Hey all! Is anyone still subscribed to me? If you are, and you've enjoyed my writing in the past, you might be interested to know that I've migrated over to Archive of Our Own. You'll find an archive of my humor posts from here over there, as well as some of my other works, including my serial novel, "The Wizard's Familiar," which currently updates with a new chapter every Tuesday, and my short story "The Tale of Potato," which is loosely inspired by RuneScape. Here's the link: https://archiveof
Hello everyone. My name is Danbridge and I am a hero on runescape. I was created on Nov. 1, 2017. I have been playing rs since 05. this is my 3rd hero. The first one was hacked and the second one was NOT recognised by the authenticator and was deleted.
So, handlettering (and drawing and calligraphy) is one of my offline hobbies. And these last few months I've been busy creating a hand drawn birthday calendar - which is now finally finished! The hand made original is in possession of The Best Mom In The World (which obviously is my mom :) ) but you can download a copy here: http://www.ingridspersonal.nl/downloads/eeuwigdurendeverjaardagskalender.pdf Oh, and if you want to take a peek at my minecraft thingummywuts, go here: https://www.dro
Troacctid, a popular blogger on Tip.It who was previously thought to have either been abducted by aliens or eaten by wolves after her unexpected disappearance several years ago, was spotted alive and well this week at a local gaming store. "What? My blog? Oh, right, yeah, that's a thing that I used to do! So you're a fan, huh? HYT!" said Troacctid. "Yeah, I'm pretty much off of that game. But there were some good memories for sure." The former blogger denied having mysteriously vanished. "Wh
Same layout as all the other ones. This is crap I keep to take out regularly. It's even more of a mess this time as I started a quest about a year and a half ago and haven't gotten round to finishing it yet |^_^| It's also got some stuff that I don't know what their use even is. Some alchs that I still haven't gotten round to alching...food for my kitten and um...brawlers that i'm still getting through. Farming tab! I recently made a bunch of juju farming potions. Ranarr, toadflax,
The Tragically Hip. Is there another band that personifies Canada more completely than the boys from Kingston? Not that I've ever found. Almost every album certified platinum (1,000,000 sales), many of those multi-platinum, and two albums, 1989's Up To Here and 1992's Fully Completely, certified diamond (10,000,000 sales). They've sold more albums than there are people in this country and were it not for a tragic illness we might have have the chance to buy many, many more. In May of this year
The lock creaks as the bolt is turned back and the door squeals in its frame with each push. A shoulder slams into it and the door is thrown open with a bang, small gold lettering now visible on the frosted glass: "Kaida23". Dust hangs in the light from the hallway as a hand gropes blindly along the wall. With a loud click a switch is flipped and fluorescent bulbs flicker reluctantly to life bathing the small office in their harsh light. Various plaques and pictures adorn the walls, some barely
Hey guys! So I figured that I may as well post something I made to TIF, because why not? :) [spoiler=Large Image] They're Terraria characters in wedding garb made out of Perler/Hama beads! They're going to be the cake toppers for Jason and mines wedding cake. All I have to do is iron them and they'll be done :) Lemme know what you guys think!
One of the things I do when I'm reallifing, is crocheting. I like crocheting a lot (amongst other yarnbased crafts), and in between all the exercises and walking I have to do at the moment, I crocheted this tiny mochila bag. I liked the mochila technique and made a design of my own. Bought yarn too already. It will be a black oval bag on which pacman and the four ghosts are chasing each other for ever and ever and ever and ever... I doubted between pacman and space invaders for a moment, bu
I know it's been forever since I've posted anything here, so here's a bit of a re-introduction: Hi, I'm Echocut. I believe I started this account in 2004, but I did start earlier (2001?) with a different account. I gave that account away because one of my old school friends wanted to play, but didn't want to start from scratch- and I got bored of that account, so I gave that one to him. Besides, this name fit a bit better with me. Anyway, 'Scaping is more of a past-time for me because I curr
Hi everyone! It has been some time since I last scaped. Well, that's because I was in hospital because of a hernia. The hernia completely paralyzed my left foot so I went to a nursing home afterwards to get my left foot back. I had no computer at my hands there, but with all the exercises I didn't really have much time to miss the thing. Although I did miss my fellow hyters *stares at Witchy, Draggle, Sally, Draz and the others* Anyway, I am well on my way back to health, but still don't fee
Netflix has its system of recommending other movies and shows for you to watch. I watch Captain America The First Avenger and a que asks me if I want to watch Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk or Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Google has an algorithm for speech recognition. What are these and other companies trying to simulate? They want these models to think like humans. It's not likely that these artificial intelligence models can think like humans, but in some cases, they can actually think bett
It's not 100% perfect, but it's come out a damn sight better than my previous effort. I've figured out some mistakes I made during the making of this one, and I'll go through those as I go through the recipe with you bunch of nubs :P So it's been a long time since I've posted a food porn for you sluts, and I have no excuses, but one explanation. I'm too lazy to record what I'm cooking half the time, or I don't deem it "worthy" of being food porn. I won't lie and say this is the return of my fo
The Mobile World Conference has kicked off, which means there are a lot of new and exciting technologies being announced and shown off. There are sure to be many exciting things announced in the coming days, but today there have already been some great mobile devices seen. Here is a quick rundown of the most important releases today, thanks to Computer World. Overall, it seems like the three introduced phones are going to be aimed at very different markets. Though they will probably all see so
So how is everybody's invention doing? Or are you - like me - waiting for the hype to die down a bit before plunging in to this new skill? Meanwhile, aside from some reallifing, I feel myself being lured into minecraft a bit again. I'm working in creative on a marble&glass castle in the air! More pics are at my picasa: https://picasaweb.google.com/111057455050922171206/ScreenshotsMinecraft and I have a page at my own website where I can dump the downloadlinks for the maps I'm working
The fastest way to get there is Hoardstalker ring teleport. Wear your best melee weapon and armor. Because these creatures have high defense, Turmoil prayer and Scrimshaw of attack are useful. Bring 3 overload, 5 prayer flask, 4 adrenaline flask; Bring Dreadnip, it could be very useful. Bring healing e.g. Excalibur, good quality food Bring 1 Portent of life or death, and 1 house tab, just in case you are low health. Don't need to worry its special, just tank it, soul split if neede
The fastest way is use Tirannwn quiver 4 teleport to Harmony pillars; or use Crystal teleport seed teleport to Meilyr Clan. These creatures drops Blood necklace shard. Sometimes a elite one will appear, it's better duo with others, otherwise avoid it. Wear the best melee weapon and armor, pray deflect magic or soul split if needed, summon Steel Titan. Bring infernal urn if you wish to train prayer, each urn will hold 18 tortured ashes. It's safe to tank 3 at once.