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Back... with a twist.



Been a long time since I wrote my last entry. Today, I completed love story and again, Nomads requiem stands alone in the list. The requirements are still pending, but I am now closer than ever. Currently I need 1 level of mage and 6 levels of prayer. Mage and half of prayer are already banked, but my money is draining like crazy. Gotta get more soon.


Also, yesterday happened something I had never expected. My brother, Kurppa17, after year and a half long break and 5 years of scaping, returned and bought a member, now more excited than ever. It is good to have him back really, Someone to talk with is always nice. I got him back to date with the updates and told a little bit of everything and he now plays like a veteran he is. Gonna go do some dungeoneering today with him. Hopefully, he will like the skill.


Lt. Jake Dunn, signing off.


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