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a narrow hole in the wall


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There is a narrow hole between lumbridge kitchen and lumbridge cave (tears of guthix)


It's not the one directly between the kitchen and the caves, but the one between going into the caves from the kitchen cellar directly to the lumbridge caves.


It has the option "squeeze-through hole", but then you get a message "the tunnel is blocked with rocks".


I tried to use a pickaxe on it, but that doesn't work.


Do you need to do a quest for this shortcut? or is it something else?



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From the tip.it guide:


There is a handy new shortcut to Juna (Tears of Guthix). Once in the cellar mine to the east to get in the caves, walk southwest and mine to get in the swamp caves.


I don't seem to have an option to "mine" that shortcut. I tried it with pickaxe in inventory, selecting it and using it on the shortcut, as well as wielding it.


I've been standing there and trying it for 10 minutes.


What am I missing???



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I went to the other side, used a rune pickaxe on the hole and I get this message:


"the rubble is too compact for you to dig through from this side."


I am starting to consider throwing my computer out of the window. Especially since I had forgotten to take tele runes, and just had used the lumbie free tele.


I walk back to the cellar.


Use the pickaxe on the hole.


And now it suddenly works!


I think I am going crazy. Unless you first need to examine the hole from the other side to be able to dig through it from the cellar side.


This was frustrating.


Anyway...hole is open now.


edit: or it was the standing back. I actually stood one square further this time than with the original attempt.



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I believe you got to clear it from the other side.

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