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  1. First pot up every 5 mins Then pick up drops smartly, don't lose time picking em up Piety flash if its not enough If all the above does not work for you Then go back to az's which ARE faster
  2. I'm not bragging and stats on construct is 42 sum is 69, I think I'm gonna get 50 Construction and rest on Summoning. maybe chin to lvl 85-90 range.
  3. I've tried dharoking here before, I found that It's better to dharok at Zombie Monkies due to: A-Zombies & Skeles have less health so you are not getting max exp/hour B-Zombies & Skeles CAN get lucky on you and hit up to 30+ in a streak However, you could try dharoking with a whip to finish off low hp monsters.
  4. I recently acquired 50m(Pvp ftw) and I'm wondering if I should buy construction or summoning.
  5. May I suggest a name change to Player? Agreed 100%, in fact, just say you practice polygamy.
  6. True, true, but it is a Crushing weapon and Scimitars are techinicaly Stabbing weapons.
  7. [hide=] [/hide] Wow this made me laugh so hard IRL :lol:
  8. You have now met someone who reads the dictionary for fun.
  9. "crushing weapons never used" Hello Godsword anyone?
  10. A vestas long does NOT protect over a GS Vestas long=5.5m Zaros=5m therefore Vestas long>Zaros Statuette so the best drop from pvp does not protect over a gs HAH! (Forgive my bad grammar)
  11. I have, and I'm being serious here........ Over 9000! Volumes of manga on a Removable Hard Drive. (That is at the time of writing, 155.8332GB of memory.) (All of this manga was downloaded (illegally) from other manga sites)
  12. To get 115k/exp hour you'll need a familiar to help you, max without would be id assume 105k/hour maxed stats no pray and since my melee stats are 89atk/90str/89def....97k/hour without familiar... BTW what are the 4 best training spots?
  13. "Slayer Sucks"~Compfreak No the redeeming thing about this place is the ability to afk. Just drink a dose of pot, excal spec, and your set to go for 5 mins. you don't even need to pick up drops.
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