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Vezon Dash

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Last night I had what I think is my second lucid dream. They still aren't happening often, but two in the space of like 4 months is still beating the norm I think (by a lot), and with any luck, the more they happen by chance like this, the easier it will become, and the earlier in a dream I will catch on. I still don't know how it happened, it was like the last one though, I just look around and suddenly I know what's going on.


I also don't know if its a timing thing (that I realize I am dreaming late in the dream) or what, but like the last time, it was also short. This time I knew it would be short though (because I remembered if not the last dream, the imperative that if I ever went lucid again, to do what I want to do fast).


This is also second dream where I have had the full power of flight in memory, though in workings it more resembles a dream where I tried to fly and failed (the other one where I could fly was more me watching me fly, and had none of the feeling of flight). Essentially I could jump, and once airborn I could steer and keep flying around. I wasn't able to hover though, until I became aware of the dream, at which point I was able to make it so that was possible.


The other weird thing is I was always under the impression that once you know your dreaming, you could change anything at will with a thought, but this doesn't match my experiences. I guess the best way to describe it would be that the dream world, and particularly the people in it become more compliant. I have much control over what will happen, but changes to past and present are outside my control. In my first one, I was able to transition between settings at will (in the second one I just flew, and made every attempt to try and increase the speed at which I was flying with some success). However, I suspect that if I were to try and say, remove a tree from the scenery, it wouldn't happen. I also don't think I can create the scenes, my conscious mind lacks that creative capacity, and I must instead rely on my unconscious to manufacture them from a mix of memory and fantasy.


People are very easy to work with though, in that they do exactly what I want and behave how I want them to.


I would have liked this dream to last longer, but at least I did most of what I wanted to without wasting my lucid time, so I am much happier with this one. I could also go for more dreams with me flying, even if they are just dreams. That was a lot of fun, and now that my brain has figured out how to do it, it should happen again. I have had a few dreams where they have tried to do something new, and whatever is supposed to happen either just wont (or wont happen correctly, like the first time I was supposed to be able to fly at will), or the dream will all out just end because it can't progress.

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Are there steps to lucid dreaming? Last night I was sleeping in a different place so I woke up several times throughout the night and got a dream in there someplace, I'm not willing to talk about the details here. During the dream though I was going through its course and then something I had told a friend popped into my mind so I kept trying to do it, I think I wasn't able to do it not because of a lack of control over that part but because my dream world did have cell phones and I wasn't in that much control. Anyway far as I can see in the dream it was just a bunch of what's been swirling around in my mind for days while I thought coming out in a big screwed up dream world. To emphasize screwed up I'll say that I had played no video games for a couple of days and it included parts from a random driving thing, my school, x-men, homefront, and some random pimp mobile. Also all the people I interacted with in it were ones that I knew, although a few of them seemed quite a surprise.

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Both my lucid dreams have been the random 'huh, I'm dreaming right now' that most people will experience at least a couple times in their lives.


There are two main ways to trigger it that I am familiar with.


The first is to train yourself to perform reality checks. This can be done using a watch, book, or mirror (I'm sure there are other ways too). Once you are trained to do this in the real world, the idea is that it becomes so natural, an unconscious reflex, that you will do this in a dream, and when you do you will know if your dreaming or not.


The second involves waking up during a dream cycle (REM sleep), and then doing something like imagining walking up an infinite spiral staircase as you go back to sleep (or something like this, the staircase is borrowed from a third method), the idea here being that you can keep your conscious mind active as it transitions back into REM sleep mode.


A variation on the second is to turn the TV on and set the volume to the lowest audible setting, and walk up the infinite staircase. Supposedly, you will eventually walk off of it and into your dream. You will also be able to hear the TV, because this method causes your auditory sense to remain actively connected to your mind (sometimes this happens on accident. Some people have probably had an instance where rather than have their alarm wake them up, the sound becomes a part of the dream).


Just google how to lucid dream. After a bit of reading, you'll be familiar with all the methods.

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Lately I've been having dreams that weren't quite lucid, but that haven't had the "suspense of disbelief" effect that dreams usually have. As in, I was able to interact with and think about things, and could see weird things and go "wtf?", and generally could feel and act as normal, just as I feel right now, but not enough to wonder how I got there.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Hmm, I think it says something about me if I struggle in a dream to keep a promise though... Main thing I get from my dream (after a little research) is that new shit is being found about myself, by me, or something like that...

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I did some dream continuations last night. I woke up on three separate occasions, and when I went back to sleep, I continued with the same dream. I don't really remember what the dream(s) was about, but I do remember them being one complete event.

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I had some weird things happen lately, lots of dreams. I had one which was screwed and I think I mentioned it above, and the rest seem to have no reason at all to be dreams...

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Yeah... I feel you. I've been having a whole bunch of crazy dreams ever since Vezon died. Dreams are sort of a healing process for me, but all of the dreams I've been having have all been about death and "the end."

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  • 3 weeks later...

So for anyone who has seen Ghostbusters, remember the scene in the library where the ghost turns around and goes all scary face? My dream that that x3 this morning.


I only remember the ending, but I was with two people, and I had a memory that there would be 3 ghosts that looked like cute versions of RS's imps flying into the room, and right before they reached the wall (we're in an L shaped room at one door, the ghosts come in through the other door and head strait into the wall), they will turn around and do the scary thing from ghost busters. So I turn around so that I don't have to watch (my companions have never seen it before, so I don't get them to do the same).


I think what happened next is a case of thinking about something too much in a dream can cause it to happen. I keep thinking about what the ghosts will do, playing the memory over and over in my head, and suddenly all 3 of the little [bleep]ers are right in front of me with their arms against my chest and shoulders, hissing in my face and doing the really freaky face thing (never going to unburn that image from my mind. Thanks imagination!), and I start screaming, and then I wake up.


To put the icing on the cake, the dream didn't end immediately when I woke up. The sensation of the ghosts pressing on me stuck around for a good moment. Not a pleasant way to wake up, but it sure did a good job. And I managed to not actually wake up screaming (I don't think I talk in my dreams at all, so I generally yell as loud as I want without running the risk of waking people up).

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I seem to dream about things that are about to happen. It's really weird, they can be insignificant, or they can really confuse me. It's only been happening in the past few months, but I had to do a debate on "Religion has no place in the modern world." Although I'm Christian, I ended up having to debate against my own view, which I wasn't too bothered about. I had to work in a pair with another guy and we had like 2 weeks to prepare. A few days later, I dreamt that I was talking to him about the debate in study period, which is what I had planned to do anyway. I don't remember the details of the dream but I remember waking up thinking "Have I spoken to Henry yet? Have I not?"


Another dream I had was after I was invited to a party for Friday night. At some point during the week I dreamt that I slept through the entire party. I actually went to school the next day ready to apologise to the girl who's birthday it was when I realised that the party actually hasn't happened.


Is it weird to just dream of random people that you see now and then (like at school) but otherwise don't affect your life significantly?

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I had a lucid dream the other day. I kinda just realized I was dreaming, and then I walked out of my house. I can't control anything in my dreams, I just ask dream characters "Where is X?" and they show me the way. Anyway, I asked a dream character where a certain girl I liked was, and she pointed to a house. I went inside, and sure enough, she was there. I asked, "Out of curiosity, how could I get you to date me?"


She replied, "Stop letting me walk all over you, be a man."


And that was it, essentially. I woke up and felt like I learned something.


I am a relatively frequent lucid dreamer, so if anyone has any questions about lucid dreams, feel free to ask me.

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  • 1 month later...

I had another one of those dreams last night where I hurt a small child. He wanted to play baseball with me, so I smashed his face in with a 2x4 that I was carrying. I don't know why, but I seem to have quite a few dreams where I kill/maim/hurt small children, specifically males around the age of 8-9. Anyone else find this odd or interesting?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy crap.


Hoh. Lee. CRAP. Gotta get this down before I forget anything, craziest dream I've ever had by a wide margin.


Start dream, I'm sitting in some sort of cheap restaurant with family late at night, dad mentions something about going somewhere, looks at me and says "someone's coming for you, know why?" We get in the car and I fall asleep. What seems like the next morning, I wake up, but it's a school bus. It's filled by this weird orange misty light, and the bus is full of people about my age, all wearing Halloween costumes, myself included. We're all sitting really low, almost horizontally, so we're curling our legs against the seat in front of us. I look to me left and realize we're three to a seat, making it kind of cramped, and recognize my friend, who says "Have you heard of the antichrist?"


I sit up all the way, orange haze still hanging, windows seem to have pure light outside of them, can't see an inch past them. The driver is wearing a rubber mask too, though seemingly of a normal guy, and sitting perfectly still. I also notice everyone is holding a bag of candy. Is it Halloween? I don't remember. I don't remember much of anything other than falling asleep in the car after the restaurant. Every few minutes or so this bus driver just moans loudly and angrily, and everyone immediately throws a handful of candy up to him, and this quiets him down. This was repeated a few times before the bus came to a stop. He opened the door and let me out.


I was standing in front of a house I didn't recognize, a really wealthy looking one, and immediately understood that it was a dream. I kept repeating "lucid dream" to myself to hammer it in not to be scared of anything, but although I knew, I guess I didn't really understand. I went into the house, feeling that it was meant to be "mine", looking for my computer hoping I could get some answers. The house was dark and abandoned, and I kept fearing that the driver was following me, though I had no idea why. I wandered around and didn't find anything, so I headed back downstairs and saw a group of kids, maybe a couple of years younger than me, laughing and playing in the den, and now the sun was out. Just to confirm that I was in fact supposed to be here, I asked if it was my house. They looked at me like I was crazy and one girl answered "...um, yeah? Why, is something wrong?"


I figured I wasn't getting anywhere and walked around the back to find that the house had my backyard, but I didn't go in because of these three bipedal gorilla looking things, but they're hard to describe. They had patches of blue hair on them, at the elbows and neck I think. Some large vulture thing about the size of a small desk landed, and one of them picked it up and started beating another with it. The vulture was pretty clearly dead, but I thought the ape-things were playing until I saw the one being beaten fall to the ground, and the third one crouch down and start strangling it. I went inside "my" house to a room and fell asleep.


I woke up in my room feeling strange, not quite normal, but I thought it was over. I was actually about to get to the computer to tell about it in this thread. I then realized that on the space over my bed wear in real life a Soviet flag hangs was just a generic rectangle of fabric, and that was all it took to know I was still dreaming, though by that point I was mentally debating myself whether it was actually a dream, and I kept trying to remember previous events for inconsistencies and jump points, but it all seemed to flow. I kept struggling to wake up, which actually caused physical pain. I went outside because I couldn't think of anything else to do.


It was very dark outside. Once I stepped outside the house, I couldn't find it again. The entire world was generated like Minecraft, with grass and dirt squares forming the landscape, though it was almost perfectly flat. There were lines of mine cart rails everywhere, and small tunnels made of netherrack that were completely pitch black inside. Every once in a while, a mine cart would glide by carrying someone I recognized, standing up perfectly straight and staring directly forward. When they'd enter one of the tunnels, sometimes they would come out, sometimes not. Some rails were just short segments on the ground.


Eventually I just started running, and I felt like I was running for my life. This started before I turned and realized what I was running from. A large, green, translucent mass coming towards me very quickly. As it got closer, more and more of the landscape started to fall away and I could see lava rising from the ground. Eventually the landscape had deteriorated to such a point where I fell into an opening in the ground. The inside of the hole was surrounded by lava, as if I had fallen through into the mantle. The green mass matched my speed and came alongside me as I fell. I could see it had the face of an old woman, and it said in a quiet and deep voice not matching the face, "Do you know why I'm here for you?"


I landed on my feet on a platform, and the lava closed the opening above so it was only me on the platform, surrounded by lava, and the green thing. We stared at each other for a bit, I started to feel extremely confident... and I woke up. I looked at the clock, which said 1:30 PM. I laid down for a nap at 12:30 PM. This all happened over the course of an hour. I have no idea what any of it means, if it means anything at all, but it still feels extremely strange.


And I still keep checking to make sure I'm awake.


Edit: Oh lawds, spelling errors aplenty.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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My dream from last night:


went to take the SAT in this building in the middle of a forest area with tall redwoods, ferns, bird sounds, etc.


i had a 5 course meal with me and i was supposed to eat the courses in between the SAT sections with the extra time I had. it was supposed to help me do well :P.


The first course was this chicken leg (which tasted so nice; i don't eat chicken in real life) and lots of vegetables. there were shady-looking Hispanics next to me which made me feel a little hesitant, but i tried to enjoy my meal.


Then the SAT started - the first section was math. I was in the middle of eating the chicken and my fingers were really greasy, so i had to fumble around a bit before commencing. many of the problems were confusing and suspiciously unofficial. i chalked that up to being due to the run-down building and delinquent looking test-takers.


I went out of order, but managed to finish all the problems before time was called. but i wasn't confident in my performance so i committed myself to doing perfectly on the verbal and writing sections.


my food bowl had wound up in the personal space of the kid next to me, and I could tell he was silently disturbed by this.


from then on the dream kind of unraveled and i became more aware of the logical inconsistencies. yep, that's it .

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  • 1 month later...

I vaguely remember my dream from last night. This girl from my highschool and I, and our favourite photographer did something wrong like not get enough points for something and so we had to die. I was sitting by myself in this Indian restaurant waiting for the people to come and collect me and when they come in I started freaking out a little bit so one of the secretary people goes "Oh it's okay. We can come get you tomorrow if you like, there's another meeting." But I stand up and finish my soda and walk out with them and we go to this court place where they work out all the details for the coming night - which is my death. I see my highschool friend there and we sit together and listen. My father then comes and picks us up and I'm talking to her in the car about how we think we'll go. "Will they shoot us? A knife, do you think? Or what about an injection?" My father says it will probably be an injection so I calm down a bit thinking it won't be so bad. I ask him if it will hurt much or just be instant but he lies to me so I stop talking because he's nervous too. That's about as much as I remember in order. Then something happened and our executions got postponed or something, and I think my friend and I considered running away. I guess I woke up then. Kind of annoyed, I would've liked my mind to carry it on.

We'll sneak out while they sleep

And sail off in the night.

We'll come clean and start over the rest of our lives.

When we're gone, we'll stay gone.

Out of sight, out of mind.

It's not too late,

We have the rest of our lives.

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No no. Well not exactly. I just would've liked to find out what was going to happen.

We'll sneak out while they sleep

And sail off in the night.

We'll come clean and start over the rest of our lives.

When we're gone, we'll stay gone.

Out of sight, out of mind.

It's not too late,

We have the rest of our lives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The dream I had last night is partly stuck in my head, so I'm going to try my best and write some of it down.


I remember that I was hired, for some reason, at an airport. It wasn't a big airport, but there were a lot of people coming through. My job was to help people with the self-check-in stations. So the first part of my dream was me awkwardly standing there watching people check themselves in. Then, and man looked up at me as if he had a problem, so I went over and looked at the screen, but suddenly the counter changed from a self-check-in place to a concessions stand with a bunch of candy on it. I looked at him and was like, "You want to buy candy?" He nodded and I told him I would be right back. I walked over to my manager and told her, "This man wants to buy concessions." She looked at me and said, "Oh, would you mind doing that for him?" after which I proceeded to ask her, "Is there any special way to do them? Any nuances I should know about?" She told me no, so I went back over there to help the man and his wife. He started to tell me what I wanted, and I picked up this goofy thing that looked like a larger version of the Kindle. There I attempted to enter in the items he wanted. I would search for the name by typing in the first few letters, and then press a button. Every time I did this, though, after I pressed the button, the screen of the thing would turn to a static picture of the logo of the airport (now that I'm awake, I can describe it as what happens when you turn a Kindle off: the screen displays a still of the cover of one of the books you have in your library). I went through this process over and over again while these people looked over my shoulder. Eventually, the airport emptied and it was just me and this couple. I went through the process one last time (it didn't help that the wife of the man was pointing at buttons and getting in my way the whole time) and hit the button; only then did I realize that the button had the 'power' symbol (like on an xbox) on it. I exclaimed, "No wonder! I've been turning it off after every search!" And then I woke up.




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I've gotta share the structure of this one even though I remember no content at all:


So, I was first dreaming about being in love with this girl who had characteristics of a couple girls I know in real life. And I was kinda stressed because I was getting married but it was also finals week, so I had to choose between writing a final love letter to this girl (which my marriage counselor insisted that I do) and studying for a history final. But then, I was so in love with this girl that I fell into a trance/daydream (that was an actual other dream). I'm not sure what this dream was about. All I know is that I had it; in actuality, I don't think it had anything to do with this girl. It was a completely different dream, but somehow was set off because I was so in love with this girl.


Then, I don't know how it happened, but I 'woke up' and somehow was with this girl, except her and I were just friends, though I liked her more than that, which she wasn't aware of. And we were walking past the place where I had been sitting with my marriage counselor talking about the letter and the history final. I decided to tell her that I had had a dream about her in a spot like the one we were walking past. So I stopped and said, "Don't take this in a weird way, but in this dream I was completely in love with you and was going to ask you to marry me. Here is where you sat, here is where I sat, and here is where the marriage counselor sat. And then I had a dream because I was so in love with you." I then proceeded to tell her that I suddenly didn't remember any of the dream other than that.


This was when I woke up in real life, realizing that I had forgot all the other details of my dream besides the ones that I remembered in my dream.


Pretty funky.


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