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  1. Yeah, probably. It would reduce the resources that the trains would need to run.
  2. Trahybyen

    Bad Jad!

    Honestly, what's so hard about saying "Man, that sucks. Better luck next time. :)"?
  3. 2/10 - Those kids are like... Manson wannabes. Rise Against
  4. Players cannot be hit by the trains, and, how would this slow down each world? The resources it would take to draw every train run by every player in-game would lag it. Since you assume lots of players will have trains, which apparently have lots of cars and all. And what I said before - even not within the lines of lag, trains would constantly slow each other down. It would become too cluttered, which is why each canoe has its own room. Fo' Serious.
  5. No. A woodcutting guild is just too much. I've thought about this before, and at first thought the idea of a TON of trees with a bank would be AWESOME, but with some afterthought, realized that it would absolutely ruin woodcutting as a skill. Woodcutting is already one of the easier skills to work on, since it's not like mining where you have to click every time you want a resource. There are enough convenient tree/bank locations: Edgeville (Yews), Seers (Maples/Yews), Catherby (Willows/Yews), Draynor (Willows), Tree Gnome Stronghold (Mages/Yews), and I'm sure there are more. Complaining that these spots are too crowded won't be solved by making a guild. If anything, the guild will just become as crowded as every other woodcutting location, if not more so. 85+ isn't even a good requirement to enter, since people would probably use it mostly to go for 99. Anyone going for 99 woodcutting will have no problem going for 85 just to get into the guild, and anyone who sees that the requirement for such a convenient powerlevel is 85 will end up deciding to go for 99. The mentality that "99 isn't too far from 85" will hook them into a skillcape. Although that may just be my thinking. Since I'm going for it.
  6. How is that? With cannons? In medieval times, in which Runescape is apparently believed to be set, people had already been experimenting, if not practically using cannons. Asian fireworks ftw. What's wrong with his idea is all of the functionality. Looks like somebody doesn't read his replies.
  7. I can't, but one of my lame friends youtube-ed a video of himself doing it with two friends. Search Erik Openshaw Soulja Boy if you're interested. :? TPUM is pinocchio :^o
  8. ^ Appreciates Bacteria, culture, and bacteria cultures. It's about time someone gave us credit. :cry:
  9. In addition to everything I've previously added to this thread, I realized some more things: Members would definitely not let this rot. Partially because it's a skill - every skill has its followers. Don't assume we won't like it just because it was meant for f2p-ers. I was recently reading another thread about ...cowhides. It involved the fact that skillers can't get their own hides because they want to keep their pure level three combat. A common enough response was that being a skiller was a limitation that skillers themselves had unnecessarily imposed upon their persons. Therefore, there need not be any action to make their lives easier - it's not a requirement for the game. This would definitely not work. Too many people would have too many trains, and no one would be able to jump any tracks. Ever. And if they could, people would organize Train Spam jokes. And if they didn't, I would. <3
  10. I've wondered why we can't set split clan chat instead of private chat.
  11. 12/7/07 - I forget how many yews I started with today. But I'm back to Tree Gnome Stronghold. - Oh, I had 359. - Had a conversation with somebody at yews that went like this: Other Guy: Had to use bathroom really bad Me: Dude Me: Hot Other Guy: As in R E A L L Y bad Other Guy: Ewww >.< Me: Good Me: That's how I like it Me: <3 Other Guy: ... Other Guy: I hope ur a girl Trahybyen: No Other Guy: Or ima freak out :o Other Guy: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Trahybyen: I'm a guy Other Guy: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Other Guy: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Trahybyen: But I'm just messing around Trahybyen: :) Other Guy: Ewwwwwww Other Guy: Ewwwwww Other Guy: Whoa Other Guy: Thats a relief Trahybyen: :P - Saw some guy walk from the bank to the Grand Tree saying "I like fairys" - Went to a party at my uncle's house. Got bored. - Came home kind of late... Chopped some. - Advanced my yew count to: 873.
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