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    In front of a computer
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    RuneScape, Playing Guitar, Skateboarding
  1. You're saying we all have it wrong, when we've all said that? #-o Haha I didnt say YOU all have it wrong, I said the idea he is promoting has been set out wrong, structure wise. Ahh, didn't understand you were addressing him and not us.
  2. You're saying we all have it wrong, when we've all said that? #-o
  3. In my opinion, the money you'd be spending on it would probably be close to the cost of runes for teleporting.
  4. I really don't understand how people are flat-out rejecting this. I've played multiple games with name changing options (for a minimal fee), and it doesn't mess up anything of the sort. If you're looking through your friends list and see someone you don't remember adding, how hard is it to message them saying, "Hey, who is this?" If they don't reply, ask them later, and if it's not even worth it, then delete them. WHOOP DE DOO. How does that ruin a friends' list. If you have friends, they should talk to you, and along the way it should probably brought up that, "Hey, I'm changing my RS name." How does it mess up the highscores? "ZOMG WHO IS "PWNAGERIFFIX242" I THOUGHT "BANANAMANARAMA42" WAS HIGHEST!" Seriously? Wtfux. People change over time, and can want to change their name. Something that sounded cool when you were 13 can sound completely idiotic when you're older.
  5. While I have nothing against you for being annoyed, I don't think this is at all necessary. 1.)The only way I can think of proving you rage, other than showing them your birth certificate, is photographing a picture of a driver's license, or something of the sort. It'd be hard to be a legit system. 2.)It may not be like this for everyone, but it's not that hard to ignore someone. While I don't get loads of people running after me asking for this or ranting about that, I do get ragged on from time to time, and it doesn't get under my skin at all. Woohoo, you're a higher level or woohoo, you have better armor. I'm not the [bleep]ing idiot going around to random people trying to look cool. 3.)How do you know that the people annoying you are under 18? I've met some [bleep]ing annoying adults who go around on video games trying to flaunt themselves in a very idiotic way. You're constantly calling anyone without full-blown maturity a [developmentally delayed]ed 13 year old, and in this trying to make yourself mature. This makes you look immature and ignorant.
  6. Did Dragon Slayer today, now lvl 44 defense and strength, combat level 50. :D Will post pics later.
  7. How do you determine how your combat levels level up?
  8. It takes place in 3086, because all modern technology is lost in the war against robots in 2605. The ability of magic was rediscovered in 2878 from old rune scriptures. READ A FREAKIN' BOOK.
  9. (Bump'd; I guess it's okay, I won't again for awhile, sorry if it's against the rules...) I'm now combat level 50, and I have no idea what to level, any suggestions?
  10. It started with y_guy talking about how the Catholic church says: "Homosexuality isn't a sin, Homosexual sex is, because the meaning of sex is to procreate. You get married to procreate, so since males together/females together can't procreate, they shouldn't marry."
  11. I was in Lummy today cutting normal trees for fletching, when I heard this level 15 talking to a lower level player, talking about how he learned that the easiest way to level hitpoints is to take more damage. He suggested they fight a bunch of people without armor, so more damage would be received. Seriously, what the [bleep]? :lol:
  12. I love my phone. :D [hide=EnV 2][/hide]
  13. UPDATE: Woot! 40 attack! Now 40 Strength! Now 40 HP! Now 40 Defense! [hide=40 attack!][/hide] [hide=40 strength!][/hide] [hide=40 hp!][/hide] [hide=40 defense!][/hide]
  14. Not all transvestites are gay, you know. What's the real harm in it? Your last sentence's structure confuses me. You think it's wrong for a man to dress up like a woman, but it's okay for a woman to dress up like a man? Since when are children going to gay bars and such to where they can find transvestites? Or, are they looking it up on the internet/seeing it on TV? Then, it is much more their parent's fault for letting them see that.
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