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Ok, so I think I have a lot to write, and I'll see how this goes.


A man is more than the sum of his parts. A phrase that recently I either heard or caught somewhere, but something that seems so relevant to me right now. Now I'm a very active person, and enjoying trying to do everything I am able to and I really enjoy it. While I might not excel in one thing, I think that everything that I know together forms some sort of wide knowledge base that allows me to tackle many problems that I'd every come across.


A more specific example is Runescape. My levels are all good, and fairly consistent, none of them are stellar, but none of them are poor. However, when looking at it, my total level is high, and my ranking because of it is high. However, look at each of the skills. Only Smithing, at level 86, and slayer at 92, rank higher than my total level. something that seems strange but thinking about it, is it really uncommon? Even with 2 99s at lower ranks than my total rank it still seems odd to me, but really exemplifies the phrase I'd recently encountered.


Take a look at your own highscores and see whether you excel in one area or if you're a jack of all trades.


Something I've thought about for a long time is that I'm interested in so many things and try anything that takes my fancy that in my life I am a jack of all trades, and really only excel in one thing.


Today, the reason I'm writing this, having had it in my head for a long time is that I'm listening to the radio 1 masterpieces show from last night. In which they're playing the entirety of the Elephant by The White Stripes. An album that I've owned for a long time, and one that is by many peoples standards a truly exceptional album. This show, and the shows that are on all week are going to be very interesting and I'm going to try and listen to them all. Also, they played a clip from one of the White Stripes Peel Session, and realised how far I've strayed from what I always desired to do with my life, become a radio DJ, something that I'd still like to pursue, but something that doesn't really fit in with much. Given a chance ever I'd take it, but right now its not something I could do.


I'm a music fanatic, and I'm constantly attempting to discover new music, and other things in life, but the music is always there, and there's so much more music than I might ever be able to find that I enjoy. I continually post here on the metal thread as I adore metal, but I'm really a music nerd and follow alot of styles, and today we were talking about albums at lunch, and I nearly spoke for a long time about the music I enjoy. I have so much to tell but right now I'm going to leave it here and enjoy the rest of the album that I really don't listen to enough.


Thanks for reading.




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