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About erishiku

  • Birthday 06/15/1987

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RuneScape Information

  1. Happy birthday :D

  2. Hope you have a Happy Birthday!

  3. Forum Name:erishiku RuneScape Name: dethlord666 Name to use on picture: dethlord666 URL: http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q186 ... outfit.png
  4. How unusual, my experience is that any combination of armour that includes at least one sacred clay piece double your exp gained. Why not double check?
  5. This looks very similar to the party/clan system in FlyFF (I am sure it is accidental plagiarism). I agree with your idea, as it seems to work for them just fine.
  6. Crafting guild has the most silver rocks in one place that I know of, and it rarely is used (at least on f2p servers). If you are still a member you can use the agility shortcut under the south wall.
  7. From the Tip.it item database Silverlight has the same attack bonuses as a Steel Longsword (14). Compare these to a Rune Scimitar (45), and you see a difference of 31, meaning you are less likely to hit. I would guess that you just got screwed by the RNG, brought on by standing there longer. I would suggest counting how many you take to kill three or four to find a rough guess (number of arrows used / number of demons killed = number needed to kill one), then add a few extra to account for lag/bad luck
  8. My best armor as of September 6 2005 My stats that day and my best maging gear two days later
  9. It would be helpful to know your combat level and combat stats. With these we can give you some advise on where to train.
  10. They're chinese names. :wink: Probably the macroers... Because they are chinese they are suddenly macroers now too huh? Well done on that one Macroer, silent gold farmer, same difference.
  11. The most expensive single item I bought was rune plate, from the dragon slayer npc (Oziac?) a whopping 82k.
  12. I'm f2p with hitpoints, attack and defense tied at 70
  13. Excalibur042, he introduced me to Runescape. He gave me full bronze for fighting goblins and a little help with some basic skills. He played over the summer gaining levels the hard way, I get on and reach his level in less than a week with quests \ Shame WoW has stolen his soul now
  14. Well, I spent about a week on Karamja harpooning tuna and swordfish, selling the cooked fish to the general store. Other than that, I would say my current training - wear air tiara and brown apron, wield rune pickax, carry some law runes and an equal amount of water. Craft air runes, walk to crafting guild, mine silver until full, teleport to Falador, make 24 tiaras, swap for rune essence in east bank, lather rinse repeat. I'll probably do this until I run out of essence (maybe another day, probably not that long) then train strength at Ankous for more essence, or just mine some if I'm feeling lazy.
  15. Luck, luck, luck, all there is to it. Walking towards Barbarian Village past Draynor Manor I see a thing appear(I don't remember what showed up first :oops: ). This piques my curiosity, so I stop to see if anything else shows up. Sure enough, I hit the jackpot - an adamant pickaxe (this was a a while ago, when it was really something). A second later, some random guy comes running up asking for his adamant pickaxe, saying he had just drop traded it :shame: . If only I had reported him then...
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