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  1. Some things missing from your reckoning: he can take one of the twelve status things you see in the attack tab. eg: the resurrection aspect of Immortality. Its weird when KK does it because right when you expect him to lift up, squeal, and die... he hunkers down and is lifted back up without the blue hand and you have to beat another 40% of his life off. Therefore... capriciously using Immortality just for the 25% dmg reduction is ill advised. There is a lot more going on the wing color phases, flashing red or green cones, etc. He has two different types of transparent cones too. also... bandos top for dmg boost with drygore rapier better at KK, obviously, but I don't melee often enough to want those banked, and I almost have tetsu. just giving frame of reference for range tank usefulness. I keep seeing idiots with gano top, void deflector, and chaotic rapier, and that has to stop. Players are also not "dps" if they bring zamorak spear, crystal bow, or even ccs, zaryte, or maul: its no excuse to not be able to provoke and resonance catch the green man's hit. Moreover... the thing smokey disputes from wikia about blue wing bombings: he has more testing to do. Its pretty easy to duo test a little and see there is only one ball per player per bombing if NONE of the minions are tagged. You don't have to actually hit the minion either. If you tag them there ARE 3 balls per player. He doesn't see it because his games are a lot cleaner than unskyped 20 player noob piler massacres where we try to run from sixty balls with lag handicaps.
  2. Okay I grant that I remember how players would be joking about bronze armour pre-eoc because you could just as easily wear iron armour, and so bronze seemed truly superfluous. The novite kiteshield available for sale from the smuggler is no joke (especially because there is not always an antifire shield on start tables for everyone), and acts basically like a free bind with your start-checked load out. Its 1300 coin and allows you immediate best use of any action bar with 4 weapon specific basics*, 2 weapon specific threshholds**, 2 shield based basics (resonance and preparation), 2 defense basics requiring no shield (freedom and anticipation), 1 shield based defense threshhold (revenge), and 1 shield requisite defense ultimate (rejuvenate). I got used to the abilities with hex because its a shieldbow, and then translated it to use of 1h melee weaponry. I swapped a primal maul for a primal warhammer and it works great because its fast too (not "fastest" like hex though). 1h weapons have the same accuracy as 2h, and the damage winds up being the same if you keep using revenge as often as possible. Boosting revenge damage is actually easier to do when meleeing with a bad shield than meleeing with a good shield or ranging with a good shieldbow too. * range - pierce, bind, frag, ricochet * melee - slice (or punish), kick (or backhand), fury, sever note I opt for the like abilities that prevent use of the other with the lower cooldown time but still parenthetically mention alternatives. ie: you can't combo the kick to backhand. ** range - rapid fire and bombardment (snap shot feels underpowered for its cooldown time) ** melee - slaughter and assault The only remaining difference is one of style. 1h can't damage a group with aoe abilities. 2h can't convert damage input to increased damage output and/or healing. shieldbows can do both of the above, but you need to keep picking up your arrows. all 3 thus have the same relation to large dungeon clear time (assuming you hope its about 15 to 20 minutes on a free for all theme world with strangers). loading out as a focused battle mage is different because there are so many spell weaknesses, and no good use a mage can make of a shield without wands available yet. its not totally different for hybrids or tribrids because you would still make good use of the novite shield with a melee weapon bound in your load out because they take way too long to smelt and smith. shieldbows and staves can be made on the fly forward and really don't need to be bound into your load out if all you want is the 115% class vs class bonus (eg: using range attacks on a mage). take note that primal chainbody is used here -because- its less defense than primal platebody. plate has more magic defense than chain at eoc. chain, nonetheless, has the same lifepoint bonus, so it makes it easier to invite being hit, and then you can modify how much damage the hit actually is with use of a tank ring. This is key to making use of the revenge ability where any hit, even if only for 1 point of damage, will boost your output damage by +10% up to 10 hits for +100% damage that lasts 10 seconds with a 20 second cooldown that starts underneath the 10 seconds of revenge. Double damage half the time is the same as having 2h weaponry like mauls or spears that are felt to have 150% the damage of 1h weapons. The 840ish accuracy against range as seen above translates to 840ish accuracy against mage if you re-equip with a gravecreeper shieldbow btw (and forgotten rangers seem to drop those often enough you need not plan to cut wood to make one). edit: I guess I don't have a forum signature. Hrm. This is me: http://www.gamefaqs....tributions/faqs
  3. aha! yes thats it. I always use bonfires. thanks!
  4. I am not sure how/why but I see very different stats using the hexhunter bow when I dungeoneer than when I play with the tip it item equipment builder. http://imgur.com/vCelb http://imgur.com/vCelb I see one less lifepoint, and 115 more damage than the item builder reveals. I don't know why. The armour in-game seems to display as 1/10th what the item builder at tip it says it will be, so thats an obvious adjustment to make, but having supplied stats for hex's pre-eoc +5 magic defence years ago I was curious to see how the stats might look now that players can see it has stats now analogous to pernix chaps in life and defense. Hexhunter is still not as much damage as Sagittarian Shortbow, but it allows two more good defense abilities "resonance" and "preparation" that not simply give you two more good healing options, but two more ways to halt the drain of adrenaline between rooms to keep threshhold abilities ready, and thus remains a very bindworthy item. edit: now I wonder if the combat stat menu is displaying modification by the ring. I will go check. tier 10 desperado changes visible stats? edit 2: nope. thats not it. edit 3: I was comparing a pernix build to a 120 hex build, so anybody else curious may find this accompanying screenshot useful.
  5. bump? am I allowed to bump? I don't need credit or whatever but I like being able to play with the equipment builder.
  6. armadyl boots already in database but not gloves. :)
  7. sorry I forgot to mention they're 25 lp boost each (oh cool but somebody else caught it. nevermind.)
  8. took 'em out for testing. they work nice for QBD. For now swift gloves feel like a faster kill +stuns. they do degrade. sorry can't say what they cost to repair. I'm 99 smith so I hardly notice repair costs. they do degrade at same rate as rest of the armour though. they are marked by all the gods. I went to gwd with only pernix boot/glove and a dds expecting to die immediately if they weren't marked. they are. no troubles. with magic log bonfire and ooglog pool I boosted to 1,846 life points. (I always use zaryte. steel titan +15% def bonus does NOT appear above behind the details)
  9. I am very angry that the Spectral Spirit Shield I used to solo Kree'Arra got turned into a "mage class" shield and doesn't get to be "all class" like Barrow Gloves. For that matter... I am angry that after surveying 200,000 players who all type "barrow gloves" that the item was renamed "culinomancer gloves 10." I am angry players write "its just a beta. it will change." Yeah it will change alright. Just not changing because of any player needs analysis. We are being forcefed the skeletal remnants of the Transformers MMO that robbed Xenogears and Front Mission lifepoint/total armour set ups. I am very angry that the Hybrid armours are Vanguard - melee class not ranger class Battle Mage - mage class not melee class Trickster - ranger class not mage class They not only didn't let us vote, but they've never stood on the cw wall and watched how we play. Anger. I am full of anger. edit: oh and thanks for telling me guardians ward is "mage class." that sucks! how in the world are all staffs 2h and the slayer shields... so... wait... what!? oh I hate the new team! I hate 'em! I want them to drop eoc and not do it.
  10. I'm betting that EoC Beta items like Bandos shield, Pernix Boots, Virtus Book, et al become SoF rewards. Thats bad.
  11. pretext: I had posted this as a new topic in rants, but now I see it seems to belong here - although I feel like its pushing our discontent to a margin, I can also see how discontent over the EoC Beta could spill uselessly for infinite number of pages. I don't see the 'new thread' I started now either, but I was able to use my history to find/copy/paste what I had written. Sorry if it seems non-sequitur. ---original thing I had posted separately--- I watched tons of live vidding from EOC Beta testers who draw pay from ads at youtube for doing it who don't seem to know they'd get more money actually beta testing for Jagex, but then... ha ha ha... that'd mean Jagex leaves the business incubator and hires a whole bunch of customer support personnel... and why would they give up their cafeteria!? lol! I think most will whine and whimper that claws changed, godswords changed, or that divine/elysian no longer reduces damage. I do not care. Those are pvp concerns. They will get fixed. The reason they will get fixed is that jagex employees do not play as much of this game as we do. They might log in, walk by edgeville bank to announce some innocuous crap, and they'll never decide "oh hey maybe I should go talk to some slayers fighting cave horrors." Never going to happen. I think a couple sucker punches are coming our way. I think pernix boots, armadyl buckler, etc are going to be SoF rewards. I don't think prayer bonus is simply nerfed for EoC Beta. I think they mean to leave it nerfed because they've never spent six hours in a day on slayer task and been forced to keep count of their kills/hours. The gall to ask slayers to absorb hits from dark beasts that pierce through prayer? Wow really!? This game will start coming with manual save files and loading like a console game!? This isn't an online game anymore subject to acts of god!? Nice going jigglyplex! Guess they forgot ALL about the PRAYER level requirements of Spirit Shields! GRR! I am insanely angry that the full vanguard I collected for my range tab is now melee gear. WTF!? If I had known I would've collected trickster. Damn it!
  12. jrkerr

    pvp scape

    I watched tons of live vidding from EOC Beta testers who draw pay from ads at youtube for doing it who don't seem to know they'd get more money actually beta testing for Jagex, but then... ha ha ha... that'd mean Jagex leaves the business incubator and hires a whole bunch of customer support personnel... and why would they give up their cafeteria!? lol! I think most will whine and whimper that claws changed, godswords changed, or that divine/elysian no longer reduces damage. I do not care. Those are pvp concerns. They will get fixed. The reason they will get fixed is that jagex employees do not play as much of this game as we do. They might log in, walk by edgeville bank to announce some innocuous crap, and they'll never decide "oh hey maybe I should go talk to some slayers fighting cave horrors." Never going to happen. I think a couple sucker punches are coming our way. I think pernix boots, armadyl buckler, etc are going to be SoF rewards. I don't think prayer bonus is simply nerfed for EoC Beta. I think they mean to leave it nerfed because they've never spent six hours in a day on slayer task and been forced to keep count of their kills/hours. The gall to ask slayers to absorb hits from dark beasts that pierce through prayer? Wow really!? This game will start coming with manual save files and loading like a console game!? This isn't an online game anymore subject to acts of god!? Nice going jigglyplex! Guess they forgot ALL about the PRAYER level requirements of Spirit Shields! GRR! *checks to make sure this is the rants forum* edit: if there is a better thread/forum dedicated to rants specific to EoC Beta - please enlighten me. edit 2: I am insanely angry that the full vanguard I collected for my range tab is now melee gear. WTF!? If I had known I would've collected trickster. Damn it!
  13. oh yeah both crowns got stripped for sin of posting feedback in the mod only feedback forum. edit: punitive measures taken against critical feedback are more reason than I ever needed to decline the fake customer support badge.
  14. I double posted to make my own comment, but then decided against it. Sorry.
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