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Weekends RULE!!



This weekend has been incredible. I started off on friday getting the 2 steps done that I needed. So tomorrow I'll be going in to a meeting about my project with a big smile and tonnes of confidence on my side, and then promptly working hard to get more work done.


Friday evening, one of the girls in my lab invited me along to a Tae Kwon Do class, and being me I thought nothing bad could come from it. I was nearly right, apart from the blisters on my big toes. Not to worry, the class was awesome and I'm going again, 3 training sessions a week, all free, urrr HELL YEAH!! Trained for about 2 and a half hours, and it was awesome fun. I ended up doing some of my shaolin forms eventually, as I need to make sure I remember them. And then I considered stopping going to gymnastics, as its too far away and will cost too much and I'm running out of money as it is. I got in from the session and sat down to relax and did some slayer. I had an aquanites task, where I got my first ancient effigy. Unfortunately I can't use it, but I have plenty of bank space and patience so I can use it much later. I also got a clue, level 3, and the reward was a h4 rune plate, which was gratifying, as for the longest time I've had no decent rewards.


Saturday morning came, and after I finished the aquanites task I moved onto another, getting Jungle Strykewyrms, which yielded 3 or 4 level 3 clue scrolls, all of which gave about 100k, which was awesome. Then finished that task pretty quick, and got a hell hounds task, got a clue scroll, which has taken all of today to do, but I'll get to that in a minute. The hellhounds task was surprisingly good. Within 10 drops I recieved 2 ancient effigies, and a clue scroll. I decided to stay to complete the task as there weren't too many to go, and I also got 2 ferocious rings, which was good because the amount I have is getting low. During this time I was playing soul silver, and my eevee wanted to evolve, but I didnt want an Espeon, I wanted an Umbreon, but that needs night time.


Then I went out for the evening, and had a pleasant time getting fed lots of food and swimming before even more food. And we all just hung out and chatted until about 1.30. So I arrive home, with the intent of evolving my eevee into an Umbreon. 30 mins later I level my eevee and Umbreon arrives. Making me eternally happy about how things are going in that game. Then I slept.


Sunday morning!! Up in time to watch UFC 118. In my opinion it was incredible, but both main events were very predictable. I really wasn't surprised when it was announce that no fights, not even on the undercard, ended via KO. And even the fights that went to decision weren't boring by any means.


I went to the cinema!! And I saw The Expendables. Pretty good month for Randy Couture it seems. Wicked film, hella fun, so much awesome action.


Then, scaping and my epic quest to complete a clue scroll leads me to need a split bark helm. They are difficult to get. And after about 4-5 hours of continuous effort at temple building and shade killing my persistance pays off. A new friend, and a split bark helm. I continue on with my clue scroll, having only one part after the emote and a co-ord that was nearby made it kinda rewarding on my effort. But the reward wasn't great, getting me only 50k for a stupid amount of work put in.


I ran for 35 mins and covered 6k and then weighed myself. I've lost 10 pounds since arriving in Singapore and I don't know if I've ever felt this good. Hopefully this week I can find the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club and join that as term has finally begun here.


Next up for me is an 89 Iron Drags task. I'm so looking forward to it I cannot wait. But that'll have to take place tomorrow. And I'm actually looking forward to this week for both work and recreational activities =)


Hope everyone is good.



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