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    Life, The Universe and Everything
  1. I don't believe so, because the monster that dropped it does not reapear ever again. Sorry :( You can, a "Shadow Realm Guardian" appears in the cave afterwards and will replace the sword if lost.
  2. I did have a blast finding the goats indeed, but there are those would prefer not wasting time wandering around a desert looking for goats :wink: Thanks to everyone for their contributions, do not hold back if you have ideas on how improve the guide or if you have additional information. All feedback is quite welcome.
  3. Unless there are some crafty, hidden goats, or I walked by and somehow missed them these are all the desert goat locations. UPDATE: Thanks to bubbels for pointing out my missing spot. Weird, I walked right there too :shock: As you can see, there is a group of goats very close to the Nardah bank. Every group of goats except the one near Kalphite Laira and the group west of the Agility Pyramid, has about 2-4 goats. The spot near the Kalphite lair easily has roughly 8 goats or more (I did not count) and is the fastest place to collect goat horns. Even better to use if you have access to fairy rings, since there is one nearby. The goats themselves are either level 23 goats or level 33 billy goats. I recommend full set of desert robes, a few waterpouches and your favourite weapon when killing goats. Here is my example: Goats drop bones and desert goat horns 100%. Ground desert goat horns and harralander make the Combat potion, which works like a combined attack and strength potion. Have fun goat hunting and making those awesome combat potions :D
  4. I like it. It provides a common location that anyone can meet at, no matter what. I can see Lumbridge becoming a much more important trading spot for F2P, especially since there is now a bank.
  5. I have a few: Dark Dagger: The dagger from the legend's quest. I liked it so I got 2. People often ask "Dude, what is that weapon?" and I usually reply "a Demonic Obsidian Dagger of Doom!" Dragon Skirt: My first and, so far, only dragon drop. Gilded kite: I always loved full gilded, but I could never be arsed to spend the money to get it, so my first and only piece so far from a clue. BoneSack & RamSkull Helm: I got both thanks to a topic on Tip.it shortly after the quest was released. It seems the trick that used to work for getting both no longer works, kind of a rare item combination.
  6. Well, after 4 years + whatever time on my main with my current name, I would not change, it would just seem weird. However, if I could have picked a better name from the start? Probably Hadley.
  7. for those of you not seeing it, yes it IS in the Parent's guide under RuneScape 101. You guys should clear your cache, then check it out again.
  8. I have dark dagger, from legend's quest. I thought it looked cool, so I got two. As for rarest, 2005 Egg Basket, I remember a while back someone made a topic about how he managed to keep one.
  9. It sounds like you just have a link to a world, and surrounding this frame where the RuneScape game plays, you have a series of links and images. Effectively little more then having your Bookmark window/toolbar open. Something everyone can do. You are not doing anything illegal. You just have links around your RuneScape game for convience sake, links to information, maps and forums. Even, World switchers have been obsolete with JaGeX's own world system (which can be even easier to use via bookmarks and disabling javascript, but you already know that :lol: ). Any advantages you could gain from a set up like this is already available via bookmark toolbar, something available on any kind of internet browser.
  10. Despite arriving before some of the game mods, I had A LOT of fun. Definitely the best reward I have ever gotten from a treasure trail :mrgreen:
  11. It would be hard to "hide" a skill since everyone would notice the addition to the stats menu and high scores.
  12. Did you even READ my post? Sure, Jagex could implement each and every possibility manually, but that would be insane. It would be the pinnacle of sloppy coding, essentially a massive block of if-statements. Difficulty of implementing/coding is ENTIRELY the point here. Only a group of complete idiots would add so much content on top of an engine completely incapable of handling it properly. The only effective way is programming a sort of procedural generation system as described in my last paragraph, anything else is much too impratical, massive in data size and scope of time required. It would be like trying to move the Great Pyramid with a wheelbarrow, while ignoring the next-door engineer's, complex but effective system of pulleys and levers.
  13. As fun as it would be, a system such as that, you might as well just recode the whole game from the ground up. Anybody without a some sort of background in programming simply cannot understand just how massive something like that REALLY is. The only game I know which has something close to that is NetHack and has been in consistent developpement for about 20 years, it self a spin-off of an even older game (albeit, the previous one being nothing in terms of scope). An easier system would be an elemental item combination system, by which I mean each useable item is assigned properties, rules and other important things which allow the combination content to be created on the fly, eliminating the insane amount of content creation necessary to create each possible combination. Couple it with a good RNG system and you would have an impressive item creation system. Note, while I said 'easier', it is nothing to scoff at, such a system takes crazy amount of work.
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