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  1. If you went and see a psychologist, you probably be given the "Cognitive-Relaxation Program". Before I go on explaning it, I shall exaplain one of the most common way of controlling anger/agression which is catharsis. Catharsis is a psychologoical process through which anger or aggressive energy is released by expressing or letting out powerful negative emotions. According to this concept, a good way to deal with anger or aggression is to "let off steam," which means expressing strong negative emotions by yelling, aruging, hitting or kicking something. However most research does not support the usefulness of catharsis. The researcher conculded that venting to let anger out is like pouring gasoline on a fire, it only adds fuel and makes the anger worse. (Bushman, 2002) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the "Cognitive-Relaxation Program": 1. It begins with you observing and later writing down your behaviours (feeling tense) and anger producing thoughts (stfu). This process is called self-moinitoring and helps you to make a record of the anger-producing thoughs and behaviours that you may not have been aware of and that trigger and maintain your anger. 2. Next, you should learns a method to quickly relax yourself on cue(*progressive relaxation*) so that you will be able to redue your body tension and arousal. 3. Than make a list of positive thoughts so that you can subsitute for the anger-producing ones. Being able to relax on cue is important because it's very hard to get angry if you're relaxed. Researchers found that this congitive relaxation program has proved very effective in helping individuals reduce and control their anger Overview: http://www.whatcomcounts.org/whatcom/mo ... ce&pid=666 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Progressive Relaxation*= Involves practicing tensing and relaxing the major muscle groups of the body until you are able to relax any groupd of muscles at will. 1. Begin by first tensing and relaxing your toes and then continuing up the body, tensing and relaxing the muscles of your calves, thighs, pelvis, stomach, shoulders, arms, hands, neck, face and forehead. 2. Repeat for several week, daily for 20 minutes per session and you should be able to use this exercise to relax your body at will, especially immediately after being stressed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cognitive-Relaxation Program is like you have fear of doing something and you go to a Psychologist and they do a systematic desensitization on you. Hope this helps as this cost you no money but only time. It is one of the most effective and no-cost therapy I could think of atm. Try to do that in a relaxing environment though, it might helps a little.
  2. I know they are poor choice of range ammo to train with. But I'm just wondering what do they hit like. (example, is it like between steel and black or what?)
  3. What do they hit like? Are they any good?
  4. First Account: I remember I created him, when I'm like 11 years old and that time my vocabualry isn't that great (plus english isn't my first language which make matter worse) so I sort of "erase him out of my memory" because the username seems to attract alot of "bots hunter" and player mods =.= Second Account: Forget password + recovery Third Account: Got Hack I'm currently using my fourth account. Been playing with different accounts for years..
  5. Hmm, I know that Ring of Wealth can affect monsters drop based on their drop tables. But I'm thinking that since the reward on the impressiveness of the kills in PVP world is based on drop tables, wouldn't it be affecting the rewards gain? Since both the drops from player and monster are random and depend on the drop table? Also, thanks for clearing out for the charms things as earlier I'm wondering that does ring of wealth just affect the charms drop rate or does the ring of wealth also affect the type of charms gain. I also have the same thoughts with you, but I want some answers as other than players, some monster can summon about minions to help them (even though they might not be called familiars). Also, it would be good to have higher defence on some of the titans and their special.
  6. For Magic it is: "As your Magic skill increases so does your defence against magical attacks." So my question is does higher summoning levels affect your defence against your opponent familiars? My second question is: Does Ring of Wealth affect PVP drops? Also does a ring of wealth increase a chances of getting a blue charm instead of a green charm?
  7. Ya but with the money I spend on that 1 staff for 60 minutes of combat I could buy 21 corrupted for 5.25 hours of combat. The corrupted are a better bang for your buck any way you put it. That's the where the confusion start, when a discussion on melee weapon ends up with you dragging the staff as an example. That's why I said this after saying how the weapon is better to be use for it's special: Try not to twist the argument back against me?
  8. And you were saying how good corrupted version is when you compared the corrupted ones with the non-corrupted version? Lol, forcing your opinion onto some other people isn't really nice. What I see is that you keep refering them as junk without any stastics.
  9. My bad, I was trying to uses an example to say why corrupted version is not better. I'm more of a supporter of using the non-corrupted version. I've only tried the non-corrupted version, didn't bother to try the corrupted version. Anyway I think people would use those weapons for their specials not for normal training.
  10. Ya but with the money I spend on that 1 staff for 60 minutes of combat I could buy 21 corrupted for 5.25 hours of combat. The corrupted are a better bang for your buck any way you put it. It depend on cirumstances, you can't really presume that every single minutes of using those 21 corrupted staffs that you are doing dmg without any lapse in-between. Also, I use my staff to spam the occassional misamic barrage and switch to master wand to do ice barrage, it really depends on how you are going to attack. Even for let says the weapon, if you are using them just for the special: Special Energy recovers from 0% to 100%= 5 min One corrupted weapon= 15 min = 3 specials 21 corrupted weapons= 3 * 21= 63 specials One weapon= 60 min of combat It took the most 5 secs to use a special and switch back. Amount of uses of special per non-corrupted weapon= 720 Even if you take 10 secs to do a special you can still do 360 special with your weapon, which is alot more than the corrupted weapons.
  11. Corrupt Statius's Warhammer: 15 min (once you start equiping it, the 15 min will start) Statius's Warhammer: 60 min of combat (when you start equiping it and you are not in combat, the 60 min will not start).
  12. They are mostly killed with cannon. http://www.truthscape.com/html/ts_Truth ... ingGui.htm
  13. Which guy did you talk to? I think after slug menance you need to talk to Jeb to go there, not the original Holgart guy.
  14. As long as it is on the first page it is fine. Sticky doesn't help much, technology changes all the time, a few months later there would probably be new and better software that will replace those that I've mention. And I can't gurantee that I will be updating and testing the lastest security software forever. Hate to break it to you but this thread will die soon. Last thread in the front page is 30th september last I check, so it still be able to last a few days. Hate to burst your bubble, I create this thread to inform other people of some surprising good and free software. I hope I have "broaden" your narrow-mind a little, that I spend my time creating thread that might help, instead of spending my time flaming other people.
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