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  1. i did gold bars spending cash is cool and not booooooring
  2. ooh, and im ranked 13 in crafting exp for the last 15 days and my best was 500k exp precisely btw: my today exp is better tho
  3. That is still 24 hours if you think carefully. hhm? no, as the higscores update when you log out, so when you get exp be4 the update, and log out after the update or play more, it still counts as in the new day. riiiiite?? edit: NOESZ! SEE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. i think you should go to the wildy area
  5. wow man, very nice! i still dont got it but makes me wanna get it!
  6. wow! that sounds nice!!! guess im gona do that now :D
  7. yup... i think you should just give the cash to people who need it... or to tip.it events team, i think the can do somehting with the cash :thumbsup:
  8. they took RWT down, but took RS with it :wall:
  9. hmmm, they seem to act very nice to us... well i dont mind it...
  10. not only there, almost every where, hey that rymes :D
  11. so the runes are: water, soul, air, astral, blood, nature, cosmic, fire, death and another (i dont know howe you discribe it ( 4th row, 4th rune, and 7th row, last rune, and 8th row, last rune) what i find weird is that the chaossudoku is wrong, 2 watter runes in the left-under box, and others :?: the letters are: E U A I L C = can be lucien
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