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So how does "smithing" work exactly?

Blaze The Movie Fan

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Now with most skills in the game based on real life see I can see how it's possible.


You cook a shark in an oven, just like you do in real life. When it comes to making bows you cut logs and then attach strings to it.


But with smithing I don't see it. How does melting an ore make it into a hardened one? Usually when you melt something you ruin it.


And why do you need 2 rune bars to make a rune scimitar and 5 to make a rune platebody? I really don't get that. Do the bars magically attach to each other when you make the items? I'm confused.

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Smelting is a very real thing, albeit a little more complex than runescape implies. For example, you can in fact melt together copper and tin ores and get back a bronze bar.


Plate armor is usually held together with leather straps. You probably couldn't make a scimitar out of two bars of metal without it being really fragile, but you can pretend it's just 1 really big bar instead of 2 small ones

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  • 3 weeks later...

But with smithing I don't see it. How does melting an ore make it into a hardened one? Usually when you melt something you ruin it.


And why do you need 2 rune bars to make a rune scimitar and 5 to make a rune platebody? I really don't get that. Do the bars magically attach to each other when you make the items? I'm confused.


Chemistry - Metal goes from solid to liquid at certain temperatures, then hardens again when it cools. You're just changing its state and removing any impurities from the ore.


Platebodies are made up of individual items that are connected together after construction, not just made as one section. The game just simplifies the process.

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