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About idontknow4000

  • Birthday 03/21/1992

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  1. Easily the best player made heblore guide around. Well thought out. I especially loved the way you layed out the potions section, grouping them in that way with the nice pictures above. One small thing, you missed out the legends quest, it uses heblore in it to create the bravery potion.
  2. I got - ICT - A Maths - B English - B English Lit - B Spanish - B Science - B Additional Science - B ALAN - B Drama - C Biology - C History - C Statistics - C
  3. On Monday I will be ordering these DVDs - Voyager Season 2+5 DS9 Season 1 Doctor Who - The War Machines I will also be pre ordering Doctor Who - Trial of a Time Lord. That comes to about £110 but ill be ordering a book and be paying for a membership on teh day so thats a £130 expendature for a single day \
  4. You have a good woodcutting level so you could use it to get up fletching.
  5. In addition the teleport looks awesome :lol: Thanks for the help :thumbup:
  6. I made just under 200k from just over an hour work, thanks! They all sold bythe way. Ill probly get another 3 or 4k in so I can make more profit :thumbsup:
  7. 2004 are sitting in GE at the price of 101, if peeople buy them of me I will make 200k profit, Ill get back to you on my progress.
  8. One piece on info missing, how much does cream sell for, just to know how much profit can be made.
  9. Ill buy about 2k and leave them for a few hours overnight, see if I amount anything. Its a well laid out guide with a good mix of humour and fact, id give it 9/10
  10. Nice short guide, easy to do without but will save a little hassle if people use this 8/10
  11. F2P skill is out of the question as who payed for the work to make the skill, o ye those P2P people, why should the people willing to put there hands in there pocket have a bunch of other people come along and get it free, im not usually mean like this but I think F2P should remain with only a few minor updates, I do think they need more than now, I think it should be 6 a year, they then get 1 every 2 months.
  12. Great guide, a step by step which saves money, just what everybody wants. 10/10
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