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I feel cheap...



So recently theres been a lack of playing runescape on my part, with the Nechraels task taking forever to complete. However, I feel cheap because with this lack of playing I still had membership and managaed to get to 86 herblore with the bonus xp. I really want to get back into playing, but I'm currently trying to 1000g Dark Souls, which is quite difficult really. I've also just got a PS3, so I'm spending a lot of time playing that too. I now have a lot more free time as I've finished my fitness instructor work and

So work has been weird recently, and people have been constantly complaining, about seemingly trivial stuff, which gets on my nerves profusely. Product development is going well, and I've had some pretty awesome ideas, which I'm excited about implementing.

Outside of work, I'm not sure when I last posted, so since then I think, I've got my yellow stripe in Tae Kwon Do, and began gymnastics as well. I've been working hard at gymnastics, and am working on front tuck full twist. I've been getting the front tuck half twist and thought I'd try the next progression. I think soon I'm going to try front pike to half twist as well. I've also been working on high bar as well, mainly as a way to increase my body control, and overall strength. I can still back tuck on the floor, which made me very happy, as well as being able to round off back tuck. I have also tried side tuck to 3/4 twist just as something to try, but I'm not able to land it, so it still needs some work.

This weekend I'll be training hard hopefully, and I plan to have a fast run through of my triathlon training, hopefully going 1.5 times the distance on each discipline and completing in about one hour 5 mins (it's not a very long one)

I really wish I had more motivation to play runescape, but I'm sure it'll pick up soon, if not, I'm not sure I'll be too bothered. It kinda irks me that I'm at 98 strength tho.

Peace -x-


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