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    paintball, rugby, stuff
  1. but it is pronounced with a p No. Yes. If it was pronounced with a o, we might as well just be writing owned. Pwned is a different word. Please be trolling. :?
  2. You will never WUT harder in your entire life. It's so hilariously confusingly gay :arrow: [yt]MHygoVCV-rY[/yt]
  3. Think of it this way... homosexual people are also referred to as "gay" persons. Gay marriage, gay rights, you get the idea. Now take the word "gay," and put it in a different context. "Wow your logic here is gay," "school is so gay," etc, etc. "Gay" is a term that is otherwise inoffensive, unless it's used in a derogatory context. The same can be said for being mentally [developmentally delayed]ed, it IS a term used to describe someone who is mentally unstable, unless of course I said "wow your logic is absolutely [developmentally delayed]ed," then I'm just being offensive. Sorry to beat my point here but just had to clear things up. :) Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_[developmentally delayed]ation <-- further proof
  4. #1 [hide=]You: ___________________????????_______________________ _________________________________ ________________??????????????____________________ _________________________ ______________?????????????????___________________ _________________________ _____________????????????????????_________________ _____________???????????_________ ____________?????????????????????????????????????? ?____???????????????_______ ____________?????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????______ ____________?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????_____ ____________?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????_____ _____________????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????______ ______________???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????______ ______________???????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????________ _____________????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????_________ ____________?????????????????????????????????????? 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Stranger: ya u make that? You: Unfortunately I didn't You: this little character has been avoiding me for quite some time You: you see... You: .-^*''''*^~^*'''*^- .-^*''::::::::::-~-~-*--^*~~- ..-^*''::::-::::-~~-::~-::::/:::-~^:*^- .-*':::::::::-^*::-:::~-::-:::::/::-~:::::' .../::::::::-~^^::::^~-:*-::::-*-/:::::::::::-::' ../::::::::/::-~~-::-::':-*' . . . . *-::::-~^:: .|::::::::~~-____-~^* . . . . . . . . *-:::::::- .|:::::-^*''¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'::::^-:- .|::::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|::::~-:'| ..:::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::~- ::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:::::::-' .*-| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~~~~- . . .'::::/ /''' ...-| . -~~~~- . . . . -*-^*''o¯¯'''''*' . . . :/ / . | | ...'| .*^^*'''¯o¯'''*- . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . | .*- '| .....| . *^~~-~^*'' .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| ./-~./ ...'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| . . /' ...| . . . . . . .- ' . . . .*^ . . . . . . .. . '|*^*' I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.. *- . . . . . -_-^^-* . . . . . . .'| ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| .' . . . _-~--~^*''''''. . . . . . . . . / . ... . . . .''*^~~~^^* . . . . . . . . . '/ . . -- .''- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-* . . . | . ''*- .*- . . . . . . . . . . . . -^'' . . . . / . . ';;;;*^- ....|*^- . . . . . . .-*' . . . . . ./' . . . .|;;;;;;;;;;¯''*^~-_ .-^*'| . . ¯''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . .-* . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¯'''*^~-_ ..-^*'';;;;;;;;| *- . . . . . . . . . . . -*'' . . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¯''*^- -^*''¯;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;| . .*- . . . . . . .-*' . . . . . . ./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*^ ~- -^*';;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;'|. . . . *^~--^*' . . . . . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; You: And "P. Bear," so they call him, has been fondling little children nation-wide for years You: just when I think i have him cornered, he escapes Stranger: haha Stranger: sweet Stranger: wanna talk [cabbage] call 321-749-5024 Stranger: block ure number You: I digress sir, I do not wish to talk such things with you You: unless of course you have credible information regarding the suspect in question Stranger: she threw a brick at my car Stranger: n shattered my windshild You: by "threw" do you mean "inserted?" You: and by "brick" do you mean "Penis" You: and by "car" do you mean "innocent 11-year old?" You: and by "shattered windshield" do you mean "CAME BUCKETS?" Stranger: for chan? Your conversational partner has disconnected.[/hide] #2 [hide=]Stranger: hi Stranger: hello? You: hey there! You: Sorry about that, my cat wouldn't shut up Stranger: ah. Stranger: i have 2 cats but they are leaving me alone right now You: Haha good to hear! You: Hey like they say, "'nothin a gun can't fix right?" haha Stranger: no Stranger: i love my cats You: Well obviously they are lacking in character! You: brb cleaning up my cat's character off the wall Stranger: oh no Your conversational partner has disconnected.[/hide]
  5. With a friend?! You poor soul :(
  6. Yeah to be honest the victim's fighting was much more impressive. It had more style and taste, and he was the first to knock the black-belt's [wagon] to the floor! I actually had a hard time figuring out which of the two was the mentally challenged one
  7. MENTALLY CHALLENGED. CAN YOU READ? This is ridiculous. If you beat a mentally challenged man to a bloody pulp, you are not a soldier of this country. That is my opinion. edit: Are you sure this was 30 years ago? Most of the investigation done so far was on the Bull shido forums, and the question of the age of this video has been brought up many times, but nothing confirmed yet. Whether or not the victim died is still questionable too, but Blythe's student is confirmed to be William J. Dennis, now a karate instructor in Florida
  8. You really need to see the video to get a better perspective. The man is clearly mentally challenged as he says he is trained by jesus and there is no higher fighting rank than himself. Countless times during the fight he tells the other fighter to stop it and that he doesn't want to fight. So no he never agreed to actually fighting, but rather to show the other guy his skills without coming into actual contact. The end of the video shows his head being stomped on multiple times (he is already unconscious), while a pool of blood forms under his head. You hear him gurgling as he chokes on his own blood, and Bobby Joe orders that he be dragged out of the dojo. The camera follows his body being dragged out of the dojo with a blood trail following him, and as stated he was thrown into a nearby dumpster with his severe wounds left untreated. Instigated or not, thats just pure evil.
  9. What? Something's not right there. disregard that, the holocaust occurred during WWII, history fail
  10. the reason I'm posting this now is because it only became public this year, and is only now becoming a larger issue. The Holocaust WAS a terrible thing, but at least something was done about it (aka WWII), so I hope that some justice is served out to this guy.
  11. The video itself was filmed in the early 1980's but it wasn't posted 'till this year by Blythe.
  12. It said in the description that no legal action was taken :shame: Not yet at least. Considering Blythe only posted the video as of this April this year, it will be interesting to see where this goes. Already his Youtube account has been deleted, so we'll see.
  13. The victim agreed to "fight around" his opponent, not actually fight him. The challenged man tried to submit verbally and physically many times during the fight, but he was still severely assaulted. On top of that, they continued to stomp his head when the man was undoubtedly already unconscious and bleeding profusely. The fact that no one stepped in sooner is unbelievable... As for how long ago this happened, I'm fairly sure legal recourse can still be used. Blythe basically confessed he did it, and provided video as evidence #-o Protip: don't be a self righteous over-confident moron and post a video of you murdering a severely mentally challenged man on Youtube. Apparently it just bites you in the [wagon].
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