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    White Ponies
  1. I saw the trailer for it and I admit, it looks incredible. As long as they don't get rid of Jigglypuff, I'm good \
  2. People being racist and not even realizing it.
  3. If Global Warming isn't true. Then how do you explain the melting ice caps, the riseage of sea level? And the increase of world temperature?
  4. I get that alot, mostly because of my RSN Siggies
  5. What's brown and sticky? A stick...duh
  6. I useally name my animals after Greek mythology. I have a cat whose name is Persephone and a dog whose name is Aros
  7. Smoking, in my humble opinion, is morally wrong, but should never be illegal. If someone wants to smoke, let them. If they want to get lung cancer and mess up their brain I'm not stopping them. I only think that the only restrictions on smoking is not smoking near other people. I know people who damaged their lungs by second-hand smoke. I once ate at a resturant, and I couldn't eat because of the smoke that seeped to my area from the smoking area. Why would they want to smoke and eat at the same time anyways?
  8. If you say that random events don't work, then why will this? The autoers will just program themselves to run away when being attacked. And the monsters will just be a nuisiace (sp) to other people who aren't autoing.
  9. I treasured my fire staff like a diamond. I was amazed how I could hit an amazing 8 with it.
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