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Soft Drugs: What gives?


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Just another drug discussion. Let's try to keep this discussion mature and intelligent. This is a G-rated forum, after all.




Main questions:


Why does the media project such a negative image on soft drugs, and what are your views on the subject? Do you think legalising soft drugs would have positive or negative impacts? etc.




This discussion, for the most part, will focus on three major soft drugs: cannabis, LSD and psilocybin. I'll include facts and studies below to better educate you on the subject.




I'll start with personal background so you can get an idea of my bias. I'm a 17 year old student going into grade 12. I do very well in school. I'm top of my class in programming, my favourite subject. As a casual smoker of marijuana and hashish, I have no history of serious mental or physical illness. I don't smoke tobacco, although I have tried hookah once. I've never tried LSD or psilocybin, but I plan to try it responsibly in the near future.




Less than a year ago I was convinced that these sort of drugs were extremely harmful and ruined your life. I believed that they were illegal for good reasons. Eventually I began to research the topic of drugs and have found that soft drugs like LSD, psilocybin and cannabis (among others) are far less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. They are also less physically addictive than caffeine (let alone tobacco or alcohol). Now... I've reconsidered my position on drugs and I'm all for the idea of (responsible) soft drugs for recreational use.








I understand that many people have a skewed idea of soft drugs, often due to the media. Before entering the discussion I urge you to please educate yourselves in the subject. I've included lots of information on cannabis, LSD and psilocybin below. Citations are included. Feel free to criticise my findings, I'll update them as necessary. :)








Cannabis (also known as marijuana or ganja in its herbal form and hashish in its resinous form) is a psychoactive product of the plant Cannabis sativa L. subsp. indica (= C. indica Lam.). The herbal form of the drug consists of dried mature flowers and subtending leaves of pistillate ("female") plants. The resinous form consists primarily of glandular trichomes collected from the same plant material.


Marijuana and hash are usually consumed through smoking. However, they can also be taken orally, by cooking food with the THC (one psychoactive molecule that produces the "high" associated with marijuana). A popular example is oral consumption is eating hash brownies.[1]




Non-Recreational Uses:


Hemp is another term for the Cannabis plant. Most people tend to use it when discussing the industrial uses of cannabis. The book The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer explains the many uses of the hemp plant. The book offers $100,000 to anyone who can prove his claims wrong.[2][3] According to his website, nobody has taken him up on that challenge. The back of his book says the following:


If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the Greenhouse Effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil, and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is -- the same one that did it all before -- Cannabis Hemp... Marijuana!


Here's an image which better explains the many uses for hemp.[4]






Medical marijuana has also shown to be useful in many ailments. It's good to know that medical marijuana isn't manufactured just to get you "high" -- it's made to help you. There are many issues medical marijuana can help prevent: Appetite Loss, Nausea, Cancer Chemotherapy, AIDS Wasting Syndrome, Nausea From Cancer Chemotherapy, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, ParkinsonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s Disease and a wide variety of others. For more details on each, see here.




Effects: As with most drugs, the effect will vary depending on set and setting, the dosage, the individual, etc. For details on the effects, see here.


From personal experience, I can say that my usual "high" consists of euphoria, giggles, heightened sense of taste and sound, greater appreciation for life, general slowness, slightly more vivid colours and, occasionally, anxiety. I find that anxiety can be minimized in a proper set and setting.






Most people say cannabis is not addictive, but this isn't entirely true. Physical addiction may be low, but mentally you can easily become attached to the drug.




Personally, my "marijuana addiction" is comparable to my "chocolate addiction" -- who doesn't love chocolate? This study shows caffeine is twice as addictive as marijuana in terms of dependence & withdrawal.




However, people with addictive personalities can easily throw their lives away to a substance like marijuana. Mentally, marijuana can be extremely addictive because it puts you in such a happy mood and it's something you can do quite easily (ie: no need to inject needles).




Most studies can go either way. Some say it's not addictive, and others say it is.










Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug. It is synthesized from lysergic acid derived from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye. It was first synthesized by Albert Hofmann.


LSD is, by mass, one of the most potent drugs yet discovered. Dosages of LSD are measured in micrograms (ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâõg), or millionths of a gram. By comparison, dosages of almost all other drugs, both recreational and medical, are measured in milligrams (mg), or thousandths of a gram. Hofmann determined that an active dose of mescaline, roughly 0.2 to 0.5 g, has effects comparable to 100 ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâõg or less of LSD; put another way, LSD is between five and ten thousand times more active than mescaline.


Several mental health professionals involved in LSD research, most notably Harvard psychology professors Dr. Timothy Leary and Dr. Richard Alpert, became convinced of LSD's potential as a tool for spiritual growth. In 1961, Dr. Timothy Leary received grant money from Harvard University to study the effects of LSD on test subjects. 3,500 doses were given to over 400 people. Of those tested, 90% said they would like to repeat the experience, 83% said they had "learned something or had insight," and 62% said it had changed their life for the better.


In short, LSD is a very powerful hallucinogen made through chemical synthesis. It is usually consumed in pill form or through absorbent blotter paper. "Dropping a tab" or "taking a hit" of acid often refers to orally consuming a square of LSD-soaked blotter paper.[5]




Non-Recreational Uses:


Originally, LSD-25 was planned to be used as a powerful therapeutic agent. It has also shown to diminish the effects of OCD.[6][7]


Developing drugs that are more effective and faster acting for the treatment of OCD is of utmost importance and until recently, little hope was in hand. A new potential avenue of treatment may exist. There are several reported cases concerning the beneficial effects of hallucinogenic drugs (psilocybin and LSD), potent stimulators of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors, in patients with OCD (Brandrup and Vanggaard, 1977, Rapoport, 1987, Moreno and Delgado, 1997) and related disorders such as body dysmorphic disorder (Hanes, 1996).


"I believe the answer is to make it possible for doctors to get access to it for therapeutic use like they do heroine or morphine. There are so many potentials for it, people who respond to no other treatment other than LSD for example. But it is banned, even though many, many doctors want to use it."- Albert Hoffman, first to synthesize LSD






As with most drugs, the effect will vary depending on set and setting, the dosage, the individual, etc. For details on the effects, see here.






LSD is generally not considered physically addictive.[8]


LSD does not produce compulsive drug-seeking behavior. Addiction to hallucinogens is rare, although poly-drug addicts (people who are addicted to several drugs) frequently abuse hallucinogens as well. Because LSD users develop extreme tolerance to LSD rapidly, the drug cannot be abused for more than a few consecutive days, preventing the kind of physical and psychological dependence associated with other drugs. This tolerance usually goes away after a week or so of abstinence from the drug.




Psilocybin mushrooms[hide]




Psilocybin mushrooms (also called psilocybian mushrooms) are fungi that contain the psychedelic substances psilocybin and psilocin, and occasionally other psychoactive tryptamines. There are multiple colloquial terms for psilocybin mushrooms, the most common being magic mushrooms or 'shrooms.


Psilocybin mushrooms are powerful hallucinogens with many similarities to LSD. They are consumed orally, often mixed with certain food/drink such as jello, tea, chocolate, etc.[9]




Non-Recreational Uses:


Can be used as a powerful therapeutic agent. Like LSD, it has also shown to help diminish OCD.[10]


There have been calls for medical investigation of the use of synthetic and mushroom-derived psilocybin for the development of improved treatments of various mental conditions, including chronic cluster headaches, following numerous anecdotal reports of benefits. There are also several accounts of psylocybin mushrooms sending both obsessive-compulsive disorders ("OCD") and OCD-related clinical depression (both being widespread and debilitating mental health conditions) into complete remission immediately and for months at a time, compared to current medications which often have both limited efficacy and frequent undesirable side-effects.






As with most drugs, the effect will vary depending on set and setting, the dosage, the individual, etc. For details on the effects, see here.






Psilocybin mushrooms are generally not considered physically addictive.[11]


Mushrooms are neither physically addicting nor likely to cause psychological dependance. Many people actually find that their desire to use mushrooms goes down for a period of time after use. As with all substances, some people will use them more frequently than they are comfortable with. There is a short period of tolerance after Mushroom use. Using Mushrooms two days in a row is likely to lead to a diminished experience the second day, though spaced 5-7 or more days apart, this effect is nearly non-existent.






Health Effects


[hide]I split this into it's own section because of it's importance and because certain information overlaps between the three drugs.


Using any drug involves a certain level of risk. Soft drugs are no exception. Why bother with them, you may ask? For the experience. Much like an extreme skiier enjoys the experience, a recreational drug user also enjoys the experience. Both activities involve a certain element of risk, and must be done responsibly and carefully. Those with a history of mental and/or physical illness should stay clear of both activities, as it could be dangerous to their body and/or mind.




Dependence vs. Physical Harm


Cannabis and LSD (psilocybin would be relatively close to LSD) are low in terms of physical addiction and physical harm, especially when compared to other drugs like alcohol and tobacco. A study published on The Lancet 24 March 2007 shows the following results: (image from Cannabis article on Wikipedia, I can't find original source)






Mental Effects:


One of the most dangerous aspects of any drug is the fear it can bring out. Most drugs alter your mind. Hallucinogens, like LSD and psilocybin, are very powerful substances. Users with a history of mental illness should stay clear of all drugs.


With hallucinogens, heavy fear can result in a "bad trip". These are most often experienced by beginners or irresponsible users, although long-time users can still experience bad trips on occasion. A bad trip can be avoided with better preparation and better "set and setting" (mind set and location). It's strongly encouraged to have a "trip sitter" when you use any drugs. If you have a trusted friend with you he/she can "talk you down" and get you back into a enjoyable state of mind. They can also ensure your safety by not letting you do anything dangerous to yourself or to others.[12]


Bad experiences with drugs often lead to further problems. Many drugs have been known to increase chances of schizophrenia and psychosis.[13]




Physical Effects:


Physically, most soft drugs are not dangerous. They tend to be non-toxic and not physically harmful.




However, it's important to note that smoking cannabis can be physically harmful. Lung damage is very possible from smoking too much marijuana.[14]




One U.S. study shows that there is no link between marijuana and lung cancer.[15]




Although many sources claim that marijuana contains more tar than a cigarette, they often leave out vital information.[16]


For example the Berkeley carcinogenic tar studies of the late 1970's concluded that "marijuana is one-and-a-half times as carcinogenic as tobacco." This finding was based solely on the tar content of cannabis leaves compared to that of tobacco, and did not take radioactivity into consideration. (Cannabis tars do not contain radioactive materials.) In addition, it was not considered that:


1) Most marijuana smokers smoke the bud, not the leaf, of the plant. The bud contains only 33% as much tar as tobacco.


2) Marijuana smokers do not smoke anywhere near as much as tobacco smokers, due to the psychoactive effects of cannabis.


3) Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to marijuana use.


4) Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of the small air passageways in the lungs.


(sources were includes at the bottom of the article)




In any case, risk from smoking can be prevented by consuming cannabis orally (eating it). LSD and psilocybin do not have these harmful effects because they are not smoked.




Another physical danger is accidental intake of noxious substances. For example, there have been cases were seekers of psychedelic mushrooms have been injured or even died from picking toxic mushrooms rather than psilocybin.[17] It should be noted that actual psychedelic mushrooms are non-toxic and have been shown to contain less toxicity than aspirin, according to a study by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.




To increase profit, many illicit drug dealers use certain chemicals or techniques to make the drugs more potent, weigh more, or appear more effective. Also, some dealers may lace their substances with harsher drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, which can indeed cause harm and even death. These problems can be prevented through legalisation and regulation of soft drugs.




Drugs should never be taken while pregnant or in the presence of young, developing minds.[18][19]






It's extremely difficult to overdose on soft drugs like cannabis, LSD and magic mushrooms. However, unlike many teens believe, it does lead to other problems which can eventually result in death.[20]


Those in favour of cannabis legalisation often claim that there are no reported cannabis induced deaths. It is important to understand what this means. It means only that there are no reported deaths directly attributable solely and immediately to a toxic overdose of cannabis.




There are, however, cannabis related deaths. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports a total of 184 cannabis related deaths for the five years 1997-2001. ABS breaks these figures down into: 68 Mental (i.e., mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use); 98 Accidental (i.e., accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances); 11 Suicide (i.e., intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to drugs); 7 Undetermined (i.e., drug-related deaths with undetermined intent).


Similar problems can arise with LSD and psilocybin. Many of these problems can be avoided with a "trip sitter" -- a trusted friend who helps you if you enter a bad state of mind or try to do something you'll later regret.






Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder is very rare but does happen in LSD/mushroom users and abusers. Not much is known about it yet.


HPPD is a long-lasting disorder where one feels like they are "tripping" even weeks or months after last having a hallucinogen. It mostly only occurs from hallucinogen users who have experienced bad trips. Victims of HPPD constantly see "tracers" (trails behind moving objects, etc), distortions, flowing movements and changing colours, etc. They also feel a higher level of paranoia, depersonalization and derealization. Usually the effect goes away after a few weeks, but some people have to live with this for many years. Most suffering from HPPD learn to live otherwise normal lives. See this community for more information.




As you can see, risk is involved even with soft drugs. Responsible drug use can minimize both physical and mental risk, but not completely remove it. If you want to be completely safe, the obvious choice is to avoid drugs completely...[/hide]

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i stopped reading at




LSD, psilocybin and cannabis (among others) are far less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes




just because they are less harmful doesnt mean they arent harmful. thats like saying i'll have less of a chance of dieing a i poke an unexploded bomb with a stick then if i poke 2...




DRUGS are still DRUGS soft or not

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Lol u said u smoke pot and hash browns. Anyway, they obviously messed up your brains, cuz u like drugs. Drugs kill. Kids dont do drugs. Cigaweed is harmful. Dont die.




If they do legalize em, they should put a warning on em that says:




Warning: Smoking these drugs may be harmful to your health. They could straight up pwn u nublet.

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Like alcohol, once soft drugs are legalized, violent crimes and criminal organizations that exist as a result of the illegality of these drugs will be nullified.




No matter how recently the events occurred, some people stubbornly refuse to look back in history, even if only for a couple years back.




Alcohol Prohibition --> War on Drugs




Vietnam War --> Iraq War




i stopped reading


Thank you for your worthless contribution.

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Well i got schizophrenia triggered partly by smoking pot (i smoked awfully much though. like really, really much). It's not without it's dangers. Most important thing about drugs imo is that you don't start using them more then occassionally. It should be an experience and not a continious state.




Then again you can just [bleep] it and throw whatever you happen to get into your hands. I know a couple of people who did that at least for some time. It might ruin your life, but hey! Life only last so long anyway.




Seriously drugs are a two edged blade. If you want to experiment with them, know that society doesn't approve of it and if something goes wrong you'll be the dope head that everybody frowns upon. Then again, if you must throw something then you better enjoy it.




Only ever do drugs, when you are in an environment you feel good about. Never use them when you are in a bad mood. It will only make things worse. (I guess everybody knows that anyway.)




Don't do speed. Speed sucks.




Don't believe anybody who says drugs are bad. Don't believe anybody who is too fond of them either.




Just my 2 cents.

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Alcohol and tobacco companies are far too wealthy and powerful to want to give up their coveted commercial position to less harmful and more pleasurable substances like marijuana.




For this reason, governments will not legalise "soft" drugs. Also, it's harder to regulate where the drugs come from, since they are usually grown in third-world countries.

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This reminds me of a Bill Hicks comedy piece about controlling bodies presenting a warped view of drugs through the media to keep people in line and docile. Let me estimate the routine for you, speaking from Bill's perspective.




A few weeks ago, I took what Terrence McKenna would describe as a 'heroic dose' - 5 dried grams of Psilocybin mushrooms. I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going "My god, I love EVERYTHING." The heavens parted, God looked down on me and rained gifts of forgiveness, healing me on every level - spiritually, physically, emotionally phychologically and at that moment I realised our true nature is spirit not body and that we are all one with God and God loves us. Now if that isn't a hazard to this country.... (laughs).... What's this going to do to the arms industry if we realise we're all one? This is really going to [bleep] up the economy. The economy that's fake anyway.




Major lols courtesy of Bill.




My perspective is if it in no way harms me or anyone else in any way, do what you want. I can't see why I should have control over you as a human being if If you're not harming me in any way, shape or form. If the action of drugs does harm me or anyone, however, I don't endorse it.




I'm not prepared to accept the fairly one sided view of drugs presented by the media. People like Bill Hicks make a strong case for responsible drug use. Now people often won't take the kind of position I am. Possibly because they have an emotional knee-jerk reaction from a number of taught pre-concieved notions. As I stated on the abortion topic -


If someone would like to take me up on it, please tell me how an act which in no way effects you and effects the descision maker for the better is wrong (assuming, hypothetically, that the descision does in fact help the descision maker and eliminating all peripheral possibilities).


Note that this is a hypothetical and drugs and related issues usually do have a lot of grey area to consider.

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Just because some people are addicted, it's frown down upon. Same as video games (for the most part).

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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kelem_ryu: I'm sorry to hear about the schizophrenia. I agree that drugs should only be used responsibly/occasionally, problems tend to arise with any sort of abuse. (although this is a good rule of thumb for any activity, whether or not it's drug use)




Anyway, they obviously messed up your brains, cuz u like drugs. Drugs kill. Kids dont do drugs. Cigaweed is harmful. Dont die.


This is a good example of the media's influence on the general public.




just because they are less harmful doesnt mean they arent harmful. thats like saying i'll have less of a chance of dieing a i poke an unexploded bomb with a stick then if i poke 2...


A better way of reading that would be:


I once thought drugs were worse than alcohol/tobacco, but I've since discovered that this is not at all true.




As far as harm goes... Lots of things are potentially harmful. Driving a car can be potentially harmful. Playing a sport can be potentially harmful. But... the media shows those activities in a different (more positive) light than drugs.




DRUGS are still DRUGS soft or not


Who would have guessed...? :-w

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kelem_ryu: I'm sorry to hear about the schizophrenia. I agree that drugs should only be used responsibly/occasionally, problems tend to arise with any sort of abuse. (although this is a good rule of thumb for any activity, whether or not it's drug use)




Anyway, they obviously messed up your brains, cuz u like drugs. Drugs kill. Kids dont do drugs. Cigaweed is harmful. Dont die.


This is a good example of the media's influence on the general public. :D Proud to listen to stupid propaganda




just because they are less harmful doesnt mean they arent harmful. thats like saying i'll have less of a chance of dieing a i poke an unexploded bomb with a stick then if i poke 2...


A better way of reading that would be:


I once thought drugs were worse than alcohol/tobacco, but I've since discovered that this is not at all true.




As far as harm goes... Lots of things are potentially harmful. Driving a car can be potentially harmful. Playing a sport can be potentially harmful.


However, the media loves to show these activities in a positive light, even if they cause more harm and death than cannabis/LSD/psilocybin. Maybe you shouldnt do drugs altogether buddy :shame: . Anyway, sports rock so no bashing on em.




DRUGS are still DRUGS soft or not


Who would have guessed... :-w

Implants are implants, soft or not. :-$ OK had to say that sorry. Hes right their still drugs :P Just dopnt do em, they cost alot of money. Get addicted to rs and xbox or waffles.




Yes, then bold parts are my opinion.

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I'm going to say marijuana is pretty much harmless as long as you don't over do it. It's not as bad as alcohol, and caffiene. Caffiene is in coffee. And the politicianists who drink a cup of joe every morning are probably more addicted to that than Toast is with his marijuana. :lol:

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Some drugs do indeed have medical uses. I even saw them use 'shrooms on an episode of House M.D. And for the guy who stoppe dreading at "they are not as harmful as cigarrettes and alcohol", read further, it does say how they are bad for your health. I don;t believe I'll try drugs, even soft ones, but this was very informative.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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You remind me of Timothy Leary.




Anyway, havn't multiple musicians died from drug ODs? Brad Nowell, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, etc.?




How can you justify drugs when people die from them?




and if all those are 'soft' drugs, what isn't a soft drug?

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I'm going to say marijuana is pretty much harmless as long as you don't over do it. It's not as bad as alcohol, and caffiene. Caffiene is in coffee. And the politicianists who drink a cup of joe every morning are probably more addicted to that than Toast is with his marijuana. :lol:




Mt Dew baby. Caffiene pwns. And i still dont think its a drug, no matter how much nerd...i mean scientific evidence you give me. Coke ftw!

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Anyway, havn't multiple musicians died from drug ODs? Brad Nowell, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, etc.?


Too bad no one has ever died due to an overdose of smoking marijuana.




or LSD for that matter




Kurt Cobain shot himself in the head btw.




kelem_ryu: I'm sorry to hear about the schizophrenia.




You don't have to be. I appreciate your concern though.

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I'm going to say marijuana is pretty much harmless as long as you don't over do it. It's not as bad as alcohol, and caffiene. Caffiene is in coffee. And the politicianists who drink a cup of joe every morning are probably more addicted to that than Toast is with his marijuana. :lol:




Mt Dew baby. Caffiene pwns. And i still dont think its a drug, no matter how much nerd...i mean scientific evidence you give me. Coke ftw!




You don't need evidence to tell you it's a drug. It's classed as a drug due to it's chemical nature and action and is an addictive substance. I don't see what the issue is here.

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One's government should not be able to tell u what soft drugs are legal or not.






if only the U.S. legalized marijuana and put a tax on it like they do on cigs, they would add BILLIONS of $$$ to its revenue. Smoking weed is no worse if even as bad as alcohol consumption

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How can you justify drugs when people die from them?


How can you justify cars or sports when people die from them?




You don't overdose from LSD/psilocybin/cannabis because it isn't toxic enough. However, these drugs have been known to kill. Lots of suicides have been thought to be caused by cannabis-induced paranoia. Lots of people pick mushrooms thinking they are psychedelic only to find out they are poisonous.




There's an interesting quote about cannabis-related deaths near the end, in my "Health Issues" section.




Even though there is a risk, it can be minimized through care and responsibility.




and if all those are 'soft' drugs, what isn't a soft drug?


"Soft drug" is a pretty loose term, but usually it refers to: cannabis, LSD, mescaline, shrooms, sometimes MDMA and caffeine. I think salvia would also be considered a soft drug, among others.




Hard drugs are not something I ever want to try. Simply put, these are the ones that give the other drugs a "bad reputation". They are much easier to overdose with and/or become addicted to. Heroin and cocaine are two big players in the field of hard drugs, and they are the ones that usually make the news when it comes to death and rehab. They still can be used responsibly, but for me the risk/reward ratio isn't worth it.




Some drugs do indeed have medical uses. I even saw them use 'shrooms on an episode of House M.D. And for the guy who stoppe dreading at "they are not as harmful as cigarrettes and alcohol", read further, it does say how they are bad for your health. I don;t believe I'll try drugs, even soft ones, but this was very informative.


Glad you enjoyed it. :)




Just dopnt do em, they cost alot of money.


I disagree. For me, a night at the movies costs more money than a session with friends. The latter is also a lot more social, rather than just staring blankly at a screen for a long time.




Get addicted to rs and xbox or waffles.


I'd rather not get addicted to anything... ;)

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How can you justify drugs when people die from them?


How can you justify cars or sports when people die from them?




You don't overdose from LSD/psilocybin/cannabis because it isn't toxic enough. However, these drugs have been known to kill. Lots of suicides have been thought to be caused by cannabis-induced paranoia. Lots of people pick mushrooms thinking they are psychedelic only to find out they are poisonous.




There's an interesting quote about cannabis-related deaths near the end, in my "Health Issues" section.




Even though there is a risk, it can be minimized through care and responsibility.


Erm, cant think of anything stupid to say. Just don do crack kids. or heroin. Or cyanide.


and if all those are 'soft' drugs, what isn't a soft drug?


"Soft drug" is a pretty loose term, but usually it refers to: cannabis, LSD, mescaline, shrooms, sometimes MDMA and caffeine. I think salvia would also be considered a soft drug, among others.




Hard drugs are not something I ever want to try. Simply put, these are the ones that give the other drugs a "bad reputation". They are much easier to overdose with and/or become addicted to. Heroin and cocaine are two big players in the field of hard drugs, and they are the ones that usually make the news when it comes to death and rehab. They still can be used responsibly, but for me the risk/reward ratio isn't worth it.


Nothing to say here. Lindsay Lohan is a drunk who does crack.




Some drugs do indeed have medical uses. I even saw them use 'shrooms on an episode of House M.D. And for the guy who stoppe dreading at "they are not as harmful as cigarrettes and alcohol", read further, it does say how they are bad for your health. I don;t believe I'll try drugs, even soft ones, but this was very informative.


Glad you enjoyed it. :)


Yeah it was pretty informative




Just dopnt do em, they cost alot of money.


I disagree. For me, a night at the movies costs more money than a session with friends. The latter is also a lot more social, rather than just staring blankly at a screen for a long time.


Its not blank it has pretty colors. And it can be social if you talk through the movie.




Get addicted to rs and xbox or waffles.


I'd rather not get addicted to anything...


Yeah its not like your addicted to pot or hash browns(whatever you call it) or anything. Or making stupid threads trying to justify drugs and having idiots like me state our probably completely wrong ideas/opinions.




Once again, the bold is my opinion.

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Yeah its not like your addicted to pot or hash browns(whatever you call it) or anything.


Hash brownies. :) They are typically just chocolate brownies with THC in them to get you intoxicated. Hash browns are the potato stuff you can get at McDonalds... :P




I'm not saying you should try drugs, I just think the public needs to adopt a better (more accurate) image of them.

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Yeah its not like your addicted to pot or hash browns(whatever you call it) or anything.


Hash brownies. :) They are typically just chocolate brownies with THC in them to get you intoxicated. Hash browns are the potato stuff you can get at McDonalds... :P




I'm not saying you should try drugs, I just think the public needs to adopt a better (more accurate) image of them.


I would actually choose hash browns over hash brownies because hash browns (especially the ones from McDonald's) are delicious and deliciousness triumphs all else.

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