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Governing Social Dynamics



I decided to use the actual blog feature. Blogs are a great alternative to keeping a journal. I want to have this journal so I can one day look back and point out what I did right and what I did wrong and learn from that.


As this is a Runescape oriented blog, I want this to specifically keep and account of how I made a successful clan. I want to share what knowledge and principals I have on this matter of in-game social dynamics.


The first observation was that online groups follow a similar social dynamic as that of street gangs. What draws someone to a gang--presuming that not all gangs are harmful entities? My experience with teenagers and youth have led me to believe one important factor in that is a lack of family influence. Many gang members get involved in such because one of Maslow's basic needs are not met within a family unit. This leads them to search elsewhere for their need, and if a gang happens to be the most readily available source for filling that need, then it becomes the primary method of doing so.


So, what does everyone need? Why do people seek out online communities? Well, if they are using a computer, it is usually safe to assume that they are not chronically suffering from hunger or thirst. Safety is a possibility though. Maybe playing a game while hiding from some perceived danger in their life is a coping mechanism. The people who come into a guild or clan for safety reasons may not find a lasting source of filling that need at all. The best that I believe I can do in those cases is to show them that I trust them, and to give them a position of trust. Doing so helps them gain confidence, and might lead them to searching for better sources of security than gaming.


The next need in that pyramid is a social need, or a need to feel loved. I don't feel like the pyramid imagery is appropriate with this need--as it is something we, as humans, will always seek more of--where as there is a limited measure of physical fulfillment that we can reach. People will always want to feel a greater sense of belonging, and a greater love. Whatever form that love takes, we'll want more of it. Filling this need for gamers is very easy--give to them. Giving of yourself shows charity--which is a high form of love. Give time to help them, give in game items to help them. Give, give, give, and only give because you want to. Doing that will help gamers feel like they belong, like they are loved in a way that is appropriate for an online gaming community.


Admittedly one of the reasons why I am working so hard to establish this clan, is the self-esteem needs, which are next on the pyramid. These involve recognition and prestige. Every body likes to finish a job when it was done well, and we are all more interested in being compensated for it. To fit this one into the clan social dynamic, rankings were added. Many rankings are easier to get than others--which helps players gain that recognition. Studies have proven that games with a few easy-to-get achievements sell better than those of similar quality that lack such points of recognition.


Self Actualization is another way of saying enlightenment. That's the real goal of this clan--to help fill the needs of others, and teach those whom you help to do the same. In doing this, they realize that filling the needs of another helps them fill their own. People who you have helped are more likely to help you when the need arises. People who you've shown concern for, will be more likely to return the favor. Some people would like to intellectually interject at this point that not all people will respond in a positive way. I'm inclined to believe that is wrong--or rather not complete. I believe that people will respond in a way that is more positive than their usual inclination. Some people have the habit of being mean and taking advantage of others. If you offer up something to them, without any strings attached, they will be inclined to take less advantage of you. If you continue doing so in the right way--such that it fills their needs--then their responses will grow increasingly positive.


So, that is what I'm hoping for with this Dragon Share clan--being a positive influence on all.


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May sound corny--but I just want to help. I enjoy playing video games, but some MMOs are frustrating when you first start because everyone else is so far ahead of you, and so few people are willing to help. It's hard to really feel like you "fit in" when you first start and MMO, and I'd like that not to be a problem with Runescape.

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