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A new member of the family



Yesterday, we got a new member of the family!


[spoiler=Everyone, say hello to Maggie]



Isn't she adorable? <3: My girlfriend, Jen, grew up with a Bichon Frise (which is French for "curly white lap dog". Appropriate, no? :^_^: ). She's been wanting another one since he died a few years ago; Maggie was her birthday present.


[spoiler=She's so tiny]



...or I'm just really big. :lol:

We had to wait a couple of weeks to get her because she wasn't ready to leave her mom, and Jen literally counted down the days until we could pick her up. She bonded with Jen almost immediately, giving her lots of puppy kisses on her face. Maggie spent the whole car ride home snuggling up to her and even fell asleep for a little while. It's amazing how much joy a tiny ball of fluff can bring. Everybody just loves her, even my shepherd/husky Kali. They didn't seem too sure about each other at first, but they've been getting along much better today.


[spoiler=One big, one small.]


In fact, they're both asleep on the floor at my feet right now. I've never had a puppy before (Kali was almost two when I got her) and it's an interesting experience. Maggie follows me and my gf everywhere, and I've almost stepped on her a couple of times. She doesn't run, so much as she bounds every where, which is really funny when she tries to stop on the hardwood floors.


I wuvs my new puppy. <3:


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