figure opened his cloak and pulled a crystal fragment from it, and then threw it into the guards neck. The guards eyes were open wide. He fell to his knees, blood gushing from the wound. Then, the body was sucked into the crystal. The figure laughed.


"And thus, another human has seen my true form, and his soul and body have been sacrificed for seeing it." He put the crystal back in his cloak, and then transformed back into a drunk man. The blood on the ground from the guards wound disappeared. The people around him did not notice his sudden appearance, and would never know that the drunk man that walked the crowds of the bazaar had malicious intent for one man.

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