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Is RuneScape filling a void?


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I don't think Runescape is some negative part of my life. If I don't play Runescape, I'll play on my PS3, if I don't do that, I will read a fictional book, if don't do that I will rob a bank, if I don't do that I will post here and make a joke about robbing a bank.


It's not as much 'Runescape', the actual gameplay that is keeping me playing it, it's my clan and friends. Aslong as I enjoy logging into Runescape I will keep playing it.

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First of all, you have obviously tried to appear to be intelligent by stating that you have discovered a more mentally stimulating hobby than Runescape. You have failed because your post is extremely poorly written, you foolishly used blue underscores to indent your paragraphs, and you made a conspicuous typo in the second line.


Let us consider the content of your post beyond the awkward syntax. You have denounced Runescape as a waste of time; however, the point of playing a 'game' is to have fun, not to engage in profound philosophical discussion. Therefore, by playing Runescape, we are indeed accomplishing worthwhile: entertainment. This can be beneficial after a spending the day at school or the office.


Next, you reveal that your pastime of choice is reading books, explaining that doing so causes you to feel "very accomplished and fulfilled." Do you also feel accomplished after you successfully put your shoes on the right feet? We can all read books, and most of us probably do so on a regular basis in addition to playing Runescape. Just because you read Harry Potter and Green Eggs and Ham instead of playing computer games doesn't mean that you live a more wholesome life than any of us.


Reading books may be enjoyable for you, but you have nothing to brag about. You criticize us for "clicking on pixels," yet you fail to realize that much of modern life involves using a computer. Finally, you argue that "enriching your knowledge" is more fulfilling than playing computer games. However, nonfiction books hold almost no educational value unless they contain insightful themes or advanced vocabulary, which I am assuming your storybooks lack. So I leave you with a question: What are YOU doing?

All skills 70+


Trails: 2 x Rune platebody (g)

Barrows: 1 x Dharok's legs

Drops: 1 x Dragon skirt | 1 x Dragon defender

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Runescape truley isn't addicting. In my mind if you have friends its not. I'm not addicted. I play when I have free time. That's it.


I remember when I first started. I played tutorial island got so incredibly bored and quit for about 3 months until my friend beat tutorial island for me and I started playing.


Account sharing, reported.



Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
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You know, you could say the same damn thing about "void" filling books. I'll wager that these books you read aren't giving you practical value that you can apply in real life. All fictional books just "fill this void" you speak of; they certainly don't enrich your knowledge. Furthermore, unless the knowledge is practical stuff you'll USE, such as a book on auto-mechanics, or fixing plumbing or something (and then you must USE this knowledge) you could easily make the argument that the book provided a false sense of accomplishment, as what is the point of useless knowledge?

Good point. As a computer science major, I could argue that playing video games sparks my creativity in software that helps me much more in my field than reading fictional books would.



I could argue that my extensive reading has increased both my reading speed/comprehension, as well as my writing.

Runescape's increased my reading speed/comprehension, writing, as well as my social and problem solving skills.

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The good thing about Runescape's gameplay is that you can read a book during most of it, as it's usually clicking on different things to grind.


Therefore, you get the best of both worlds. :thumbsup:


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There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the sun, a time to play runescape and a time to refrain. Truly does runescape fiill a void? It depends on you. For many people I would say rs takes up to much of their time. Even for me I sometimes play to much. With a game like this it is easy to play to much. According to my diary I have averaged about 1 hour per day since i started playing back in 2001 most of this time was spent multitasking with something else, right now i am brushing my teeth. So that time is fine, however sometimes i binge which is bad. This is true of all things, moderation is the key. Balance you life with work, friendship, God, and relaxation, which area of your life is lacking?

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You know, you could say the same damn thing about "void" filling books. I'll wager that these books you read aren't giving you practical value that you can apply in real life. All fictional books just "fill this void" you speak of; they certainly don't enrich your knowledge. Furthermore, unless the knowledge is practical stuff you'll USE, such as a book on auto-mechanics, or fixing plumbing or something (and then you must USE this knowledge) you could easily make the argument that the book provided a false sense of accomplishment, as what is the point of useless knowledge?

Good point. As a computer science major, I could argue that playing video games sparks my creativity in software that helps me much more in my field than reading fictional books would.

I could argue that my extensive reading has increased both my reading speed/comprehension, as well as my writing.

Runescape's increased my reading speed/comprehension, writing, as well as my social and problem solving skills.

I'm in the same boat. I've actually thought about making a topic in GenDisc about how playing Runescape and being a Player Mod have actually greatly benefited my life. Not only have I learned how to talk to others in a respectful manner, I've also helped more then my fair share of people learn to do the same. I've even counceled a player out of a depression. It took months of befriending, talking, working over some issues but in the end he eventually quit RS to pursue some pretty incredible real life things. He came back a few months later and from the sounds of it, I actually drasticly changed his life forever. I'm not trying to toot my own horn. Rather, what I'm saying is that like anything in life, what you get out is completely subjective to what you put in, and are willing to accept out of it.

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I doubt people play the game for a failed real life, I mean of course there are some who are actually addicted but... It's a game, people do it to have fun, you might read a book that didn't teach you anything, it was just a new story, with RuneScape, there are quests which have stories (Just like the books) but these ones are more dynamic because you get to run, kill stuff and that.


For example, I have a great life, a girlfriend, high grades, going to start College on Monday and I'm very happy and yet I play RuneScape, not everybody that plays videogames fail at life my friend.


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Well I believe everyone has thoroughly disagreed with the OP.. So I'm not sure what to add. xD If I wasn't playing RS I'd probably be playing a different game. I read as well, quite a bit! Fictional books that offer no learning. :D But it's not like that means I'm not achieving things in real life. I'm in my second year of university, going for a 4-year degree Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. After my third year I hope to be able to get into my universities internship program. Rs does not equal unachievement. :D

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To be perfectly honest, I agree with the OP. Unlike some of you I'm willing to admit I have no life right now and that's why I'm playing this game. But when I get my social life back, you can believe that I'll quit. The only times I ever play this game is when my life is [cabbage], and right now is one of those times. To those that say runescape improves your social skills: You know what else improves your social skills? Actually communicating and socializing with people outside of the internet.



Also, for those that deny that they're addicted:


"Defining Addiction

1 The person needs more and more of a substance or behavior to keep him going.

2. If the person does not get more of the substance or behavior, he becomes irritable and miserable.


The Psychological Factor

Unlike with substance abuse, the biological aspect of video game addiction is uncertain. "Research suggests gambling elevates dopamine," Young says, and gaming is in the same category. But there's more to addiction than brain chemistry. "Even with alcohol, it's not just physical. There's a psychological component to the addiction, knowing 'I can escape or feel good about my life.'"


Bakker agrees. "The person is trying to change the way they feel by taking something outside of themselves. The [cocaine] addict learns, 'I don't like the way I feel, I take a line of cocaine.' For gamers, it's the fantasy world that makes them feel better."


The lure of a fantasy world is especially pertinent to online role-playing games. These are games in which a player assumes the role of a fictional character and interacts with other players in a virtual world. As Young puts it, an intelligent child who is unpopular at school can "become dominant in the game." The virtual life becomes more appealing than real life."


Addiction Warning Signs

According to the Center for On-Line Addiction, warning signs for video game addiction include:


Playing for increasing amounts of time

Thinking about gaming during other activities

Gaming to escape from real-life problems, anxiety, or depression

Lying to friends and family to conceal gaming

Feeling irritable when trying to cut down on gaming



Taken from http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/video-game-addiction-no-fun




I'm not gonna lie, I'm addicted.

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To be perfectly honest, I agree with the OP. Unlike some of you I'm willing to admit I have no life right now and that's why I'm playing this game. But when I get my social life back, you can believe that I'll quit. The only times I ever play this game is when my life is [cabbage], and right now is one of those times. To those that say runescape improves your social skills: You know what else improves your social skills? Actually communicating and socializing with people outside of the internet.

It is possible to do both, but I don't really see how reading a book improves your social skills, short of the booking being about social skills.

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To be perfectly honest, I agree with the OP. Unlike some of you I'm willing to admit I have no life right now and that's why I'm playing this game. But when I get my social life back, you can believe that I'll quit. The only times I ever play this game is when my life is [cabbage], and right now is one of those times. To those that say runescape improves your social skills: You know what else improves your social skills? Actually communicating and socializing with people outside of the internet.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm addicted.

Heh, I have no life too. I don't spend all my time on Runescape though (maybe about an hour a day tops, unless something is hooking me).

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i dont understand how u can "loose" your social life and just "get it back"


i will argue that runescape is a social network.


hi i talk to people outside of the internet with 100% more politeness then over the internet thats for dam sure.

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To be perfectly honest, I agree with the OP. Unlike some of you I'm willing to admit I have no life right now and that's why I'm playing this game. But when I get my social life back, you can believe that I'll quit. The only times I ever play this game is when my life is [cabbage], and right now is one of those times. To those that say runescape improves your social skills: You know what else improves your social skills? Actually communicating and socializing with people outside of the internet.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm addicted.


Heh, as long as you have a birth certificate or some other proof of your existence, then you do have a life in my book. I don't see

the big urge to go outside and do something when its probably none of your business.

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i dont understand how u can "loose" your social life and just "get it back"


I was forced to leave all my friends and everyone I ever called dear to me. So right now I have to start over from scratch, which is a very hard thing to do. You see when you have friends, its easier to make more and more just because you share a commonality with others. When I build up my friends again, I'll have a social life back, and stop playing.


hi i talk to people outside of the internet with 100% more politeness then over the internet thats for dam sure.


I like to keep it real.


Heh, as long as you have a birth certificate or some other proof of your existence, then you do have a life in my book. I don't see

the big urge to go outside and do something when its probably none of your business.


The thing is, I knew what it was like to have a life outside of runescape, so I believe runescape is just a placeholder until my life gets back on track. So right now I think I lost that lifestyle that I used to have, and that's why I call my current lifestyle "not living".

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ok i understand completely if you moved away or was forced to abandon a group of friends, ive been through that, but i always felt like i could go out and socialize with anyone really. its probably due to the fact i run the bar circuit and its easy for me to be social with people i dont know. but i dont understand what you mean by you keep it real. :blink:


real gangsta?


sure i may not talk to my RS friends like i talk to my RL friends, but when i do talk to my RS friends they are REAL and they REALLY talk back. im made REAL bonds with people over runescape and some have acutally turned into REAL friends in RL.



i hate this stereotype that if you play runescape then you dont have a social life.


lets break it down people!!!

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I would expect that most people on these boards have no life anyway. I'm sorry to stereotype and offend, but that's how I personally feel about this situation.


Those with a 5-10 hour playing time average know this well.

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By definiton, life means the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.


"Not having a life" doesn't quite make sense. To live, or to exist, would mean you'd have a "life". Prove me wrong.

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