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So this is what we have been waiting for!

I love it, very sheek, modern, certainly spiffing XD


Well, for all those that don't know me, My name is Zaid, Exotic isnt it! XD

Im 16, Live in London, UK and thats basically it. I enjoy lots of music, films, gaming, sports, your average teen


Im current in a 6th form college, suffering from A-levels, well, they're not that bad yet. But we will see how it goes, I hope to update this very often, and i hope i can entertain you all with stories, adventures, jokes, my own fml and lml's and yeah general stuff.




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I lilke the name Zaid, it's different.


There's nothing really wrong with any names, but I like names that are different, spelt differently etc etc. You'll have to mind my blondeness, but what is A-level?

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I lilke the name Zaid, it's different.


There's nothing really wrong with any names, but I like names that are different, spelt differently etc etc. You'll have to mind my blondeness, but what is A-level?



Thanks XD,

How to explain an a level, hmmm,, WIKI TO THE RESUCE!



The Advanced Level General Certificate of Education, universally referred to as an A level, is a qualification offered by education institutions in England, Northern Ireland and Wales and by a small minority of institutions, typically private,

A levels are usually studied over a two year period and are widely recognised around the world, as well as being the qualification that is the most common method used by British Universities to determine an applicant's suitability for academic subjects.


A levels are part of the tertiary Further Education (FE) process in the United Kingdom. A levels can also be studied by students in the last two years (12 and 13) at secondary school. This is an integrated part of a Secondary Education institution in many areas of the country, while others have separate Sixth Form Colleges. This is normally done as a direct continuation of the secondary education process and hence most students study for the qualification from age 16 to 18.



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