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First Entry: RS/RL goals, and what's up.



Hey Tip.it... Long time lurker first time bloger.. so here I go'


First with the RL stuff I suppose. Im Fisher, a senior in Highschool in boring, snowy, crappy Northern Michigan. I do good in school, love to play hockey, my PS3, hang out with friends, Chill with my GF of nearly 8 months Molli (when she's here), Hunt, Fish, play runescape and apparantly blog. Anyway Im just skating on through my senior year waiting for bigger and better things in the future (COLLEGE!) Don't get me wrong this years been and will be alot of fun, but I cant help but feel like im counting down the days till Im outta here! Ive got a few great friends to chill with and alot of meh friends. We have fun even though there is absoultly nothing to do in this [cabbage] hole of a town.


So my girlfriend Molli is going to college about two and a half hours away, up near Canada. I was originaly planning on going to the same college as her, untill I stayed with her a few times and realized how much I HATE everything about it. It's small, cold, ugly, and has terrible food, and people.... Reminds me of where Im at now... So instead I've applied to a few Colleges out in Colorado. Why Colorado? Well I've been there a few times and I'm convinced that Colorado is one hell-of-a state. I absolutly love it out there. I'm hoping and praying to get into Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Go Rams! I applied a little over 3 weeks ago and check my application status about every 30 seconds. I have about .07 higher GPA than last years Freshman average... I should be alright but im still worried as hell.


I'm very excited, as I should be about going to College in Colorado and all the amazing times I'm sure to have... But I feel absolutly terrible for abandoning my girlfriend like this. She has been nothing but great to me. I really dont have any reason to leave her, and it just feels wrong to leave someone with them doing nothing to provoke it. We've been growing apart a little since I only see here every few weekends, but I'm still very attatched. I havn't completly broke it to her and Im afraid to. I've hinted at it a bit and the outcome wasn't good... I just don't know what to do here. I don't want to can't go to her college because I know I'll regret it terribly. advice appreshiated.


Well now for the Rs bit. Deathgodfish is my RSN I've been playing since fall of '07 on this account and started in winter of '06 on my first account. I'm 137 combat and 2206 Total at the time of writing this. I recently achieved my biggest, hardest goal of 99 Slayer! (November 1st) Wewt go me. Ive been working at 99 slayer since the year 1672. Pickle? No thank you. I'm worth about a lousy 35m cause I seem to always spend what little money I do get ahold of. I've never bossed too much always thinking that xp > gp. Im only really proud of 3 out of my 10 skill capes. Slayer ofcourse because its BA. Range, because It was my first 99, and unchinned. Construction because I blew all my money way back forever ago on it and I never seem to have recovered, But I am ranked under 400 on the highscores! worth it? Definitly.


Now that I'm done with Slayer I found myself with alot of free time on RS. So now I'm getting all of my skills 80+ (agil, theive, craft, smith, rc, farm are left) that should get me eh about 50 Total levels. Im in no hurry though. I also have decided to Boss a bit and try not to waist every Gp I get. Having never had more than 100m at one time, I've always been a poor player and I want that to change. Think I'll start killing some Td's and Dks Hybriding. That should be fun. Anyways I'll keep you updated on what's going on.


Comments, advice, tips, suggestions are all appreshiated

Noob trolls pwning my spelling/grammer are not ;)


Thanks for reading'

<>< DGF ><>


Recommended Comments

Wow, those are some amazing stats for a 3 year old account. Mine is 6+ years old and I haven't even got that high of a total level XD

Good luck on your goals ;]

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