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Tip.It Times - 11th December 2011


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I have to say that I find this thread a lot more interesting and stimulating than the tipit times this month. I think there are some extremely valid arguments and people are expressing some well grounded opinions (from both sides). This thread should have been the tipit times! :lol:


I have absolutely no problem with people promoting their preferred style of game play, mine is erratic and fun based, others prefer efficiency...and I love to argue about it...so what? It would be great to see a pro efficiency article on the tipit times, but yes I would express an opinion, isn't that the point?


I would like to see more articles by RS players, real people with real experiences or opinions, what about a 'short excerpts' page? Asking fans to write a paragraph about this months 'topic'? The topic could be done from a poll the previous month. :idea:


There are so many ways that as a fan site you could offer more to the wider audience. Let me ask; why do the articles have to be to a certain standard? If it is spelled correctly and the grammar is ok and it reads ok, then let me read it. I don't need intellectual stimulation, I want opinions that interest me and challenge me.

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If we write an article criticizing the firemaking skill are we alienating all the people who love firemaking?


To make an article about firemaking slightly interesting I thought I'd educate the ones who don't know yet on what fire actually is :)

And as a result I got blamed for wasting people's time by some troll :P


So the answer is yes I'm afraid, but the people we alienate have no open mind, and therefor shouldn't take part in this discussion... Nuff said...


I do agree that the Times needs a wider range of writers though, it seems to have the same feel every time. I do not know where we will find such writers though. I am just a reader, like many other simply does not have time to write articles for the Times. I appreciate those who put an effort into writing these articles but when I see something published that I find lacking to my taste then I am more likelier to make a post. There are other weeks when I like the articles being published but I do not comment because I see no point in making posts such as "Good article, I agree." as they seem increasingly repetitive.

Is it any wonder that the people who are pro-efficiency and like to spend hours on end doing the same thing to race through the levels are the same ones that have no time to write an article? Didn't think so...


YOU (or any member of the editorial panel) could write one just the same, from a "hey, maybe the efficiency people aren't actually that bad" or "efficiency: here's why it's good" stance. Instead, the approach moving forward is to attack the topic with blinkers on.


Your response puzzles me - as does Tripsis'. We are asked to provide praise or constructive criticism through these topics, and yet, instead of taking heed, it simply becomes a matter of "well, it's not our fault we repeat the same stuff with the same view, YOU should fix it, not us." Now, if you don't want to hear the criticism - or are going to treat it the same way - why exactly ask for opinions? "TipIt Times is now up. Here's the link" Lock thread.


Surely you as a team, could look outside the tiny realm of OH METAGAMERS ARE BAD into other arenas. Heck, the creative pieces aren't repeating the same thing over and over, maybe, just maybe, if we have run out of topics and are resorting to repeating the same opinion, we should move solely to comics and creative pieces.


Simply saying "write one from our perspective" isn't going to cut it... We're not on any debate team as far as I know, so we don't defend positions we don't agree with... We feel on occasion strongly enough that the grind forces us into the super efficient metagame play that we don't like... As I said, we're the creative bunch writing about stuff that comes to our mind, not to yours... We're always open to suggestions, but (and I speak just for myself here) it's impossible to place ourselves into the mind of the metagrinder because we simply don't do that because we dont liké to do it... If we did, we'd have no time left to write...



Final point: The EP is working with a skeleton crew atm (and that's at the best of times) which is why you're seeing so many guest articles these days, and yes that's inevitably going to include some sub-par ones...

While some people make some good points, quite a bit of the criticism is harsh and over the top... This kind of constant bludgeoning isn't exactly encouraging anyone to sign up and be dedicated to help out... You're all smart enough to do the math...

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Guest jrhairychest

Final point: The EP is working with a skeleton crew atm (and that's at the best of times) which is why you're seeing so many guest articles these days, and yes that's inevitably going to include some sub-par ones...

While some people make some good points, quite a bit of the criticism is harsh and over the top... This kind of constant bludgeoning isn't exactly encouraging anyone to sign up and be dedicated to help out... You're all smart enough to do the math...


Is it the guest articles that are always the sub-par ones?


That attitude doesn't help if you want contributions. Does this represent the approach of the EP team? The last time I looked you write for a fan site and not a professional body. So can we drop the "we are professionals, you're not" attitude please.

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Is it any wonder that the people who are pro-efficiency and like to spend hours on end doing the same thing to race through the levels are the same ones that have no time to write an article? Didn't think so...

Actually, they do. Just not here. And I can guarantee that their articles are very well received by the community. Just not this one.



Our readers are so incredibly critical and yet they do very little to help. It's easy for you to sit back and judge or criticize the Editorial Panel, but could you do what they do? Could you write a new article every 2-4 weeks? If you could, then why aren't you? Why aren't you submitting guest articles?

I don't need to be a cook to know when my chef serves me shit on a plate. I just want to enjoy my meal, not cook it.

That a childish argument. You offer a service; If your service is subpar you cannot go and say "WHY DON'T YOU DO BETTER, HUH?".

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Tripsis has already nicely requested that the issue is dropped but considering that this is getting out of hand this is a final warning.


The discussion ends now. As the rules state: This is not the place to discuss the direction of the times, how much you love or hate the times, etc. Off topic posts will be removed. We have been very lenient about this recently, but I'm willing to start removing off topic posts if I need to. If you have a serious issue with the Times, the direction, the quality, Tripsis or even I would be happy to listen to your comments - but not here. Flame wars and insults do not contribute to helping the Times whatsoever.


I'm going to be watching this thread now and any more posting of this kind is going to be removed & warned.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I do agree that the Times needs a wider range of writers though, it seems to have the same feel every time. I do not know where we will find such writers though. I am just a reader, like many other simply does not have time to write articles for the Times. I appreciate those who put an effort into writing these articles but when I see something published that I find lacking to my taste then I am more likelier to make a post. There are other weeks when I like the articles being published but I do not comment because I see no point in making posts such as "Good article, I agree." as they seem increasingly repetitive.

Is it any wonder that the people who are pro-efficiency and like to spend hours on end doing the same thing to race through the levels are the same ones that have no time to write an article? Didn't think so...

Just because I disagreed with the article I am suddenly pro-efficiency? I may have argued on the behalf of the efficiency side but that does NOT make me an efficient player. Nor does it give you the right to assume that I like to grind to get my levels. I do not have enough time because I am currently finishing up my undergrad degree. Please do not make assumptions on how I or anyone else likes to play the game. Just to make another thing clear, not all who play the game efficiently are grinders. Just because you find something tedious doesn't mean they do.

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Guest jrhairychest


Is there a sticky where this can be done? If not, I think it would be beneficial as a stickied thread where issues can be raised. A few pm's won't solve anything and it'll be effectively brushed under the carpet.

Edited by Kimberly
Off topic banter removed
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Is it any wonder that the people who are pro-efficiency and like to spend hours on end doing the same thing to race through the levels are the same ones that have no time to write an article? Didn't think so...


Oddly enough, I am writing one as we speak ... :-P


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Is there a sticky where this can be done? If not, I think it would be beneficial as a stickied thread where issues can be raised. A few pm's won't solve anything and it'll be effectively brushed under the carpet.

Not at the moment, however we are currently considering making a thread for this exact purpose. You'll probably see it soon if we can sort it out :)


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Is it any wonder that the people who are pro-efficiency and like to spend hours on end doing the same thing to race through the levels are the same ones that have no time to write an article? Didn't think so...


Oddly enough, I am writing one as we speak ... :-P


That's great news, I look forward to it and hopefully we can have some fun debating without the 'trolling' :thumbup:

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Guest jrhairychest

Not at the moment, however we are currently considering making a thread for this exact purpose. You'll probably see it soon if we can sort it out :)


Decent. Nice one :)

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Topic cleaned of off-topic arguments as per Tripsis and Racheya's warnings from Racheya's last warning and on.


The criticism and suggestions about the times have not been hidden away, but I'll send the information to Tripsis for review so that they can be forwarded to the EP as a whole rather than the one or two ep members who come in to reply here. Furthermore those who were involved in the off-topic debate will be added to a private conversation where they might continue it via pm. Participating in it is up to the individual and is not required--just don't bring the off-topic debate here. (aka You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.)


Please try to bring the discussion back on-topic. Further off-topic debating shall be removed. Thanks, and PM me if you have any questions.


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The efficiency article really missed the key (dungeoneering reference, get it?). People who practice the author's 'pure efficiency' usually do so for two reasons:


1. They want to minimize the time spent doing menial labor so as to maximize how much time they spend having actual fun. Barbarian fishing and shark fishing are nearly identical, but one results in less time spent fishing. The only way to rationalize shark fishing over barbarian fishing is if you actually find the pixel sharks to be prettier than the pixel sturgeons.

2. They enjoy competition with either themselves or their peers. Maximizing your exp/h slayer can be challenging, and many people enjoy the challenge. The best case of this is in dungeoneering, however.


Comparing boring menial labor to eating gourmet food is pretty stupid. You could've compared it to sex and the result would be the same. You're literally comparing apples and oranges (or sex).

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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The only way to rationalize shark fishing over barbarian fishing is if you actually find the pixel sharks to be prettier than the pixel sturgeons.

Which is true for baron sharks, but not regular sharks.

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The efficiency article really missed the key (dungeoneering reference, get it?). People who practice the author's 'pure efficiency' usually do so for two reasons:


1. They want to minimize the time spent doing menial labor so as to maximize how much time they spend having actual fun. Barbarian fishing and shark fishing are nearly identical, but one results in less time spent fishing. The only way to rationalize shark fishing over barbarian fishing is if you actually find the pixel sharks to be prettier than the pixel sturgeons.

2. They enjoy competition with either themselves or their peers. Maximizing your exp/h slayer can be challenging, and many people enjoy the challenge. The best case of this is in dungeoneering, however.


Comparing boring menial labor to eating gourmet food is pretty stupid. You could've compared it to sex and the result would be the same. You're literally comparing apples and oranges (or sex).


We should totally submit an article that compares runescape to sex.

Just saiyan...

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We should totally submit an article that compares runescape to sex.

Just saiyan...

So, pretty much Obt's storytime, but 600+ words?

Two words: "[bleep]" and "Yes".

I'd like to third this.


unbinding green's kidneys for ltk's heart

do you farm guam like me sir ltk


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Anyone who wants an article comparing RS to sex needs less of the former and more of the latter. :shades:

"Imagine yourself surrounded by the most horrible cripples and maniacs it is possible to conceive, and you may understand a little of my feelings with these grotesque caricatures of humanity about me."

- H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau

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