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funny thingies...



oliek....................................................................................................................................................................heer are some jokes made entirely by me >.>


wai did the soldier get tired? he was wearing fatigues....


where do you find 2 boats side by side? at a paradox.......


abc was smithing gold bars, and his mom asked what he was smithing...and he was liek "ore!!!!" and his mom was liek..."lolwut?" and he said "ORE!!!!!! DANG IT! ORE!!" and his mom slapped him....


why did sherlock homes get called when the jad was killed? it was a fire caper.....


what is wobbuffets favorite store? toys are can has be are us.....


what do you call a circle made entirely of iron? a ferris wheel...


a fire giant, an ice giant, and a moss giant walk into a bar...what do they say to the bar tender? (click show to see it...) [hide]"SHADDUP!"[/hide]


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what do you call a circle made entirely of iron? a ferris wheel...

This was the only good one

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