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  1. There's nothing wrong about being a girl gamer. I just wish some of them would shut up about being girls and acting like they're better than us males.
  2. You know, RS music is a lot better than what seems to be implied on this thread. Go over to Daemonheim and listen to the song that plays some time.
  3. What's wrong with the loading music?
  4. Generally, the higher level the tree, the less likely you'll find a nest. This is from my own experience. If you have Ancient Magicks, and completed Summer's End, that Cursed Magic Tree in the Wilderness is the best spot to cut magic logs in the game, provided you're okay with spending half your time in the Wilderness.
  5. I'm disappointed by this blog. I'm more interested in a blog about Dungeoneering 2, not a throwaway D&D that give horrible rewards. I bet Jagex's idea of a generous award would be 10K attack xp.
  6. I'm sure a lot of people consider 2005-2007 to be the "prime." Back then, people complained that the community was nicer in the Classic days. And I'm sure when people played RSC, there were people complaining that the game was a lot more fun when RS was run out of Andrew Gower's dorm room.
  7. The community really isn't as bad as everyone says. I find it pretty hard to find somebody who isn't friendly.
  8. Well, I have full dragon, which is in my opinion, the best looking armor in the game. Also, I don't really care about a +4 strength bonus.
  9. Hi guys. I'm Dinstruction. I play RS, but I don't do any of that community or clan related stuff because it doesn't interest me. I (used to) like this thing called Youtube Poop, went to another forum, and pretty much witnessed the darkest side of the Internet outside of 4chan. Look, I made a graph.
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