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Surving without the "bathroom"



Just yesterday, in the middle of the last period, the fire alarm went off.


Everyone thought it was a drill. From what I heard, someone set off a fire in the feminine bathrooms. For that, all of the students had to survive the whole entire day, without going to the TOILET.

The punishment was today, and it was tough, to be honest. I have a really weak bladder, so I have to keep going to the bathroom every 1-2 hours. Luckily, one of the toilets next to my class was left "unlocked" and I sneaked in, so I wouldn't get caught.


Thank god for that unlocked toilet. I could have sued the school for abusing us, with no toilets :angry:


Recommended Comments

Wait, the punishment for setting a fire in one of the bathrooms was that no one was allowed to use the bathroom the next day??? Now that's discipline. :thumbup: None of the slap on the wrist, second chance for plagiarizing, everybody's a winner attitude to school we have here in Canada.


Don't get me wrong, I'm sympathetic to your problem (I was the same way when I was younger), but it's nice to see there are still places in the world that believe in disciplining their children.

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