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  1. True, I did notice I was hitting much harder with Magic than meleers in a shorter level span. The only problem (like every mage has pointed out) is that Magic maxes out way too early in F2P. After a certain cut-off, it just isn't as good as the other 2 combat styles.
  2. Completlely agree with you. Although I find it annoying because of my impatience at times (you know most people play for the tokens, don't you?) in trying to find my opponent, I do see it as a viable strategy. Also, it works well if you are against a meleer in full rune who can't run for that long. :lol:
  3. Just ignore them... Although my stats are equal across all 3 of the melee combat skills, I pride myself on my defense. It allows you to tank anything instead of wasting all of your food. It's also less expendable than prayer, which you waste and have to find a pot or altar. Instead, you can just sit there as your opponent can barely hit you. 8-)
  4. I agree with you, Dutch, on many points. F2P Magic is terrible, you can only hit up to slow 19s while rangers can destroy you with rapid hits that have no such limit on them. Certainly P2P Magic is quite overpowered (I have friends who Ice Barrage people, it looks insane), especially the aforementioned Ancients, but Jagex apparently decided to hand us the short end of the stick when it comes to Magic, as they get the most bonuses in P2P, but are incredibly nooby in F2P. I agree that it sucks and I also took one key point from your post: that it feels like you are almost forced to play the game as a member. I agree with that as well, but if you are financially stable you should feel comfortable buying a membership. I cannot make that decision for you, however.
  5. Have you ever heard of the "Request Assistance" button? I just read yesterday (even though the feature existed for some time) on how that's the new way to run laws nowadays, seeing with the trade limits inhibiting one from free laws. How could you not know that, being a member and all? You don't even have to have the RCing level necessary to create the laws or even finish the quest, you can just request assistance... I don't see the problem here. :wall:
  6. I think it's pretty taboo. Back when I first created my account, no one wanted to hear about it. People were pariahs immediately as soon as they mentioned they played RS. Certainly there are more productive things to do with my time, but it's a game, it's entertaining, so what's the problem?
  7. The GE. Hands-down that was the best update they have ever done. It made trading so much easier and is conveniently located. :)
  8. No, I haven't heard of what you've experienced, but you sound like the classic RS player: one who plays the game in phases and then stops and comes back again. I have had those moments.
  9. Thank you so much! This guide has helped me become even better at FoG and finally take down those housers...
  10. Since you said you are F2P, go do what every other F2Per does... cut and sell Yews. You can make quite a lot in an hour if you have a high WCing level. The only problem is that everyone else attempts to do this as well, so it's quite crowded... You could also try mining coal. That's what I did before I got 60 WCing and it makes a good profit. I don't know if it does anymore, but back in the day coal used to sell for 250gp a piece.
  11. I need a fast F2P way to get RCing up from 37-44. I know that this is low on my list of priorities (considering I'm getting my three skill signature skills to 60 first), but I would like to be able to craft nats as soon as I become a member. I know the fastest way has someone to do with getting RCing gloves from FoG, but what is the fastest way? I understand that RCing is painfully slow, however. -.-
  12. Revs are dumb, yes, but they are incredibly overpowered (as we all know). They drop nothing most of the time and can pretend that they have combat levels near yours but hit you for much harder (unless you're a strength pure). Since when could a level 7 hit a 9? Hmm... A rev can, however. -.- They are easy to run from, yes, but incredibly difficult to kill. I agree that they aren't as "smart" as PKers, but they are much more annoying just the same.
  13. Illuminated

    A rant

    How did these change RS for the worst? The GE was one of the best updates RS ever got. The community has matured drastically, for some reason or another. The removal of the Wildy helped make pures unpopular and finally extinguish any hope of actually using one. Revenants are overpowered, yes, but they are easily outsmarted (seeing as the have limited AI compared to human intelligence). And how is Jagex a communist group? Do you even have a vague idea what communism is? And F2P deserves some updates, but Jagex makes the most money from P2P if you hadn't realized, and that's why F2P doesn't get that much updates. They didn't "bribe" anyone, considering it never actually made F2P switch to members and pay. -.-
  14. Certainly it's useless to create an account that trains one skill and you account switch, but back when pures were popular, that was the main reason for creating another account. Seriously, you could have 50 Ranged and be called a level 20. Skillers are generally worthless, but the only reason you see fault with playing multiple accounts is because pures are unpopular and unplayed now.
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