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A messy free for all



(This isn't any type of post about an accomplishment -- instead, this is more of a "blog about your thoughts" post. Also, everything that I say here (and any future blog posts about boss hunting, unless otherwise specified) refers specifically to soloing bosses -- I haven't killed bosses in a team since sometime shortly after the release of coinshare and I much prefer soloing anyway.)


Since I got 89 summoning, I have been living down in the Ancient Guthix Temple, killing Tormented Demons (when I have had the time -- don't have that much, being a college student). They are a perfectly done boss monster -- not hellishly difficult to kill solo (like corp or some of the GWD bosses without really high levels), but unless you know exactly what you're doing, you're going to be toast. However, that makes something else happen -- the biggest danger and most difficult part of killing Tormented Demons: other people.


Tormented Demons are notorious for being really good money -- if you can manage ~25 kills per hour (which isn't overly difficult once you get good at weapon and prayer switching), you can make an average of about 3 million per hour (and I mean average -- it takes a large amount of time and all the money is from one relatively rare drop), and with really high levels, it's even possible to kill more than 50 an hour, for an average of around 6 million or more an hour (method shouldn't be that difficult to figure out).


Of course, since Tormented Demons are practically made of money, or, to be more accurate, you will be if you spend enough time killing them, people are all over them. Even the servers with the least people are often full. I mostly play at late hours (anywhere from 9 to midnight EST on average), but there are still people there. Even if I find a world with no one there, you can bet that within 30 minutes, a white dot will run right towards me. This is where I get to my main point.


I'm not known for liking people much, and this place doesn't do much for my faith in humanity. Etiquette is usually lacking, so if people run over to me, I know that they're going to start killing one of the three demons that I have lured (they're there so they won't pile me, as soon as you kill it it's going to cause a problem) 95% of the time. They're usually also 138s who have no manners, so I can't even fight them for the kill -- I'd just lose.


Those people aren't the big problem. I'm fine with them -- there are usually enough low population worlds to hop to, and that's a matter of simple etiquette. I can see why people crash -- there aren't many worlds that are open. It's also consistent with Jagex's stance, which roughly says "Get bigger or get out". I fight the battles that I think I can win, but there are almost none of those down there, even though I'm level 129. The problem are the ones who can't beat me: the lurers. Back when I had just finished While Guthix Sleeps, I tried to kill some tormented demons using a war tortoise full of sharks -- it worked well enough. My second trip down there, however, someone came in and lured the demons that I had put neatly into place over to me so that I was piled. I tried moving around so that I could fight just one, but he kept pulling that demon over until I was in a situation I couldn't escape except by teleporting and was killed. I got back in time to get all my items back, yes, but it is still unnecessary. Is this what is meant by "Get bigger or get out"? I seriously doubt it. But what can be done about it? I'm just supposed to leave or die because some jackass comes in and decides that I'm in the way, without even attempting a fair fight? I just have to roll over and take it? I can't get bigger and make him get out -- I either have to get out or stoop to his level.


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