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  1. Ok, but are there any p2p equipment that would make it easier to lvl a 1att 1str 1range 1mage 1prayer def pure? The minigame looks promising. It's not a whole lot of xp, but decent. I guess the def pure would have to rebuild defences to earn points, as she/he would probably not reach the 250hp damage required to share in the earned points.
  2. I started my def pure as a project to make a punchbag to take all the damage in a PK-team. While there has been very little PK'ing. It's been fun making people gawk at my lvl 17 (think it was) in full rune. She got quite some attention at full addy. The sad part is, people are getting used to def pures. Her stats are: att 10 str 1 def 52 hp 41 1's on every other fighting stat. Combat lvl 26. I raised her to 5 att, hoping the steel scimmy would be better than silverlight. The rest is only due to mistakes. :cry: The worst part is reaching 60 will take 2,5 times more time. However, she CAN hit 2's with strength potions. She strolls around the deadly red spiders picking spider eggs with ease :-) :wink: And I HAVE actually PK'd a guy in wildy with her. But that was pure luck. I have been thinking of mining in wildy, but I don't have the patience to lvl mining. I was looking through the forums at members items, and am wondering if anyone could tell me what weapons or other equipment (members) that a pure def could wield that could be of use. [Now with pure I mean 1 att 1 str, or at least max 10 att 10 str] ALSO: what minigame?! Plz tell me! :) It could be worth $5 just to lvl a decent def pure.
  3. Thanx Dogfever. That's almost the same stats as silverlight. (But lower str). Won't waste any time on that then. Why are pple carrying it around then? For fun?
  4. I'm new to the forums. I couldn't find any post on this sword. I see a lot of pple walking around with Lord Prysins sword from the Knights Sword Quest. I have to make a new char to redo the quest to find out, and it requires some stats to survive mining the bluerite, so I'd like to know in advance if its worth the bother. Can anyone tell me the stats on the sword.
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