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  1. Yeah but specifically? I'm planning to do the great brain robbery and i've beat damis and such, but I'm not sure if barrelchest will be harder.
  2. Can someone rate these quest monsters on a scale? I have done some of these quests, and I want to see how ard some other bosses are cmpared to the ones I've faced. The Inadequacy The Untouchable Damis Nezikchened Jungle Demon Kamil Barrelchest 3 terrorbirds Fist and Antilus/Zaromark Sliver Giant Roc Ulfric Giant Scarab If theres any hard ones I've missed, please post them and rate them.
  3. Guys, I dont think this is the devourer, the devourer is in the desert... but what if the ruins are that mahjarrat city.... whats its name?
  4. this would make sense if it was ontopic, if an item is 250k on the ge and the item is worth 15mil, no one is going to use the ge to sell it If an item is worth 250k on the ge, and everyone uses the ge, buys at the max price for some while, then the item wil reach its normal price. However, the only way this happens is if people are junk trading. Ex>: 2nd age plate (making it up) is 60 mil. People JUNK TRADE IT,because of its high demand, AND THE PRICE STAYS 60 MIL. Its high demand raises the price to 70 MIL. The GE price is 60 mil, so NOBODY uses the ge and price stays the same. However, 2nd age plate is STILL GOING UP! Had every person trading used the ge, THE STREET PRICE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE GE PRICE! The fact is,to remove this problem ENTIRELY, either we ban free trade completely and rely on the ge (not happening), we raise our membership price and allow Jagex to hire a full team of price adapters, adapting ge prices, or we ALLOW AND CONDONE JUNK TRADES at least for rare/high in demand items.
  5. Well, i absolutely love this idea. But its not gonna work. Jagex put in the Rogues Den as a subsitute for Thieving and Agility guilds- Jagex probably wont accapt the idea of a new Thieving Guild.
  6. COuld the brand new update right now be the god wars update?
  7. The fact is, u can say ur password in game. That myth is just used by password scammers. Jagex doesnt have time to identify and censor everyones password, not to mention there are many ways to get around that easily. If my password was "everyone", i could just say my pswrd is everyon with an e at the end! :shame:
  8. I want to know the translations of the chaos ele letters. Anyone who has translated or knows a site that has translations, please post here. Thanks
  9. No dobt its gonna be bigger and badder then the whip. Whip has stayed in line for WAY too long as the most powerful weapon, and its only 2.8 mil. Jagex is gonna make a weapon that will be super expensive or untradeable like a firecape u wear on ur hand. I think that it would be crazy if you could only get one on each world... kinda like a race. I belive its going to be as expensive as like a d chain... no dobt about it. My bro says way too many noobs have whips its not even funny.
  10. Well, about you saying its gonna be more that the black square... it really doesnt have to. Its going to be mostly a dungeon so.....
  11. More proof that hazeel wil be near the god wars dungeon. Therefore, isnt the god wars dungeon supposed to be on ice mountain? Hazeel COULD be a boss :-k ?
  12. Regicide is my favroite, it was long but everyone was gawking at the lvl 64 with the d hally. Lol.
  13. Not to mention he was saying he was going into the northwest and thats where evryone suspects the god wars dungeon's gonna b
  14. So Hazeel Could be on a misssion from Zammy in the god wars dungeon
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