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Ill give some quick c/c on the first one:




*The water looks nice but a little... thick if you can see what I mean.


*Add a border. A simple 1px border would look fine with that.


*Different font. Its a smooth background and sharp font.


Sharp + Smooth = no no.


*The font looks rather pixely, there are two ways I know to correct this.


Try putting a little blur on it like Gold said.




There should be a quality control for text, a little drop-down menu with options like 'Normal, Sharp, Crisp, Strong, Smooth'. Try putting one of them instead of whatever you had before.




That should be it. :)

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There should be a quality control for text, a little drop-down menu with options like 'Normal, Sharp, Crisp, Strong, Smooth'. Try putting one of them instead of whatever you had before.




Rawrgamophone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paint.NET Doesn't have any of your fancy PS options! :P

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There should be a quality control for text, a little drop-down menu with options like 'Normal, Sharp, Crisp, Strong, Smooth'. Try putting one of them instead of whatever you had before.




Rawrgamophone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Paint.NET Doesn't have any of your fancy PS options! :P






Owned ;)

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