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  1. What about bone crusher and other lamps etc, do these add to the xp gained?
  2. #!/bin/bash WGETRESULT=`wget -q --no-cache -O- http://www.runescape.com/title.ws | egrep '[0-9]+,[0-9]+ people' | sed -r 's/<span id="PlayerCount">([0-9]+)$ if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then WGETRESULT="ERROR $?" fi echo "`date +%s`,$WGETRESULT" >> /storage/public/Random/rs.txt
  3. It's already interesting. Over the last 2 weeks the total population has stayed the same. If anything it's increasing. After the update, more people logged in than prior, it took 3 hours to get back to normal, after that it declined, bad update? (LOL CANNOT WAIT FOR NUMBERS FOR MAJHARAT QUEST)
  4. If monitored over a longer period of time I'd say it is interesting. It also may be good to remember that updates don't immediately cause inactivity. If people are to quit after an update, it might take a delay of x amount of days, weeks, or whatnot. There can also be other reasons for temporary lapses in activity. Right now reduced activity can be due to exams as well, for example. Well it will continue to log, that's no problem. I wasnt refering to quitting, i meant how long it takes for players to come back (as a common counter to the whole "66% of players are bots, look at numbers after update" is that players take breaks/have weekly shower etc). Also dont forget this is global, it may be exams where you are, but not exams in other countries. But that's data mining for you correlation and causation can be mixed up.
  5. Guess you didnt even read my reply to your questions. If anyone makes anything out of this data id like to see it, i havent had time to make use of it yet, even if it's just number of players on a given day of the week :D
  6. There you go. You can use excel to convert the Epoch time to your timezone and look for updates and graph it etc etc. See #3 and #5. Google if you dont understand.
  7. Ok i thought your questions were legit but you are now trolling.
  8. 1. Doesnt make this data useless. 2. Probably less than 2 hours total. 3. Cron. 4. I'll still be running it regardless. 5. Epoch time. Did you think i was writing it on a piece of paper with my alarm set to go off every 5 minutes?
  9. I've been recording the number of players online at 5 minute intervals with minimum downtime since the 8th of June. Currently there have been 3 updates (IIRC). You can see how long it takes people to get back online, what % of players dissapear after an update, direction of the number of players etc etc. Would you find this info useful? EDIT: Find it here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=mV2s4dXQ. I dont know of any other way to post this so i'll have to manually upload it every now and then. This was started sometime after the Deadliest catch update. 3 missing entries at the start are due to problems with the script which have now been fixed. Might see some missing entries due to downtime. EDIT 2: If anyone knows a web page displaying the number of memberships that would be good.
  10. My combat is 59, where do other pures hang out? Ive checked lumby; full of defense guys. Fally was empty, edge empty, barb empty.
  11. So i log in and im in varrock, i got a skull and people are crowding me and worshipping me, im told the wildy no longer exists. [/end brag] Where do you PK and how? Are pures still good? There is probably a sticky i havent read somehwere and i apologize if thats the case. My stats are A:40, D:1, S:90, HP: 67, R:60, P:1, M:60.
  12. A rough guess would be nice Also if 10 people report around 30-40k at barb, is it fair to say the average is 35k? or is that ridiculous.
  13. Does anyone know how much Exp/Hour you get at those places?
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