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How High Will Grenwall Spikes Rise?


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They are currently 1,729.


Bonus experience is coming in March right? We all thought everything would rise BXPW last year, but they fell so so so much. But that is with bots.


What price do you think the grenwall spikes will peak at?

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I remember you having this same problem and question last BXP. :P

Well the problem is that everyone knows that BXP is coming and so they decide to stock up early. I don't think that bots played a major role in that most things crashed, but rather that everyone was hoarding in hopes of making a killing.


As for a price estimation, I have no clue lol.

Working on max and completionist capes.


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I remember you having this same problem and question last BXP. :P

Well the problem is that everyone knows that BXP is coming and so they decide to stock up early. I don't think that bots played a major role in that most things crashed, but rather that everyone was hoarding in hopes of making a killing.


As for a price estimation, I have no clue lol.



Yeah man thank God I didn't sell them! I was about to sell them for 450 one day but then they announced the "Bot Nuke". Thank goodness! I have 215k so once I sell them I should be able to make some real money flipping. I'll be the richest I've ever been on this game except for maybe in 2004 when at level 72 combat I traded a whip and a cannon and 2 sets of full rune and a berserker helmet and mystic robes to a level 36 for a DRAGON CHAIN that they found on the ground.


I just want to maximize my money from the hundreds of hours I spent collecting them. I finally have some time to play again since filming for my HBO show is finished.

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Well seeing as there are much less of the botted items floating about, I'd say you'll be looking at a good price rise for them!

I can't remember what price they were last bxpw, but remember that was just after the nuke and there were still plenty of items going about!


I'd guestimate they'll be floating over the 2.5k mark at least.


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