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Hostility against Religion


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[hide=][hide]Age: 21


State (US only, do not give a city): Virginia


Nation (do not give a city): United States


Educational level: College degree


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study? Undergraduate BS in Aerospace Engineering




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes.


-by choice? Yes.


-What kind of worship? Evangelical Christian Right, Southern Baptist, Islam (Shia), Catholic, Universal Unitarianism, Jewish, Seventh Day Adventist, Yoga (if you consider this religion, some do; I do not).


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Not anymore. I regularly attended the Catholic from birth until age 10. I then regularly attended the 7th day until I was around 12. We then went to the Evangelical Christian Right church, and my parents still attend it. I stopped going after I left for college, as I did not like the bigotry that they preached, and I felt it was an endorsement of this behavior if I attended.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences.




No, not really. I consider myself spiritual, in that I marvel at the beauty and nature of the entire universe.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? It's possible, but I'm fairly certain there isn't one.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? N/A




4. Is there an afterlife? I don't know, I don't care to know and I don't think anyone else does or ever will know.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) I try to stray away from belief. I haven't thought about it, and it never really occurred to me to be of extreme or even noticeable concern. If we figure out what was before the big bang, we're only going to be hit with more questions as to where that came from; that is of course unless we discover that the entire universe is a vacuum and matter/energy spontaneously form. However, what's outside of this universe? Etc. So even though I don't object to people looking to how these questions are solved and what their answers are, I just don't care and find it to be a big waste of time, philosophically speaking. I'd say scientifically as well, but discovering more on that aspect could only help our lives.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes, all the time.


-What? Islam, Jewish, and assorted Christianities. I want to attend a buddhist place of worship sometime.


-Your thoughts on the experience. It was interesting, although certainly not something I'd do on a regular basis. I look to assorted churches for volunteer service most of the time because they're the easiest to organize and know the project will have a high chance of success.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.




I believe Jainism and certain sects of Buddhism to be the only "non-corruptible" of all religions, not just Western/non-western. Not that the people can't be corrupt, but that it would be impossible to corrupt the religion itself by twisting scriptures; or not twisting, as some of it no matter how you interpret it is disgusting.




The rest (Islam, many of the Indian religions, and certain sects of Buddhism) are all corruptible and I think the world would have been a better place without them. Meh, it's arguable that Islam has kept what we currently know as knowledge and literature alive during the period of the Moors in Spain; and it's also arguable that Islam was necessary to free a lot of the slave bondage and history of torture and mistreatment among the people in the area where Muhammad first conquered. However, I don't think these arguments are correct. I'm not going to delve into that at this present time as I'm too tired and I have many other questions to answer, but I believe both sides have points of merit.




I believe Islam is very aggressive against equal rights for women, and especially gays. It can also be argued that women who choose to wear a veil/hijab/burka do so as a means of expressing their feminism; they're emboldened by having control over what men and can and cannot see. However, I also believe this argument is crap. Women shouldn't be under the mercy of men for fear over what their God thinks because little Johnny couldn't keep his eyes off of her [wagon] and boobs. Sure in some areas they choose to wear it, but a choice goes only so far in certain cultures. Of course there are other areas where their sexism is portrayed, but this was just a simple example. Needless to even get into Saudi Arabia with their dissallowment of women drivers.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.




Pretty much the same as Islam, except I think Christianity has always been a burden and really couldn't be argued in good faith that it's been a compliment to society. Islam can barely do this, and that's only because of their preservation in a time where Christianity had a war on knowledge, science and books.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.




I talked about them above.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




I haven't thought about them. I feel that a lot of their poverty and lack of any true economy is to blame on tribal wars fueled by religion.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




Of course my response to 10. could also be neglected by looking at these religions with the Aztecs and such. However, they also existed in a time where the world wasn't connected and didn't have to compete with other nations.




Again, no real thought.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




The same as number 10 and 11.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.




I don't think of these as religions but more of ways of life. Sure religion is a "way of life" in practice, but in general it's not that of in that way. To each his own, as I don't see these as religions.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.




I'm much more sympathetic towards atheists because percentage wise they're more accepting of science and reason. I don't like violent and aggressive atheism because I believe it turns people away from thinking and critically observing what they believe (by violent I mean aggressive, not physical or mental violence). It's not necessarily that people feel uncomfortable examining themselves--and they do--but they're much less likely to listen to someone saying what others believe in is "[cabbage]." I've done it sometimes, but not in a necessarily aggressive way. More of a talking amongst friends and having a Freudian slip occasionally.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?




The same as atheism. The two are not mutually exclusive, either, contrary to popular belief.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Yes.


-elaborate. It's been too many to list, but it usually didn't come about because of something that I said. Almost always it's because they ask me questions about science, they try and convert me, and then I mock them. For example I told my parents that what they believe is superstitious nonsense.




I also remember saying that what my Muslim friend believed was "[cabbage]," because if anyone did what Muhammad did in the present day, they'd laugh him out of town. She got offended and defriended me on AIM for about 3 days over it. I felt bad.




-what group were they? what group were you? My parents are evangelical Christians, and that woman was a Muslim.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. I "was" an evangelical Christian


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes, but I didn't really "follow" it, per se. More later on.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yeah, I was Catholic by force. I went to CCD because I didn't go to Catholic school anymore (2nd grade and on). I thought of it as a joke, and I mostly played Gameboy in church.




More later on: I mostly subscribed to this religion to be close to my family. We've always been apart and have never shared any interests in anything, or believed the same when it came to any view of the world. So I saw this as something that they enjoyed, and it's nice sometimes to hear some guy talk about how to do good in the world, etc. It was a way for me to share what little we had in common; which if you got down to brass tax it was nothing. I eventually stopped going because of their anti-gay/Muslim views, and because I couldn't pretend that I was something I wasn't.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Nah, too young and at the time the internet was just booming.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.




Yes, it is correlated. Meh, it can't be "measured," sure, but you can "measure" it. I think you know what I mean. It's not scientifically proven, but it is not simply a guess or a suggestion. It's pretty much understood that if someone has a high IQ that they ARE quite intelligent...even if it's not a science.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




As I stated earlier, I think it can, but overall it's a net negative. The Moors of Spain are the best example in my opinion of finding "good" in the world. Also, people tend to be more giving if they're religious. Most studies show conservatives giving more than liberals, but when religion is controlled for, there is no noticeable difference. It's obvious that religion plays an important part in that. At the same time, I think religious people are also conservative economically....so it's quite the conundrum.




I also think that religion calls things good and bad based on its own terms based on things with no evidence (God). So when I think of a Catholic nun going to Africa to educate the children, I don't necessarily see this as a good thing because I don't think they're there out of the goodness of their own heart. They want to convert people. Now, that could be "goodness" because they fear for this person's life, but some of the methods used are atrocious, and prior to the nuns this was called "colonialism."




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




It does. It doesn't allow beliefs (usually) to get in the way of finding what we know as "truths" in this world. Religions are so quick to shut things out. Yeah, you could argue that scientists "shut" religion out, but I think there's ample evidence as to why this is the case; and it's not because they're afraid of their Creator and want to sin.




I don't know of any organized groups that label themselves as non-religious that do good lol. I mean there's plenty of organizations that are absent from religion, but it's not on their label.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




Yes. Wars, although political, are only fought by the willingness of the people. I think it's disingenuous to say religion didn't play a part and that it was all "politics." Nonetheless, I think what's worse than religion in this regard are people's loyalty to nations rather than the ideals these nations stood/stand for. The two are not the same and are almost always mixed when they shouldn't be. Only one true case of this I believe was WWII.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




Sure? I mean people are bad sometimes lol...and I'm sure there are non-religious. I can't think of any groups that specifically label themselves as non-religion who have done bad, though.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.




1. Parents. Before my mother became an evangelical shill for the "all people not in my religion are evil" crowd, I was fairly well educated. I was shown the different body parts and their functions by age seven, and was taught what sex was and what it was used for. Nothing specific like disease and protection, or even specifics of sex. Just a basic gist, as I had asked about it. I didn't ask where babies came from, but I did ask what sex was used for.




2. Schools. Horrible. Most of the teachers were too embarrassed to talk about it, and they never talked about protection as much as they should have. Disease was mentioned far more than how to prevent the disease from happening. I would have liked to have been shown how to use a condom, and what one was...I learned how to properly use one on my own.




3. Religion. Horrible, too, because of the abstinence crap.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.








25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_( ... fic_views)




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes, I'm currently in one.


-Is sex involved? Of course.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Committed to my relationship.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? It should be heavily involved. It's a great time for two beings to share a sensuous time. It shouldn't be demonized, it should be practiced often and freely, and it should be encouraged and respected. People talk about the sanctity of marriage. I believe in the sanctity of self and of body; penetrating/being penetrated and allowing someone inside your body is what's "sacred." Letting someone do this shouldn't be taken lightly, necessarily, but it also should be put down as something that shouldn't happen often/with many people. It should be about choice and what people are comfortable with.




I don't believe that there's such thing as [bleep]s or [bleep]. They're sexist terms designed to target women, even if "both" can be one or the other. If someone wants to sleep with a lot of people, that's their choice and we shouldn't judge them for it.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No, not yet.


-if so, what? I haven't yet, but I want to do LSD and shrooms. I've also done nicotine, which I consider one of the most dangerous drugs that there are.




-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? Not on nicotine, no.




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? Yes.


-Do you habitually use this substance? Yes. About once a week, sometimes more (but rarely). I wouldn't consider this abuse because it's not like I smoke all day when I do it. It'd be like having a 3 beers or something one night a week.


-Have you ever been "stoned?" Yep.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? No, not to my knowledge. I did eat an entire bag of Doritos once, and I wouldn't have done that under normal circumstances lol.




I think using these substances opens new perspectives about life, and shouldn't be looked at as immoral. Abuse shouldn't be encouraged, of course, but use shouldn't be seen as the boogeyman. It's like when you're a child growing up, all of the sudden these shutters go over your eyes. I think using these substances opens them back up, and allows for different looks at this so called life.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Rarely alone. Actually, only twice in my life.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes. My friend and I slept together without wanting to whilst we were drunk. Some people say these are just suppressed feelings waiting to get out, but I'm sure both of us feel it was sexual tension and need wanting to get out rather than want for each other.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? Nah. There's no room in this world for regrets. I simply look at them as experiences that have shaped my world view and made me into the person that I am.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No. Even if I lived with regrets, no.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No. Only if you count feeling sick the night of rather than the next day lol.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? My friend and I discuss the philosophy of this whilst we're high a lot. Sure it's a waste of time, but so is everything else in this world. I didn't mean to demonize the thought process about this in the former answers to these questions. I think religion is very fascinating and interesting. Talking about it, beyond mocking it lol, is one of my favorite past times.






Conclusion: In a nutshell, I think religion is nothing but a tool to control people. Always has been, and always will be. That's a vast over generalization, mind you, but I believe it to be the case.[/hide]




There you go. I hope it's helpful for you. If you have any specific questions for me specifically beyond this, feel free to PM if you don't want this clogged. Sorry if that sounded vain...

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[hide=polling]Forum Username: walka92


Age: 16


State (US only, do not give a city):


Nation (do not give a city): australia


Educational level:


high school




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? no


-by choice? no


-What kind of worship? -


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? -




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


although i do believe that there is some sort of power that i (as of yet) do not know of that is above us all, i dont follow any standard "religions" and as such dont consider myself religious




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?


as above, i believe there is a power that is as yet unknown, but not the conventional notions of god




4. Is there an afterlife? i honestly dont know, and dont wana find out for another 80 years




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


i follow the repeating big bang/crunch theory that there was a big bang, and eventually the universe will once again collapse, and then"bang" again, and his has happened an infinite number of times since time began




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?no


-What? -


-Your thoughts on the experience- does not apply




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


i dont know about them






8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


i dont know about them




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


i dont know about them




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


i dont know about them




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


i dont know about them




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


i have no opinion on them






13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


i think that they are not nearly as bad as people have made them out to be in the past (witches, freaks etc) but i hold them in the same regard as all relgions. ultimately, pointless




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


i think that this is the best way to be, as it makes people act good because they genuinely want to be, not because of fear from divine retribution. also, as the reasons things are they way they are (laws of physics, creation of life, creation of the universe) has been explained through science and there is no need for there to be a "god", i believe atheism is most logical




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


i have no thoughts on it, really.






16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? no


-elaborate: so long as saying "i dont believe you, but i honestly dont care" doesnt count as chastised, then i cant answer this


-what group were they? what group were you? as above




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? i dont


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? i dont


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? i dont




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


i dont believe it is




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


no, it doesnt




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


yes. if everyone still believed in god then there would have been much less in the way of scientific advancements (i believe so anyway)




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


well, most people who are religious are not bad people, but on the hole, religion has caused many wars, and taken many lives. there is also the continuing threat/problem of religious suicide bombers/martyrs and other acts of terrorism (most prominent in the middleeast)




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


not that i see




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


school presentations and the internet (the internet has taught me more, lol. but i must add, not in the conventional way of education)




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


i cant define it




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?yes


-Is sex involved? yes




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? single right now




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? it is unnecessary as such, but nonetheless a good part and beneficial to both sides (both people feel good during/after




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? no


-if so, what? havent


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? havent




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? no


-Do you habitually use this substance? -


-Have you ever been "stoned?" -


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? -




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? both


-Have you ever been drunk? yes


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? no




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?






33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)


no, because i havent used any




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)






35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?


wow, only 30 minutes a year? thats not much at all. i spend alot more time than that thinking about it. so yes[/hide]

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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[hide=]Forum Username: Mage_Man0103


Age: 17


State (US only, do not give a city): N/A


Nation (do not give a city): Australia


Educational level: TAFE (kind of similar to college)


-if secondary or below, what level? N/A


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study? Currently studying IT, will be focusing on programming or graphic design




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? Yes


-What kind of worship? Praying, Praise


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Yes, by choice




2. Do you consider yourself religious? Not anymore. I used to be a Christian, but I just got sick of hypocrisies I saw and lost faith/belief in a God. I did not turn away as a rebellion from my parents, as my dad is an atheist I could have changed at any point in my life.


-Please explain in two or three sentences.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? No


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? No




4. Is there an afterlife? No




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Unsure, and that does not bother me




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes


-What? Catholic church, Christian church


-Your thoughts on the experience disliked the way the Catholic church was run, and how they tried keeping it as traditional as possible, even as an atheist the Christian church isn't annoying for me to go to, the people are nice, I socialise afterwards and the service is more bearable than a family outing.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I hate it when it is used for tax evasion, or when it is running like a business, and I hate any religion which have anything similar to the Scientology fair-game policy




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. They need to be more focused, rather than 100s of variations with little, to no differences between them




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I know not enough to comment on them




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know not enough to comment on them




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know not enough to comment on them




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know not enough to comment on them




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship. I am against Satanic worship, the rest I am fine with as long as they don't do sacrifices or anything illegal




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. I hate it when kids choose it as a rebellion towards their parents




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? It eludes me about how they can be unsure




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No


-elaborate N/A


-what group were they? what group were you? N/A




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. Atheist


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? No




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. No




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, non-religion allows for much broader studies of us and our world to be performed that religions would not allow




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, religion tries to force it's beliefs into laws for non-believers to be forced to obey such as the Catholics hate for abortion




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, people feel like that as long as they can hide something from people, then they won't be punished for what they do




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. Book parents gave me (they fail at raising me, didn't give me the talk) internet is where I learnt everything




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. No




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" Still wanting to still be with someone, despite their flaws and that other, seemingly better, people come along even if that person has gotten you into trouble and debt



26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Have been


-Is sex involved? It hasn't been, no




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? In a relationship it is a way of saying I love you, outside it's just some fun between two people




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No


-if so, what? N/A


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? N/A




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No


-Do you habitually use this substance? N/A


-Have you ever been "stoned?" N/A


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? N/A




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? With Parents


-Have you ever been drunk? No


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? No




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes[/hide]

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[hide=]Forum Username:yoda9931




State (US only, do not give a city):NE


Nation (do not give a city):United states


Educational level:Secondary


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?yes


-by choice?yes


-What kind of worship?Methodist, baptist, unitarian universalist


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance?I attend regularily by parental guidence.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?No, i do not consider myself religious. I call myself an atheist because there is no evidence for a god.


-Please explain in two or three sentences.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?I do not believe in any god or supreme deity.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? No




4. Is there an afterlife? No




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Big bang, evolution, etc., etc., etc.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes, all worships


-What? look above


-Your thoughts on the experience Some inflammatory, some just boring




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I think that they are just as philisopicaly wrong as jedeo christian religions, but they do much less harm.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. I think the majority of them are extremely harmful(hampering growth of science, fostering hate, )




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. From what i know about the asian religions they are very pacafistic and put the golden rule above all else, but i don't know much about them.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know next to nothing about them.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know next to nothing about them.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I know next to nothing about them.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


I'm fine with them, they do little harm.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


I think that atheism is right and that atheists do very little harm.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


Most people that i know that call themselves agnostics are just trying not to offend religious people.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Yes


-elaborate I have chastised christians for their beliefs(hating gays and atheists, following religious figures blindly, etc.) but never for being christian


-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. I am an atheist


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? No


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. Yes




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. No




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, but only because it's not religion




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. No




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. No




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" An emotion related to a sense of strong affection.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes


-Is sex involved? NO




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? no


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? no


-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? no


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both?


-Have you ever been drunk?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol?




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? no




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) no




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) no




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? no[/hide]




When i say "religion does a lot of harm" i usually mean the judeo christian religions because those are the only religions that play a part in my life. I don't know any people of other religions.

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Forum Username: issy2


Age: 14


State (US only, do not give a city): n/a


Nation (do not give a city): UK


Educational level: Halfway through secondary




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?


Yes, I've been to church a few times (literally a few, maybe 3 or 4) with my mum in the past, but not for years now. Catholic churches I think...




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


I used to be an athiest but in the last couple of years I've become firmly agnostic and I don't think that view will change now: that agnosticism, I feel, has become part of my personal identity




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?


See above. I'm very open-minded. Sometimes I think there must be, other times I'm convinced it's impossible. One thing that always bugs me, though, is how narrowly most people would define the word 'god' - especially when people are debating this question, and don't bother to define what exactly they mean before getting into the technicalities of the argument. At school, for instance - this term in RS we've been debating the question Is there a God? (surprise surprise) but it pissed me off that the teachers were thinking only of the God of Classical Theism (all knowing, powerful and loving) without acknowledging a possibility of a less perfect, but nevertheless 'supernatural' deity.




4. Is there an afterlife?


Going against my open-mindedness, I'd have to say I doubt it - I think the mind and body can only exist together. Some people say it's a comforting thought - I can't help thinking - really? The idea of living forever's terrifying, isn't it? To me anyway, so I'd like to believe there isn't one.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


God knows!




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?


Yes, see question 1.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


(I'm talking about Islam, not any others) Hoping to cause no offence here, but in Islam especially there is a ridiculously sexist culture - the wearing of burqas I find repulsive and unacceptable in any secular state. Many religions (again thinking of Islam here, although I'm sure some of these go for Christianity/Judaism as well) seem to have made up rather silly practices to go with their beliefs - taking shoes off, not eating pork - that kind of thing. Seems to be a juxtaposition between the might of God and the triviality of things people do in His name.


Suicide bombings - I really couldn't say if the Qu'ran (sp?) advocates martyrdom etc, but it does seem to be only followers of the Islamic religion (so far) that have bombed planes and the like. Obviously other religious peoples have committed atrocities in the name of God before (the crusades, witch hunting, etc etc) but would I be right in saying that extremity has pretty much died out in Christianity and Judaism? I don't know.


Good sides though too obviously, the importance of charity, etc. Sorry I've probably rambled on a bit! :) I appreciate what I've said in this question might make me sound 'disapproving' of Islam... certainly not true, I guess it's just that the bad things are easier to put into words: I don't doubt that Islam and other religions have positive sides at all but I'm afraid I'm only talking about the bad really.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


Again - juxtaposition between the might of God and the triviality of things we do in his name. Sure, tradition is important, but mustn't dominate religion. Far too much pomp and circumstance if you ask me. Somewhere between protestantism and pentecostalism would be my ideal religion, were I to believe in God. And when I say that I mean purely from the point of view of how to worship and practise beliefs, not the beliefs themselves.


And jeez, the baptism of infants! Presumptious and approaching barbaric. It has to be an individual's choice to follow whichever God they choose to believe in, and parental assumptions and indoctrinations can be extremely damaging. It's of utter importance that a child has the opportunity to think for themselves and be free to believe what they want to believe (within reason obviously!) whilst retaining parental love and support.


Again, mainly talking about the bad things, no dislike or hostility at all towards either religion.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


Don't have any :) - I don't know enough about them to say anything really.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.






11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


All I know about south American religions concerns the Aztecs... not sure if that'd be relevant here or not.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.






13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.




Let me take the opportunity to make the point - look at my answers to the last five questions. Silly how I spent 10 years being taught about Jesus and Mohammed and wiccanism and the Aborigines weren't mentioned once.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


Eurgh. I don't like athiests. Actually, that's not true - I dislike the general attitude of a person having made up their mind on the subject. It's such an unanswerable question, why do people come to such certain conclusions? Athiests can also be off-puttingly arrogant and dismissive of religion. In fact what made me turn agnostic was getting to know a friend of mine a few years ago. I love her very much and we're good friends, but I can't stand her attitude towards religion and anyone religious. Vindictive, spiteful, sarcastic, dismisive of any merit in their beliefs... I knew I didn't want to be like that, that's not who I am. In many ways she made me rethink what I thought. I was never a 'strong' athiest... just leaning towards the view that there surely can't be a God of any kind. In the words of Clarence Darrow - "I am agnostic; I do not pretend to know what ignorant men are sure of." This quote pretty much sums up my whole religious attitude.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


See above :) As a purely personal view agnosticism is the only way for me to be. It just fits with my whole personality, character, identity. Agnosticism is part of who I am, if that makes sense, and it comes with an impowering sense (for me) of being the right way. So I suppose my agnosticism is exactly what religious people's religion is to them - makes them feel as though it's the right thing, is part of their identity - but it's not, really, because I don't try and convince others, I'm open to everything, I never criticise any religions, only the practices that often go along with them.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?


Not chastised... debated with, perhaps, the friend I mentioned above, but she won't be persuaded :)




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief?


Yes, very much so.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief?


Not really.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief?


Yes, a bit. Religion hasn't been a big part of my life the way it has for many - both my parents are leaning towards athiesm (one of them certainly athiest, the other not really bothered). But for me religion isn't about its practice or worship, but the beliefs that drive it.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


I think it signals a lack of social intelligence to be so sure of yourself that you become dismissive, even hostile or dismissive, of other people's beliefs. Otherwise... I don't know. I wouldn't like to say.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Obviously, yes. Charity, hope... lots of good things. Community spirit and the like. Sorry, that's not specific. Um. Lots of charities are religiously-driven (Christian Aid, VSO, Islamic Relief). Hope, in everyday life. As for the community spirit, church was very much the centre of life in the past, in England and I'm sure other countries too. In some places this culture probably does persist.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Only if it's open-mindedly done. Not if people just refuse the possibility of a higher being.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Again obviously yes... martyrs, suicide bombs, Crusades and jihads, and more in everyday life.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I really couldn't say. Creating a conflict is never good. And dismissive athiests are good at it.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


I never really had that first 'birds and bee' talk. To be honest I worked out most things for myself - kids are cleverer than you think! :P Where babies come from, etc. Towards the end of primary school (age 10-11) we had quite a few sessions detailing sex, periods, especially puberty. The 'crasser' side of sex ed (as in what people actually do) is revealed through comedy mainly.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


I think there's degrees of love. Love isn't absolute - there's no threshold that's the same for everyone before they say they're in love. It's different for everyone - and perhaps the more emotionally intelligent you are the stronger you are able to feel love. Some people just wouldn't become very attached to any one person. Others might say a particular lover is their reason for living.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?




-Is sex involved?






27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?


Moderately committed I guess lol




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


I wouldn't know




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?




-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?




-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


I'm underage! No


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both?


-Have you ever been drunk?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol?




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?






33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)






34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)






35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?


Way more than that, yes. It's something I like to think about.




Note - I'd just like to add, any problems I have with religion are mainly about the things people do for them, and less about specific beliefs. I hate how pinickety people are. It's a shame, we made the biggest deal out of nothing. Sacrificing thousands of lives because someone thinks, I don't know, that Jesus was the son of God, and someone else thinks he existed but was a prophet instead? Ridiculous. Religion and common sense have to be practiced in harmony. Making women wear burqas? Burning or drowning innocent people because of the tiniest difference in belief? It's absurdity.


People should believe what they want (within reason, I'm not talking Nazism and the like) but that has to be complimented by common sense, flexibility, open-mindedness, and above all, humanity.[/hide]

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[hide=]Forum Username: xSxqPowerx


Age: 18


State (US only, do not give a city): n/a (Ontario)


Nation (do not give a city): Canada


Educational level: University student


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study? Currently working on a degree in some type of engineering, don't need to specialize yet. May get a master's degree too.






1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes.


-by choice? No.


-What kind of worship? United - Some type of protestant christian religion


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? We used to go as a family - but all of us are pretty much atheist/agnostic. I don't remember why we used to ever go.




2. Do you consider yourself religious? No.


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


I have no problem with the idea of religion, but nowadays too much of what religions do are done for money or power... not to mention that they tend to use fear and ignorance as tools to control people. I also cannot stand it when people say that scientific theories are incorrect because they don't agree with the bible. If you want to believe, fine, but I don't want to hear about your ignorance.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? No.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? There is no god to have created it.




4. Is there an afterlife? No. Just eternal sleep/nothingness




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Well I believe that existence has always been - but our universe was created as we know it through the "big bang" or whatever and eventually we evolved into conscious beings that were aware of our own existence.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? No.




-Your thoughts on the experience




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I can't even think of an example lol.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. So that's Christians and Jewish people right? I don't have any particular opinions.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I am skipping the next few sections. Religions are pretty much all the same to me... people can believe whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect me.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. I think that for most intelligent people it is the most logical belief... and is what I would define myself as.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? What I used to call myself. I think it makes sense in the fact that a person may just not see religion as important. They don't really believe, but wouldn't necessarily deny that there is a god.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Not really.




-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. Yes, I do believe this. As far as I can tell, the smarter someone is, the less likely they are to believe in a religion.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Not as much as it causes harm. Don't get me wrong - I think the idea of being a good person during your life is a great idea... but I think that religions tend to operate on a punishment system, which is wrong. Not to mention all the bigotry propagated by religion.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Not necessarily. However, I don't think it does harm.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. I guess fanatics would be the most obvious example... but also there are examples of religion actually impeding scientific processes for their own gains.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.No.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. I had good sexual education when I was in primary/highschool. Bits of advice from parents, etc.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. No.




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" A willingness to spend the rest of your life with a person.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? No.


-Is sex involved?




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? Pretty much for fun I guess, or to show that you love the person?




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No.


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No.


-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Socially.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes, but not to a huge degree.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) N/A




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Not since I was younger.[/hide]




There you have it. My apathetic and generally uninformed views on religion.

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[hide=]Forum Username: EdgedThesis




Nation: I live in Kuwait


Educational level:


11th grade.


Want to study either Astrophysics, or a package of Cognitive Sciences, Neurosciences, Psychology, and Philosophy.




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yeah.


-by choice? Yes.


-What kind of worship? Islamic and Hindu.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? No.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?




Not at all. Even if there was a God, I wouldn't feel the need to worship him.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?



Perhaps there is a God. And God is designated as such by his act of creation, yes?




4. Is there an afterlife?




Perhaps. If there was some immaterial part of our personalities, a 'soul', we wouldn't be able to examine it, and so any quick conclusions would be ignorant on my part.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)



A series of random events, occurring in an eternal universe beset by constantly changing physical rules and matter; the dynamics stemming from randomly shifting quantum particles and energies.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?


-What? Islamic and Hindu.


-Your thoughts on the experience: Was educational.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.



...They are all based on necessarily blind faith, and so are all essentially the same.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.



Religions that have probably survived and spread because the concept of a God existing outside the universal structure is completely immune to scientific disproof.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.




None. Buddhism seems great, when stripped of the trans-life beliefs they possess.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.



I am ignorant of their ways, and so do not have any thoughts.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.



Not enough knowledge to provide useful thoughts.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




The general theme of 'harmonizing with nature' is a beautiful concept. Though I like it more when the names of spirits and gods are removed and replaced with human conviction.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.



No thoughts.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.




As ignorant as straight-up theism. We simply cannot know.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?




Seems reasonable.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?




No. Though I've had many a good discussion.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. Agnosticism.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.



Religion does not dumb down a mind, but those of weak mind may be easily bent by religious preachers and turn to religion. This may cause some sort of correlation.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




It can, yes. There are several religion-backed charities I have seen, though I do not remember their names. My Arabic is rusty, and I don't think I could even find them on the web.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.



It is a step towards global unity. Just the prospect seems good.


And personally, I am fueled to do good things with the belief that no God is watching over me, because I feel I have complete freedom and all of my deeds come from within.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




It sometimes can. I have seen several violent outbreaks occur due to difference in belief. Of course, it is human nature to scorn what they view as different, and this may be no different than conflicts of skin color or language.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.



I cannot see how. Maybe adamant atheists would terrorize the publicly religious? Perhaps it can.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.



Romps through the internet, Kama Sutra, parental lectures, and school classes.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.








25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"




An emotional bond linking one being to another. Empathy in purest form.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?








27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?








28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?




Its there to fulfill needs.


In a serious relationship, it can bind two people together--not just their bodies, but their minds.


It is the unification of two.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?








-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?







30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?




No, though I am arguing with my parents and trying to get them to allow me to.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?








32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?








33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)








34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)








35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?




Every single day.[/hide]




I hope your quest for knowledge goes well.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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Forum Username:Flodder450




State (US only, do not give a city):n/a


Nation (do not give a city):holland


Educational level:vmbo


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?




-by choice?


had to go lol


-What kind of worship?


singing ,phreaching


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance?


the latter




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


not at the moment,got bored of it




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief?


no,big bang is the only way




4. Is there an afterlife?


as a ghost,i think yes




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


big bang+1-cell organisms=we




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?






-Your thoughts on the experience




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


im fine with them,but if they get too extreme,the must gtfo




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


see above




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


see above




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


see above




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


see above




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


see above




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


[bleep] satanic,but if they dont make trouble,im fine with them




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


im fine with them,just dont shove it up my throat(the believe that theres no supreme bieng




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


i never heard of this ,so i cant awnser proper




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?






-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.




-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief?


was raised as one


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief?




-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief?






18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


pretty much




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


a bit




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


yes and no




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


a bit yes




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


i dont know




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


just,nothing,of interest that is




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


having trust in somebody,caring about him,her,it




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?


been in 3,and no sex


-Is sex involved?






27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?






28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


having fun,methinks




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?




-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?




-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?




-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both?


-Have you ever been drunk?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol?




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?


one time




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)


i dont do alchohol


34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?






this was fairly interesting :thumbup:

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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This was fun. Can't wait to see what you come up with after reading all this garbage ::'





Forum Username: Fastortoise

Age: 19

State (US only, do not give a city): NA

Nation (do not give a city): Canada, QC

Educational level: 

  -If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study? I'm one semester away from completing a Natural Science college course. I will be majoring in Biology at university in winter.

1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?

      -by choice? Yes

      -What kind of worship? Midnight Mass on X-mas eve mostly

      -Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Not since I was around 10, when my grandmother stopped visiting and forcing us to go.

2. Do you consider yourself religious? No

      -Please explain in two or three sentences.

The most time I've spent in a church was 1 hour, and everything related to religion bores the death out of me. Whenever a family member wants to engage me in a religion talk I cringe, and I don't preach to any superior being. I made it clear to myself that I would detach myself from religion ever since I was little, since to me, it is just another way for controlling masses.

3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? No

      -Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief?

   Even though physicists annoy me, I have come to terms with the Big Bang theory.

4. Is there an afterlife? No, just nothingness.

5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Abiogenesis, RNA/DNA creating life by coding for proteins/cell members ect ect. We are essentially machines built by our genes that provide them with protection and continuous propagation and interaction with other genes (or gene machines) and the environment. 

6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?

      -What? : Since I do not consider myself a Christian anymore, I guess church sorta counts.

      -Your thoughts on the experience : I always feel detached from worships. I don't feel anything other than complete awe over how much time and resources people waste on preaching a god. 

7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. All religions are the same in my books, so I will answer questions 7-13 here. Although they have different beliefs, practices, ethic codes, lifestyles, ect., they are all fundamentally the same. As I said before, I decided not to get lost in the details that separate one religion from the other because, fundamentally, I think the idea is bogus. The fact that so many religions control how so many different cultures live is against my moral code - that of which every individual should have their own set of morals and ethic codes. 

14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. 

It's the proper way of thinking. I mean, you can't explain the complexity of life by believing in an even more complex deity that created it all. There may be different degrees in Atheism but to me, all that matters is not believing in a deity, whether or not you sympathize or 'understand' religion. Some are atheist but still associate themselves with certain religions because they can draw parallels with them - I'd rather completely dissociate myself with any belief of a deity. 

15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? Many people choose not to have an opinion about politics or economic standpoints, but even more people do not want to have an opinion about religion because it is considered sacred in our society - and that is a bit spineless. (unsure) agnostics are just atheists that do not want to offend faithfuls. Agnostics that believe in a higher being but do not worship them just need a little education on the matter. 

16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No

    -elaborate : I like when people like me. I'm not going to start annoying them by imposing my beliefs on them. Although I'm one of those people who'd like to see religion eradicated from our planet, I understand how I'd lose many friends if I started lecturing them about my beliefs.

    -what group were they? what group were you? NA

17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.  Atheism

    -Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes

    -Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Christianity or more precisely, Anglican (by force)

    -Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Atheism? Yes.

18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. 

Not really - it's more about how people are raised. If I was homeschooled by my parents with many visits from my grandmother, I would probably believe in god. However, my parents raised me with the option of choosing a faith, strongly imposing open-mindedness, so now I'm atheist. I would have been just as intelligent in either case.

19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. 

No. It's a complete waste of time and resources, and is used as a scapegoat by pretty much every powerful person in the world. It COULD be used for good, but mostly it's abused by powerful people who understand how society works. If people built hospitals or schools instead of cathedrals, our world would be a better place. 

20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. 

No. Sadly, religion is something held up high by society and is considered sacred by the majority. People preaching non-religion are just pissing off religious folk, which is equally just a waste of time. The really important advancements in the world had nothing to do with religion.

21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.

Religion itself - no. People controlling masses with a religious vector - yes.

22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. 

Other than a few groans, no. 

23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.

I had a sex-ed course back in high school, but the only information I retained from it was the traumatizing video about people with STDs (with plenty of pictures and puss). My father and I never really had 'the talk' because when he finally decided to come around to it, I knew everything that needed to be known from first hand experience. I faintly recall a religious person holding a seminar back in high school telling us to save ourselves for marriage (or was that my English teacher?). It was laughable. 

24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. Yes

25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" A fun word that has the potential to mess things up really badly.

26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?  A few fun flings here and there, never anything serious. I wish I could find somebody I can be serious with. 

   -Is sex involved? Was, yes.

27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single, but the future is looking bright!

28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? 

It's what proves both individuals have complete trust in each other in order to completely let go of all their inhibitions. It keeps relationships alive, not because of the pleasure (it's a definite bonus) but because it is the final step in complete connectedness between both partners. You don't have to be religious to put sex up on a pedestal - it's pretty much all I live for, and I'm far from religious. My friend has sex with his girlfriend to pass the time - I don't think I'd want to live anymore if that was my case. 

29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?

  -if so, what? LSD, acid and mushrooms

  -Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? Yes, acid is not fun. Seriously.

30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?

  -Do you habitually use this substance? No, but it's very tempting to smoke up occasionally. I do these things socially.

  -Have you ever been "stoned?" Out of my freaking mind, yes.

  -Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? No, I control my actions, they're just more stupid than average.

31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes

  -Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? socially, never alone.

  -Have you ever been drunk? Last night actually.

  -Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? No, I enjoy being in control come to think of it. Whenever I feel myself losing it I just sit down with my sitting friends and come up with crackpot theories that are always appreciated.

32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? Hahahah yes, I'm just glad I can laugh about it now. Everyone's first time is always regretted, though.

33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No, they may not have all had fun consenquences, but they were memorable experiences nonetheless.

34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) I manage to stay out of trouble when drinking, so nothing is ever regretted. I'm a nice drunk, I don't let my tongue loose either.

35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Definitely. 


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[hide=Ta da]Forum Username: Racheya


Age: 17


State (US only, do not give a city): N/A


Nation (do not give a city): England


Educational level:


6th Form College, AS/A-level studies in Psychology, Sociology, English Literature and ICT.




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?


-by choice? Yes


-What kind of worship? Christian, Church of England services. Prayer & hymns thrown in the mix too.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? I had to go with my school every Thursday.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


Not really. I do like to say I'm a Googlist or I think that Kira from Death Note is a God. But not seriously, no.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?






4. Is there an afterlife?


I don't think so.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


Big bang, evolution from lower life.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?






7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I don't really have much of an opinion.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


Don't really have any specific thoughts, until they start trying to control our lives then it's an issue.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I think they're okay, there's a lot of stigma attached to them. I think they're generally more controlling than other types of religion though.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


Don't really care.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


Don't really care.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


They're fine.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


I think that they're fine - paganism is the earliest form of religion and if you want to go worship a tree then go you.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


I think it's perfectly fine not to believe in a religion and be atheistic.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


I think it's a good thing.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?


I shouted at some Scientologists in my local city, saying it was a load of phony crap.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-I'm consciously aware of being atheistic.


-I attended a Church of England school but I was never forced into it.


-Not really, I just never believed in Christianity. I used to watch a lot of Star Trek when I was younger and it made me believe in science more than anything.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


It depends, I think less intelligent people are more likely to be religious. More intelligent people often believe in science which leads them to not follow religion.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


It can do. A lot of charity work is undertaken by religious groups. Churches often raise money for charity - for example.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, it kind of shows us the right answer. That science is provable through evidence and experimentation.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes. Religion causes wars and arguments. It leads to discord because 'my religion is better than your religion' sort of ideas. Some religions are just there to take money from people *coughScientologycough*




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Not really.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


I got taught about condoms and [cabbage] when I was about... 13. I learned the physical processes involved when I was about 11. All at school. We learned about STI's when I was 14/13 in school too. My parents have never talked to me about sex.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.


No :cry:




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


Devotion to another person - caring about them as much as you do yourself.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?






27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?






28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


I'm not really sure.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?






30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?






31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


Never in my life. I'm proud about that fact. My mum and dad have TRIED to get me to drink but I don't want to.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?


Never had one.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)


Never used one.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)


Neved used it.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?


I don't really know. I suppose I have.[/hide]


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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[hide=]Forum Username: indy500fan


Age: 22


State (US only, do not give a city): Indiana


Nation (do not give a city): USA


Educational level: 3 weeks until Associates Degree


-if secondary or below, what level? N/A


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?


3 credit hours left until Associates in Computer Information Systems - Database Administration




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? No


-What kind of worship? Roman Catholic


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Parents




2. Do you consider yourself religious? No


-Please explain in two or three sentences. Atheist, but some Catholic morals seem to have carried over.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? No


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? N/A




4. Is there an afterlife? No




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Big Bang, galaxies/stars/planets coalesce, evolution from then on.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? No


-What? N/A


-Your thoughts on the experience N/A




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. All wrong




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. All wrong




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. All wrong




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. All wrong




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. All wrong




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. All wrong




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship. All wrong




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. Correct




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? I find the supreme being existing but not worshiping belief wrong, but the unsure Agnostics I just can't fault.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No


-elaborate N/A


-what group were they? what group were you? N/A




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. Atheism


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Unsure how to answer, I didn't research other religions. I started to doubt god existed, then found theoretical physics and other sciences explained enough to fully believe a god/gods don't exist.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. Yes, generally the more a person is taught about science the greater the chance that they will find that god(s) doesn't exist. For example in the US while 95% of people believe in a god or higher power only 51% of scientist do. You could argue that a majority of scientist still believe in a higher power, but there is definitely a correlation there.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. N/A, don't believe in good or bad. Things just are.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. N/A, don't believe in good or bad. Things just are.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. N/A, don't believe in good or bad. Things just are.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.N/A, don't believe in good or bad. Things just are.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


This is sad, I learned mostly from the Internet (you know what the Internet is for). There was some education in school (I live in Indiana, an abstinence education state) but I don't even remember what education there was. My parents just asked me if they told me everything in school, and I said yes because I didn't want to talk to them about it. Religion class of course didn't teach anything. This is probably the biggest reason why I am so introverted, I am 22 and still haven't had anything close to a girlfriend. This is one of the biggest reasons I dislike religion.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. No




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" I'm sure there is a certain chemical/mix of chemicals that the brain releases that is thought of as love.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? No


-Is sex involved? N/A




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? No




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? Sex can be for fun or for procreation.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No


-if so, what? N/A


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? N/A




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No


-Do you habitually use this substance? N/A


-Have you ever been "stoned?" N/A


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? N/A




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Both, while alone it is never more than one, and has only happened a few times.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? N/A




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) N/A




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) Yes




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes[/hide]



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Forum Username: Powman3


Age: 15


State: California


Nation: USA


Educational level: High School Sophomore




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?


-by choice? I have


-What kind of worship? Um, Christianity I'd say.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Both.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


No don't. I don't attend church anymore, and haven't for about 3 years now.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?


I'm sure there is, but I'd like proof, just to know for sure. And no, I don't think a god created the universe.




4. Is there an afterlife?


I won't know until I die.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


I learned this thing in life science that life started out from bacteria and evolved from there, so I guess that theory would make sense. Evolution, basically.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?


No, I have not. Most of my stepmother's family is super Christian so we all went with her.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I have no knowledge of those type of religions so I can't offer my opinion here.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.






9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


It's hard to tell. If you're talking about Buddhism mainly (and I'm sure it's not much of a religion but I could be wrong), I think it's very sensible. I'm pretty sure Buddha really existed so it makes sense.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


I don't have much information on those types of religions.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


No knowledge of these types whatsoever.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


I should look some of these things up.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


No knowledge.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


I believe that people should believe what they want without being forced to do so, so I really could let this slide. It's their choice, it's not like they're an abomination or anything.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


I think that wanting evidence, or choosing not to worship a being you believe in, is completely fine. I get ripped all the time at school for being one.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?


No, I have not. I let people have their own beliefs. Everyone has their own ethnic background and comes from a different country with very different religions.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. I'm an agnostic.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes, Christianity.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? No, I personally chose not to devote my life to worshiping a God that didn't answer my prayers, so I would like proof (keep in mind that I did some minor studies).




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


Yes, you can't just say that you are a certain religion without knowing anything about it.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


It does good, like Buddhism.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I don't know an answer for this.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, somewhat. Back then, Christians went to war with Islams just because of land.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Only if it's brought in ignorance and arrogance.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


I've been lectured by my mom. I did see this video back in the fifth grade about sex. I did have to learn what some terms meant on my own.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


Love... hard to describe. You only know what it is if you've been in it in my opinion, so I can't directly answer this question.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?


I have, with no sex.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?






28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


I think sex could be had for fun or for love, as long as it's safe.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?


Yes, alcohol and marijuana. I wasn't drunk or high though.




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?


I have, but only once. I didn't not get high at all, so I did not lose control of myself.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


Yes. No I have never been drunk, so I never lost control of my actions.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?






33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)






34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)






35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?






I apologize about some of my pathetic answers, I'm not really educated in some of these courses.[/hide]

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[hide=]Forum Username: penguingeek3


Age: 14


State (US only, do not give a city): MA


Nation (do not give a city): USA (born in Taiwan)


Educational level:


-if secondary or below, what level? Just finished my freshman year of high school


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? It began with my parents bringing me, but now, I would go by choice


-What kind of worship? Church. Christian - Protestant, I'm not sure past that.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Yes, by both,




2. Do you consider yourself religious? Yes


-Please explain in two or three sentences. I'm Christian in the sense that I believe there is a God, and that Jesus died for our/my sins, but other than that, I wouldn't say I'm your typical Christian. I don't like organized religion, as I find religion to be a more personal thing. Some elements of Confucianism, Buddhism and other religions/philosophies can be found in my beliefs as well.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? Yes


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Yes




4. Is there an afterlife? Yes




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) God created something. And then something happened. I have no clue. Maybe God created the Universe as it is. Maybe God caused the Big Bang. I don't know.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Sort of.


-What? I've been the Buddhist temples (I think, might have been Confucian or Taoist or something), but not for any service or anything. There were people there performing the rituals though.


-Your thoughts on the experience I was pretty young at the time, and I don't remember it too well.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I don't know any, or anything about any of them.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. It's a very broad term. I like some aspects of some divisions, I don't like some aspects of other divisions. Generally, as long as a belief doesn't harm me in any way, I have no problem with it. I'll say that I like more aspects of Protestantism more than most other religions though.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. Definitely some interesting stuff there. I like some philosophical aspects of Confucianism, Buddhism and possibly Taoism (I don't understand it too well), but not too much when it comes to religious aspects.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I don't know enough about them to make a judgment.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I don't know enough about them to make a judgment.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I don't know enough about them to make a judgment.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship. I don't know enough about them to make a judgment.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. I don't care what anyone else believes as long as it doesn't harm me. I'm fine with the belief of atheism, and I can see why someone would be atheist, but when atheists start attacking religion, then problems start appearing.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? I like the open-mindedness. Makes enough sense to me, even if I don't consider myself agnostic




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Not really. Only defended my faith a few times.




-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. I'll go with Christian - Protestant. Or deism.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yep.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? No.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Sort of, but not before. I've learned about various religions at school, but the quality of the education wasn't that great.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. There's absolutely no relation. There are plenty of intelligent religious people, as well as plenty of intelligent atheists. Also plenty of stupid people on both sides.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes. It's a good motivator for many people - do good and you'll be rewarded with a good afterlife. There are other ways it does good, but I think that's the main one.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I don't know if it really answers the question, but I'll say that people don't need a religious reason to do good.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, when twisted from the original intents. And the conflicts that come out of religious disagreements.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, through disagreements in beliefs.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


Gone through sex ed at school.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


A strong attraction and desire for something/someone.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? No.


-Is sex involved?




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


Whatever the couple deems it as. If I were ever in a relationship, I would say it's the ultimate sign of love.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No.


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No.


-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? No.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both?


-Have you ever been drunk?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol?




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes.[/hide]


I admit I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to things like this, including "my own beliefs". Though this made me think, first time I've had to do that while posting in a while.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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[hide=]Forum Username: LaserDude333


Age: 13


State (US only, do not give a city): -


Nation (do not give a city): Israel


Educational level: I don't know what that exactly means in Hebrew, so I'll say middle school.


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion?


-by choice? Kind of.


-What kind of worship? Jewish weddings and Bar Mitzvas


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? No.




2. Do you consider yourself religious? No.


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


I believe there is something out there and that the universe didn't create itself, but I don't really believe its the god everyone worships.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? There is something.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Yes




4. Is there an afterlife?


I hope.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


Something created it.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? No.


-What? -


-Your thoughts on the experience -




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


No thoughts.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


Well, as a Jew, I don't exactly love christians but I certainly don't hate them, I only have respect for them.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


Some are too confusing.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


I don't know too much about them.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


Isn't Christianity pretty popular in south america?




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


Sort of primitive from what I've seen.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


No exact thoughts, but I think some are (no offense if anybody's pagan) stupid.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


No thoughts.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


I think it's great.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No.


-elaborate -


-what group were they? what group were you? -




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. Judaism.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? No.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? No.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? If you count lessons at school then yes.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.






19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I believe any kind of religion does some good because I think everybody needs to believe in something (not necessarily worship it.)




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Well I don't think it does any bad.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Sometimes (Wars, racism)




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.






23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


I don't exactly know what to list, we were taught everything, there wasn't any censorship.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


I don't really know how to answer that.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes.


-Is sex involved? No.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?


I'm just 13 :P




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


Not that important, but what do I know?




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?


-if so, what? Alcohol.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? No.




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No.


-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?" I got a bit high from a hookah, but it didn't have any marijuana.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Socially, and very rarely. I don't like it that much.


-Have you ever been drunk? No.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? No.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? Haven't had one.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) A bit.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) Yes.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?




I'm not sure I answered some of the questions correctly, but I did the best I could.

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Forum Username: Tintin113


Age: 16


State (US only, do not give a city): N/A


Nation (do not give a city): England


Educational level: Approaching AS and A Level (College)




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes.


-by choice? No, made to by school.


-What kind of worship? Christian.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? No.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


I consider myself as a non-religious person who accepts those who are religious as long as they don't try and push it on me, or are extremist.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? Not in my opinion.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Something had to, and although I don't think it as a God, I find it difficult to beleive that it just happened. So I'm undecided on this.




4. Is there an afterlife?


While I want there to be, I doubt it.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


No idea in the slightest and I'd rather worry about what to do now I'm here than how I got here.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?






7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I think that the mainstream religions give people a good direction in life and some good key values, but as with all religions, the extremists worry me a lot. However the way they treat women in all non Judeo-Christian is in my opinion just wrong.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


I think that the mainstream religions give people a good direction in life and some good key values, but as with all religions, the extremists worry me a lot.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I can't say I know much about them...




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


As above.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


As above.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


As above.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.


As above.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


I consider it, as an atheist myself, sensible. These people still have a direction in life, they have morals and know their rights and wrongs without religion, and for me that's all religion is useful for anyway.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


I find this interesting, but again probably sensible. I don't see the point in wasting what would be - if God did exist - the "gift" of life, thanking them for it, I'd rather just get on and live it.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?






17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


I don't.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


I think it may well be, as many scientists and highly intelligent people are atheist or agnostic. Less intelligent people lead worse lives, and thus don't have as much direction in life as those with good lives - the intelligencia. This is of course a sweeping generalisation littered with exceptions, but I think there is a basic correlation.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I think that it does good as well as tremendous bad. So many wars are caused by religion, and yet most religions preach peace...




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I can't think of a way in which it does... but then non-religion is the norm in my view...




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Extremism does, and conflict between relgions does too, but otherwise it preaches peace.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I don't think so.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


Been taught it extensively by school, and basic things by my parents too.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


Wanting good things for the other person, regardless of how much it will put you out.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes.


Not yet, not at my age.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?


Committed relationship.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


I think that it is fairly important, but if I really loved someone I don't think I'd leave them over bad sex. However I haven't experienced sex in a relationship so I can't say much on this topic.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?






30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?






31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


Yes, but only socially and in small amounts, I've never been drunk.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?


Never had one.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)


Never used one.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)


No, although I have on my friend's behalf.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?


Yes, most nights actually.[/hide]


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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[hide=Response]The rebellious, teenage mind. Because they saw a one sided documentary in their teachers/professors class, they think they're all knowing geniuses, I was there once. I've learned to just ignore it, while I laugh quietly at the hypocrisy about how they claim to be so tolerant of other people.






Forum Username: Chained_Life


Age: 17


State (US only, do not give a city): CA


Nation (do not give a city): US


Educational level: High School.




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? Yes, parents don''t believe in god (so much..), and most of my family are into the whole tarot card, wizard weird thing... Lol.


-What kind of worship? Christ.






I don't believe education plays a role in how religious a person is, look at how moronic and dumb society is now (see Michael Jackson coverage) and we're becoming less and less religious, but I am also not saying the less religion the more educated, some of us are products of indoctrination, I see it everyday with the Che Guevara shirts, yet they don't know he was basically a mass murderer, or they simply don't care because they're blinded by some false good deeds. Oh and trust me I know all about the evils of the bible, I've seen all of the so-called contradictions, rape, murder. Who makes the rules on what's moral and good though? I don't care what you do, I don't care if you smoke pot, I don't care if you have gay sex and I don't care of we dump some water over the head of a terrorist, I live by my own moral code, mixed in the bibles code.




It's also naive to think religion is the only thing that plays a part in how educated a society can be.[/hide]






[hide=graphs]Here's some graphs if you want.












http://www.gallup.com/poll/7729/Does-Mo ... gious.aspx[/hide]








[hide=Final words]As time goes on, our society will become more secular and less religious, that mixed in with the complete dumbing down of our society and our needs from the government will eventually collapse us, like Lincoln said, we won't be destroyed from the outside, but the inside. I DO NOT blame atheism, I don't care if you're atheist, I get tired of the [developmentally delayed]ed religious people who annoy them to death, and I also get tired of atheist trying to get God removed from everything, it's tradition, face it... those that created this country were religious, whether they intended for the country to be brought up on Christian values is a whole different discussion that I cba to get into.




I think the rude, arrogant atheists screw with the real atheist movement and make them look like complete tools and elitists, I don't care if the country becomes more and more secular, sure I see moral decay around every corner, but I've learned to accept it and just live my life.[/hide]






Edit: Didn't see the full code, rather not complete it, my answer is fine.

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Sorry that this isn't as well written as it should be. You asked a lot of very deep questions to a man who didn't have a great deal of sleep last night, but I wanted to answer this before I went to bed. I might elaborate on some of my responses tomorrow.




[hide=]Forum Username: assassin_696


Age: 18


State (US only, do not give a city): N/A


Nation (do not give a city): United Kingdom


Educational level: Finished A-levels, about to go to university


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?


About to enter university, reading Natural Sciences at Cambridge (with a probable specialisation in physics)




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? Yes


-What kind of worship? Went to an Easter service once at a church on holiday I have a particular fondness for.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? No, I have never regularly attended any religious service.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


No, being of a scientific bent I'm very much an empiricist. For me religion is redundant/dishonest if a God does not exist, and since I see no evidence of God I see no reason to be religious.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? I don't know, and probably never will. But I think it's unlikely and unnecessary for our existence.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? No




4. Is there an afterlife?


I highly doubt it, but it can't be disproven.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


A slightly loaded question, because it implies that non-existence is the default state and that existence would spring from this. Since I see no logical reason why non-existence should be favoured over existence I don't think existence has to "come about", it just is. Indeed we see no evidence of "non-existence" (whatever that means) in the natural world so it might not be a physical reality. The human brain is just used to opposites.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes


-What? Several Bar-Mitzvahs of friends.


-Your thoughts on the experience. I was too young to pay particular attention but it's essentially a harmless ritual and good source of money for the Jewish boys.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I don't really have any particular thoughts on many non Judeo-Christian Western individual religions to share.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.


I have a problem with the Vatican but otherwise think that these religions are fairly benign.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.


I think Islam is a breeding ground for extremism and is poorly understood by most of its practitioners. I think that elements of it threaten western civilization, but other elements are perfectly charming.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.


None, forgive my ignorance.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.






12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.






13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.






14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


It's the philosophy I would identify myself with, but it's hard to have particular thoughts on a philosophy that simply describes being without something (belief). It's too broad a term to have thoughts on.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


I think when pushed most atheists are essentially agnostic and vice versa. Very few atheists have an absolute conviction that God does not exist that is utterly unshakeable. Personally I've never been interested in sitting on fences, so I came down on the side of atheism for the simple reason that the absence of evidence of something does not mean we give the possibility of its existence equal precedence as its non-existence. With a lack of evidence the default position should be skepticism of existence and hence "weak" atheism. But if someone is agnostic simply because they haven't finished weighing up the evidence for existence then that's fine as a stop-holder. But to declare yourself an kind of 50/50 agnostic and remain so for a long period of time is intellectually weak.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Yes


-elaborate. Chastise might be too strong a word, but if I disagree with someone's principles that are based in religion (say on abortion, the death penalty etc.) I will politely question them.


-what group were they? what group were you? Too many examples to name, but I've publicly called Christians, Muslims and Jews out for claims they've publicly made in my prescence which I believed to be erroneous. But I would never chastise someone for their belief alone, that is a personal matter.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. I would call myself a humanist.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? No.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? It depends what you mean by options, since I don't believe I didn't really have many beliefs to go to and humanism is a fairly broad term which fit with my personal philosophies.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


Some highly intelligent people have belief and some highly intelligent people don't. I think it's less correlated with intelligence and more with education in the sciences, i.e. the more educated you are in science the less likely you are to believe. But whether or not this correlation implies causation I don't know. To be short I think there maybe is a relationship between intelligence and non-belief, but it's much much more complicated than a simple straight line graph and has several other factors deeply rooted in.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I think in the modern western world, yes. Teaching morality, giving people hope and a sense of community probably does good on the whole. It certainly hasn't throughout history (the church was always overly powerful), and I don't think it's doing much good in less developed countries (i.e. people in Africa being taught religion in precedence to science and more useful knowledge bases). This is a huge question and I don't have the time to do it justice.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, but again I don't have the time to do this question justice. I think a lot of atheists are of a scientifically minded bent and are likely to have an interest in the natural world and hence a concern for it's wellbeing.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes, in particular when used by governments/regimes to oppress a group in society with backing from religious scripts, i.e. women in Saudia Arabia.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


I genuinely believe atheism/agnosticism does a lot less harm than religion.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


Never been lectured by parents, but had quite a few talks at school at various ages. I think my first was at age 10 with another at maybe age 14.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.


Personal question.




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


Shakespeare's Sonnet 116 is probably the best I've seen, but still isn't entirely satisfactory. Defining love in written form is beyond me, but there's no doubt that it's the highest of all emotions.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes, currently in a relationship.


-Is sex involved? Personal question




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?


Committed relationship.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


For me it should be the expression of your committment and love for your partner, a way to express your passions and utterly lay yourself bare (excuse the pun) to your partner. But if other people want to have one night stands then I won't judge them, I just don't have that kind of sex drive.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No


-Do you habitually use this substance?


-Have you ever been "stoned?"


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Both, but would never get drunk alone, only because I like the taste of the drinks.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?


Personal question.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)






34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)






35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?



"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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[hide=]Forum Username: Lenticular_J


Age: 14


State (US only, do not give a city): Texas


Nation (do not give a city): United States


Educational level:


-if secondary or below, what level? Going into my sophomore year.


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes.


-by choice? Yes.


-What kind of worship? Baptist, Methodist, Protestant, Catholic, as well as watching Islamic praying and visiting a Jewish Temple.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Nope.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences. Yes, I consider myself religious in a different way. I see religion, not as a vague concept that people blindly follow, but one of the essences of humanity. Belief is the Gorilla Glue of civilization, and many foundations of society, language and culture were formed via means that could be called religious.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? I akin my own God to a clockmaker. Builds it, cares for it. Father is too cliche for me. But, whatever people believe, people believe. But everyone believes in something, be it science, God, or tulips. Therefore, I believe these are all linked.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Not completely sure. I believe God evolves with the evolving universe(s) and the sentience inside.




4. Is there an afterlife? It would be nice, although I guess I wouldn't notice if there wasn't.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) I have no [bleep]ing idea. To hazard a guess, the Big Bang started this universe up. Whether the Big Bang was influenced by God, or by other dimensions, or other universes within our own dimension, I have no clue. After that, I'm not quite sure either. I don't quite think that life as lush as the Earth's could just pop up. But then again, as far as I know, animals and plants don't think to themselves, "Why am I here? What am I? What's the point of all this?" And of course I don't know that - animals are even more different from us than humans that live on different continents are.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes.


-What? Islam, Judaism.


-Your thoughts on the experience? The Islamic service seemed very intense. It was only the prayer as well, one before dinner. The fervor was very powerful. At the Jewish temple it seemed more relaxed, although obviously not many Jews go to Temple any more - the place was almost empty.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. Well, I don't understand enough about Western religions apart from the three biggies and the ancients. Unless you're counting Santeria and Voodoo and all, which I know nothing about except for native and Christian influences.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. Broadly, they're all incredibly similar. Monotheistic, most have a form of Sabbath during which worship occurs ... Today they are very stable religions for the most part, which is good and bad. No more violent crusades for the Holy Land, exactly, but they are becoming stale and feeble. The strong survives, which goes for ideals as well as Nature's creatures.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. Mmmm. Meaning Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism I'm assuming. Well, they're all very similar. The same way Islam and Christianity sort of branched away from Judaism, it seems that Hinduism is generally the founding father of Asian religions. Belief seems much more powerful in Asia than in the West.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. I don't know enough about African religion to have thoughts.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Nothing to speak of. The only "South American religion" I know of is Roman Catholicism. That's kind of sad.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Well, these religions seemed much less rigid organized structures as a wadding of belief. I believe that is good, although it obviously didn't help lead to extreme civilization advancement.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship. Well, a lot of the hearsay over Satanic worship is [cabbage]. There isn't a decimation of innocents to please Lucifer. Non-traditional forms of worship are usually a bit more interesting than organized religion, just because the belief seems powerful and casual at the same time.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. Well extremist atheism is, to me, worse than extremism for religion - although extremism and the forcing of beliefs is always complete bull [cabbage]. Apart from that, it's just another way we humans try to categorize what we don't understand - this time about ourselves.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? An interesting stance. Some would say the more logical. I just think it's akin to youths, particularly radical youths. Everyone wants to belong to something, and hopefully they'll find it at some point - but exploring and experimenting are very good ideas.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Yes.


-elaborate Well, everyone knows I've chastised fellows on these boards for being complete [wagon], religious and non-religious. I've chastised friends and family because they say completely racist things and then claim the Bible says you should - showing they don't understand the religion the believe the follow so much.


-what group were they? what group were you? Mostly atheists and various Christians, I'd guess.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. Could say I'm a Deist, I guess. Not that it will get you into any parties.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Not really. Just sounded like a good way to categorize how I feel.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? I called myself a Christian, although I never worshiped and actually never read the Bible until I started becoming interested in my own beliefs.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Very much so, as I've explained.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. Well ... In a way. Along with pressure from those close to you, especially growing up. The more intelligent realize they have options, and will explore them, whether they come to the beliefs of, say, their parents, or not. The less intelligent will be happy with what they have, although the very intelligent (whether true believers or greedy mother [bleep]ers) can abuse faith easily. The least intelligent will follow whatever they find to be the cool thing, which is never cool. Be yourselves, [bleep] faces.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Sure. There is not one religion I know of that doesn't, in general, contribute masses of funds to charity or its own members.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Sure. Non-religious people are usually much more interested in the outside (metaphorically) than the inside, which leads to fantastic scientific advancements.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Of course. Plenty of extremists and radicals in every religion, although Islam and Judaism are having some real trouble with that now.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yep. Extremists and radicals are common in atheist circles as well as religious ones.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. Nothing from my parents, really, except that abstinence is dumb and I should just be safe. School and most Christian churches here want me to stay abstinent (funny, I'm still a virgin and I don't go to church, but many people I know claim that abstinence is the way of God when I know they experiment with everything but vaginal intercourse hahaha I feel like a nerd.)




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.






25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" A physical, mental, emotional and even slightly telepathic connection between two people that grows like a fire, and must be as well-tended.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes. Not now, though.


-Is sex involved? Never gone farther than a shirt off and exploring hands.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? Helps with the bond.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No.


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? Yep.


-Do you habitually use this substance? No.


-Have you ever been "stoned?" You could call it that. Didn't enjoy it.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? Got really tired and boring. Didn't have fun.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Socially.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes, that's why I don't aim to get drunk.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? N/A




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) Yes, the times I've gotten drunk.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Think about it constantly, really.[/hide]


Eh. I have a tummy ache. But I thought, hey, this is an actually interesting poll.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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[hide=blah]Forum Username: tryto


Age: 17


State (US only, do not give a city): Ontario


Nation (do not give a city): Canada


Educational level: 12


1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? Yes


-What kind of worship? Both Christian (catholic and methodist) and Jewish synagogue.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? Yes (the christian ones)




2. Do you consider yourself religious? No.






3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? No.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? No.




4. Is there an afterlife? No.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) The universe has always existed in some form or another.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes


-What? Jewish (as mentioned above)


-Your thoughts on the experience It was about the same as christian ones I had attended, with more hebrew.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. With regards to religions like buddhism, while I find them more acceptable to my worldview than judeo christian versions, I still find them unacceptable to to introduction of entities like karma. With regards to theistic religions like hinduism, they have the same problems as judeo-christianity (a personal god)




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices.




I find the concept of a personal god distasteful due to the seemingly inevitable onslaught of a absolute morality, a specific set meaning for life, and commands (many of which are offensive). I find it irreconcilable with the unnecessary suffering present in everyday life. Living in north america, I come in contact with evangelists and the like of the christian variety often. You can likely guess my feelings towards them; I don't bother them, why should they bother me? The same mormons came to my door at least eight times one month last year. Jewish communities I feel no antipathy towards; they have never bothered me, appear extremely intellectual, and the only gripe I have towards them is their fallacious and specious arguments conflating antizionism with antisemitism.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific.




I'm very skeptical of institutions like acupuncture. I feel no great antipathy towards Taoism or Confucianism, and confucianism's meritocracy and ethics allow me to find some common ground. I don't come into contact with adherents much.




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




Again, I don't come into contact with adherents much, but my limited knowledge of the subject is a handicap to me. To me, it's fairly simple in this case; I find no evidence in favour of their assertions. This follows along with most religions.




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




I have no thoughts of note, besides vague ideas on ancient incas and aztecs. I know of no modern held religions that originated in south america.




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific.




aboriginal religions I've come into contact with quite a bit. I don't hold the same respect or love for animals that it does, and many parts of it are quite similar to african religions. I do look up to their doctrine on using all of the animal when they slaughter it.




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? Remember that religion is a broad term, so please be specific. Also note that many alternative and pagan practices are not affiliated with Satanic worship.




The rise of religions similar to wicca, and quasi-religions like "The secret" , while their followers are not in contact with me, nor do I have any comment on them...I do not appreciate the way which science has been misused by them, especially physics. The secret, in particular, rests on misinterpreting quantum mechanics.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.




I'm an atheist. I don't like those who claim to be an atheist yet have never done any serious research or thinking on the position, and I don't like the general attitude many atheists seem to have towards others, especially the religious.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?




agnosticism deals with knowledge not belief. Those who refer to themselves as agnostics, to me, are only giving me half or less of their complete theological position. I'm an agnostic atheist. I do not believe in god, but nor do I know for certain.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? Not outside of philosophy classes or private conversations. (or on the internet, which doesn't count)




-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. atheism.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.




In my personal experience, while there are definite exceptions, the more outspoken theists (famous or otherwise) have a definite negative correlation with intelligence. It may not be linked to belief; instead it may be linked to their desire to share with everyone the personal choice they have made.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




It does both good and bad. Islam in particular gets a bad rap from me, especially in the festering middle east. Female genital mutilation, the government style, treatment of women and minorities, and adherence to their outdated commands all come together. Islam to me is where Christianity was a couple of hundreds of years ago (maybe more). Hopefully they grow out of it and become more secular as Christianity has done. Meanwhile, while I make no remarks about the motives I think that charity givers and the like for Christianity have (nothing good to say) I can't deny that many of them would not have given without religion.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




Good and bad, but not nearly so much bad. Humanist societies in particular I find do much, and the methodological naturalism of science has accomplished a multitude of tasks that a supernatural outlook would find much more difficult. Of course, there are examples like nuclear bombs as something bad, but the same innovation gave us nuclear power.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




see above.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.




see above.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.




The typical birds and bees from the parents, a full onslaught of sexual education, birth control, and sexual diseases in school. I've listened to the abstinence talks, the anti birth control talks, the antiabortion talks from religions, and their counterparts from other groups.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.








25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"




Love is a word detailing a strong attraction or affection.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? Yes, but not currently.


-Is sex involved? Yes it was.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single.




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?




Sex is incredibly important in a relationship, and with no or poor sexual compatibility a strong relationship is difficult, but not impossible.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?


-if so, what? Yes, LCD.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?








30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? Yes.


-Do you habitually use this substance? No.


-Have you ever been "stoned?" Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? No.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Both.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? No.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes.[/hide]


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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[hide=somewhat abridged]Age: 19


Education: 2nd year University Film Studies Major




Am I religious? No, and I can't remember the last time I attended church or any kind of worship.




Does god / the afterlife exist? I don't know.




How did existence come about? Existence has always existed. Life evolved over many billions of years if not much longer.




What are my thoughts on religion? I'm generally against the idea of organized religion. I feel that common spiritual beliefs can be expressed and shared without a religion.




What are my thoughts on atheism? Atheism is a reasonable conclusion to a currently unanswerable question.




What are my thoughts on agnosticism? In my view, describing agnostics as 'fence-sitters' or as 'undecided' is a grand misunderstanding of the term.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes; my beliefs on the divine are constantly changing.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes, and I will continue to "research" (subjectively, sometimes) and seek more answers.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Yes.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? See below




Religion obviously does plenty of good in the world. However, many if not all of these "good" things can be achieved (if not improved upon) without religion.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?


-if so, what? Psilocybin, salvia.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance? My level of control over certain actions (such as fine motor control, thought pattern or standing upright) may be affected during a trip, but my worst moments of "losing control of my actions" have been from legal drugs.




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana?


-Do you habitually use this substance? Yes.


-Have you ever been "stoned?" Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? See above.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol?


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Both.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? Yes.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? Yes.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? Yes.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? Yes.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes.[/hide]

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[hide=]Forum Username: Zierro


Age: 18


State (US only, do not give a city):


Nation (do not give a city):


Educational level: High School


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes.


-by choice? My parents had me baptized as a baby and took me to church, so not really.


-What kind of worship? Generic Christian churchgoing.


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? My parents took me.




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


No. When it comes to metaphysics, the only human being I'm going to trust is myself. Nobody knows the answer so I think the best route to take would be to find the answers on your own and do whatever works best for you. In my opinion, religion generally seems to be against thinking for yourself and instead it's just "follow the leader".




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? I'm pretty confident that there is. And if there isn't, oh well. It's not like I threw my whole life down the drain by having one belief.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Yes.




4. Is there an afterlife? No idea.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell) Haha, funny joke. :D




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? Yes.


-What? I went to my friend's church a few years back.


-Your thoughts on the experience I felt out of place. I was wearing an Iron Maiden T-shirt and there was a devil-looking Eddie stabbing through the singer's chest with a pitchfork on it.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. They're just less prevalent than Christianity, but other than that there isn't that many differences to me.




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Remember that religion is a broad term and that both of these groups have many subdivisions that have radically different beliefs and practices. "Be good and you will get rewarded - be bad and you will get punished." Sounds too simple and convenient to be true. Not only that, but then questions arise like figuring out what good or bad even mean, if morality is black and white, etc. I think it's just something people made to give humanity hope.




I have no thoughts on 9-13.




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts. The belief that there is no supreme being is just as much of a "belief" as believing there is one.




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? Well, I think you have to be somewhat agnostic when it comes to everything in life. It's hard to be 100% sure of anything.




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No. I've had arguments before, but nothing out of line.




-what group were they? what group were you?




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify. The closest thing I come to is deist.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Yes, both. I was born and raised Catholic then turned atheist in my teenage rebellious years.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Yes.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. There can be a correlation to practically anything. As for causation, no. I don't think atheists are that much smarter than Christians or vice versa.




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, such as charities.




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, such as the whole "question everything" mentality.




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, such as wars over religion.




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes, such as killing somebody just because of their religion but that happens with other religions too.




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. School, parents, peers, media, internet. I'm an educated man, I must say.




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice. Yes.




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" Enjoying your time with that person and feeling an unexplainable connection with them.




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? In one now.


-Is sex involved? Yes.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Committed relationship I guess. I'm in love. <3:




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)? Sex is better if it's with people who love each other, but I'm not bothered about the people who do it without love. To each his/her own.




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? I don't think so.


-if so, what?


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? Yes.


-Do you habitually use this substance? Sometimes.


-Have you ever been "stoned?" Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana? Never. My thoughts are different than what they'd normally be, but I never lost control.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes.


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Both, preferably socially though.


-Have you ever been drunk? Yes.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? I've been disoriented and talkative, but I have never lost control.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? No.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers) No.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers) No.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? Yes. It's something I'm very fascinated with for some odd reason.[/hide]

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[hide=The poll]Polling:


My answers in bold, for easier reading


Forum Username: doomsavenger




State (US only, do not give a city):Vermont


Nation (do not give a city):U.S.


Educational level:High school junior.


-if secondary or below, what level?


-If at a university/college, what level and what is your major/minor course of study?




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice?In one of my great uncles' will that all the atheists/agnostics in the family go to church atleast once. I have some weird relatives. So not by my choice


-What kind of worship? Sunday Mass, I think


-Did you regularly attend this worship, by choice or parental guidance? No




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Please explain in two or three sentences.


I do not consider myself religious.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity?


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief?


No. And no.


4. Is there an afterlife?


Probably not.


5. How do you believe that existence came about? (in a nutshell)


I don't know. The big bang is the most plausible theory for me, but how that happened, I don't know. Humanity may never know, but that doesn't mean I believe in a god.


6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of?


-What? Christian sunday mass


-Your thoughts on the experience I couldn't stand it. It wasn't all bad, but it really irked me.




7-13 What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? Remember that religion is a broad term so please be specific. I'm just going to copy-paste for the next few questions:


Most religions believe in the supernatural in order to explain the unknown. While each religion's rules and beliefs may vary, I have no reason to believe in any one of them. I don't believe any religions are inherently bad, but I don't think any of them are necessarily good either.






14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? Please remember that there are degrees to this belief, and that not all share the same thoughts.


Atheism is what I follow, or however you would put that, though I'm partially agnostic, as in I know I could be wrong, and there is always a chance that he exists, but I personally don't think that a god exists.


15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)?


agnosticism, as in being unsure, in my opinion is the most logical belief. I am an atheist-leaning agnostic, or however that should be put.


16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours?


-elaborate Yes. I'm sure I've done this several times, but the one that comes to mind was a born-again christian was talking about how god doesn't approve of gays and they were all sinners. I got mad at him and got into an argument over religion


-what group were they? what group were you?


Christian, I was agnostic/atheist


17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief?No.


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? Not since I've been old enough to have my own opinion


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief?


Since I don't consciously choose to believe in what I do, I simply do, I did not look into anything else.


18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call.


I think a person who blindly follows religion instead of thinking for themselves might be less intelligent than one who does not, but that's not to say all fundamentalists etc. are unintelligent.


19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


There is some good charity work, and some morals that come of religion, but I'd rather not go into my opinion on all that as it's rather long, and I'm tired.


20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes. It promotes science and knowledge more than the basis of most other religions, which I consider good.


21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Yes. Shi'a-sunni conflict, pakistan-india conflict (originated as muslim Vs. hindu iirc), terrorist groups, extremists, 9/11, etc. Also it can stifle science. Many scientists were executed or suppressed into the past due to their work supposedly going against the church.


22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations.


Only in occasionally provoking religions. I don't think wars are often fought over atheism, however.


23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences.


10th grade we had a sex-ed class which covered protection and how to avoid diseases, and wasn't about abstinence at all.


24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. A yes or no will suffice.




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?"


While I have no doubt there are some chemical reactions in your brain that equate what we consider love, in practical terms I consider love, or the basis of it, devotion, caring about the other person as much as yourself, and trust.


26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship?


-Is sex involved? Yes, and yes.




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married?


In a relationship


28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


Sex can be an expression of love, or simply for pleasure. I have nothing against sex out of wedlock, or even out of a relationship, but I feel it's more "special" when with someone you love rather than just a random person.


29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)?


-if so, what?Salvia. It's legal here, but not in other places.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of an illicit substance?


Not at all. It was all pretty calm.


30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? Yeah


-Do you habitually use this substance?No


-Have you ever been "stoned?"Yeah


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of marijuana?No.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? Yes


-Do you drink socially or alone? Or both? Socially, but I don't regularly drink


-Have you ever been drunk? Not really.


-Have you ever lost control of your actions while under the influence of alcohol? No.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter?




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? (excluding hangovers)




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? (excluding hangovers)




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)?


Not specifically about a supreme being, but more about existence and the universe.[/hide]



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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't hate me if you disagree, please. :(




[hide=Response]Forum Username: Studio1417


Age: 15


State: Michigan


Nation: United States


Educational level: Presently a Sophomore at a Catholic High School




1. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion? Yes


-by choice? Yes


-What kind of worship? Catholic


-Did you regularly attend this worship? Do not attend services (as it repeats itself every 3 years anyway).




2. Do you consider yourself religious?


-Yes, but I'm not a fanatic.




3. Is there a god, gods, or a supreme deity? Yes, God.


-Did said god, gods, or supreme being create the Universe, according to your belief? Yes.




4. Is there an afterlife? Yes.




5. How do you believe that existence came about? God caused the Big Bang and started evolution.




6. Have you ever attended a worship of any religion that you do not consider yourself a part of? No.




7. What are your thoughts on non Judeo-Christian Western religions? N/A




8. What are your thoughts on Judeo-Christian religions? Anyone that isn't a fundamentalist/fanatic is fine with me.




9. What are your thoughts on Asian religions? N/A




10. What are your thoughts on African religions? N/A




11. What are your thoughts on South American religions? N/A




12. What are your thoughts on Aboriginal religions (any native group that was displaced, such as Native Americans, Maori, Aborigines, etc)? N/A




13. What are your thoughts on pagan religions (Wiccan, alternative, Satanic, and other non-traditional forms of worship)? :roll:




14. What are your thoughts on atheism, the belief that there is no supreme being(s)? I have no problem with atheists as long as they are not militant (e.g. Richard Dawkins).




15. What are your thoughts on agnosticism, the belief that a supreme being(s) exists, but the individual chooses not to worship it/them (or if one is unsure if a supreme being exists, but does not outright deny its existence)? N/A




16. Have you ever publicly chastised someone who believes in a religion/school of thought different than yours? No.




17. If you belong to a religion or non-religion, please identify.


-Did you consciously choose to follow this belief? Yes


-Did you belong to another belief, by choice or force, before following this belief? No.


-Did you personally research (as in personally in the first person) options before coming to this belief? Belief was forced upon me. I heavily researched it (this year, in fact) and I approve.




18. Is intelligence (not IQ, but actual intelligence) correlated to one's belief in a religion or non-religion? Keep in mind that intelligence can not be measured by any science, this is simply your judgment call. N/A




19. Does religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. Yes. http://www.kofc.org/un/eb/en/index.html




20. Does non-religion, in your observation, do good in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. N/A




21. Does religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Cults (Jim Jones), Fundies (Westboro

Church [i can't believe those people are serious :o]), Extremists (terrorists)




22. Does non-religion, in your observation, do bad in the world? Please cite specific groups or denominations. N/A




23. Please list your experience with sexual education, including but not limited to: lectures by parents, schools, religion, or non-education. Please do not list your sexual experiences. Ah, 5th grade biology class (Catholic school). We learned about reproduction and another student and myself asked the same question... "How do the genes from the male get into the female?" A call from my teacher to my house and an awkward conversation with my parents later, it made sense...




24. Have you engaged in sexual intercourse of any kind? Please do not list your sexual experiences. No.




25. What, in your opinion, defines "love?" N/A




26. Have you ever been in, or are now in, a relationship? No :oops: :lol:




27. Are you single/committed relationship/married? Single...




28. What, in your opinion, is sex's place in a relationship (or lack of relationship)?


The point of having sex is having kids. I understand most people do it solely for pleasure (duh), but I think it is something that should be reserved for married couples (although I won't nag you if you don't wait :| )




29. Have you ever partaken in an illicit substance (excluding alcohol or marijuana)? No




30. Have you ever partaken in marijuana? No.




31. Have you ever partaken in the consumption of alcohol? No.




32. Have you ever regretted a sexual encounter? Never had one.




33. Have you ever regretted using an illicit substance? Never used.




34. Have you ever regretted using alcohol? Never drank.




35. Have you ever given serious thought (longer than 30 minutes in a year) to the existence of a supreme being(s)? It has kept me up at night before :?






I am against abortion (not "choice" ;) )


I have nothing against gays or gay rights.[/hide]

Player since 2004. All skills 1M+ XP.


"If it were possible to cure evils by lamentation..., then gold would be a less valuable thing than weeping." - Sophocles

"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato

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