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About Surprises

  • Birthday 01/29/1994

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  1. [hide= For Duff on his return] more here[/hide] Better picture? Victoria Christina Hesketh (Little Boots)
  2. Does she (the girl you after) value/trust/listen to the advice from your friend who told her? If so I would be more on a forward footing, Stacey may get annoyed or move on if you she is now convinced that there is some feeling on your behalf but be careful, don't go to completely the other end of the scale and swamp her or you'll likely end up in the relationship where she is there to merely out of pity. However, I agree with Skeptic... She seems trouble.
  3. There is no definitive answer it is all down to what is natural to the individual relationship. With your conversation that lasts around 5 text does it end because you run out of things to say or are you to scared to reveal too much now? If you have more things to say just talk to him more but introduce it gradually. Don't suddenly go full out trying to make conversation for hours, just gradually build it up over a period of time so it looks more natural and less forced and artificial. People are always going to assume things if they see or hear about you talking to him, it always comes with this sort of thing and there is no avoiding it. Well it just ends sort of naturally, like he'll text "Have an amazing half term babe" and I'll reply "You too! Happy revising" or something, and then it's just sort of.. there isn't really any need to continue the conversation. Lets not forget it costs money to text when you don't have free texts :P We're just on friendship terms so it's very neutral, just like "Hows the week going?" and "Really good thanks", it's more flirty or suggestive when it's face to face, but we don't often see each other face to face other than when we're working on Music after school or the rare occasion that he'll sit at my lunch table. I am probably partly to blame since I am a shy person in real life. My friend even suggested that I say hi to him in the cafeteria, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Another thing is that I'm always initiating the text conversations, so I just want to know how regularly I should just post a "how's it going?" because I don't want to get annoying either. I have no experience with this kind of thing since guys have always approached me and this is me playing more of an active role. I would expect more of a flair/desire in the conversation rather than the awkward, "hi, how are you? good, how's school? good, have a good weekend" conversation if there was an interest. Does he ever initiate a conversation? I would take it as a slight warning if he didn't as (going from what you previously said) he seemed a more forward guy with girls. I would for now do it once a week but if he makes no more advances soonish walk away.
  4. There is no definitive answer it is all down to what is natural to the individual relationship. With your conversation that lasts around 5 text does it end because you run out of things to say or are you to scared to reveal too much now? If you have more things to say just talk to him more but introduce it gradually. Don't suddenly go full out trying to make conversation for hours, just gradually build it up over a period of time so it looks more natural and less forced and artificial. People are always going to assume things if they see or hear about you talking to him, it always comes with this sort of thing and there is no avoiding it.
  5. Her? If so: [hide=maybe less suitable] [hide= if that is really your thing] [/hide] [/hide]
  6. How do you guys deal with death?
  7. That intro is awful. Isn't Drake the annoying prick that hyped the motto, "YOLO?" "YOLO," I won't begin to state how annoying that motto is.
  8. Of course, everything is presumptuous. Neither of us know the guy in person so we take experiences from our past that we can relate to the scenario in question, therefore neither of our advice is likely to be accurate or correct as we are constructing a figure in our head of the guy in question from life experiences which is most likely to be wrong as we are unique. Yes it is but it is never the major concern of a relationship. A relationship should function without money and it should at no point stop one from occurring. Don't you think it's worrying how he is already concerned about money in a relationship? It was a reference back to a previous point again about him having multiple sexual partners at once. Yes I'm making presumptions here but I know all too recently how 17 year old, teenage boys float about with girls and have few morals I base my opinion on what actually happened, whereas you seemed to base yours on a stereotype. That's the point of contention. The point regarding money; I've illustrated why the financial aspect could be problematic to some. It obviously shouldn't be the primary concern of initiating a relationship, but we can't be sure if it's his primary concern - it's just said to be a 'concern'. If he understood what a relationship entailed, perhaps he wouldn't be so stringent? I didn't quite catch the part about him having several sexual partners at once, but if that's the case, then I'd agree that it may be necessary to reconsider the guy being a potential partner. I'd disagree on the point about him having 'no morals' - it depends what's defined as morals, what kind of upbringing he's had, etc. It's a bit of a sweeping generalization to state that he would have no morals because 'there's many cases of teenage boys who float around with girls'. I'd suggest that you draw your own conclusions, Maddy. I'm slightly concerned about the 'making out for a joke' - in what context is this 'joke'? I'd understand if he was drunk, since people are likely to lose their inhibitions and act on psychological impulses... not so much for a joke though. It seems awfully complicated. You need to have a discussion with him. I base my opinions on what was stated in the text which led me to stereotype him from personal experience. You seem to have skipped over or not deemed those sections as important while I do and it is again due to a difference in experience with relationships and I wouldn't have stereotyped him firstly in this manner if those signs which I have seen in people where not visible in the text. But money shouldn't even be thought of when you enter a relationship... It's like he is almost saying, "Look, I'm not going to spend a lot of money, if any, on you in a relationship." Now, that's fine enough, I have friends who are in relationships like that but how he is openly saying is my bug with the issue. The basic morals where you stay true to somebody and try to do no harm purposely, morals that every human being should have fundamentally, independent of upbringing, class, race, religion.
  9. Of course, everything is presumptuous. Neither of us know the guy in person so we take experiences from our past that we can relate to the scenario in question, therefore neither of our advice is likely to be accurate or correct as we are constructing a figure in our head of the guy in question from life experiences which is most likely to be wrong as we are unique. Yes it is but it is never the major concern of a relationship. A relationship should function without money and it should at no point stop one from occurring. Don't you think it's worrying how he is already concerned about money in a relationship? It was a reference back to a previous point again about him having multiple sexual partners at once. Yes I'm making presumptions here but I know all too recently how 17 year old, teenage boys float about with girls and have few morals
  10. Have you told "Mary" about your situation? From experience it is always best telling the friend who has the same feelings for a guy/girl first as it saves the [bleep]iness and arguments later when they will ultimately find out and feel completely betrayed by you. He also seems trouble and from what you said he won't be loyal or decent or honourable in a relationship (yes, I'm assuming a lot from pure text but tell tale signs.) He's one of those guys not built for a relationship, he will just fiddle girls around.
  11. Regret: Getting with my bestfriend, bestfriend. It could be interesting to explain.
  12. You seem to have got too clingy ("Failing to message me/Refusing to kiss me".) No, she has made it clear she wants out, not worth trying to save.
  13. Never try to understand a women's thought process.. It never ends well.
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