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Current levels and current goal. And not paying attention in class.



I'm suppose to be playing attention in my Intermediate Macroeconomics class. But, it's whack. Like really. I mean, had I read the chapter before hand, I might know what's going on. So it's of no ones fault but my own. But this guy is pretty boring to me. And his notes are like 20 years old. They aren't even formatted well in the Word documents he's writing them in. But lucky for me, the class isn't intellectually hard. All I have to do is read the chapter and review his notes again to do the homework. And as long as I study, I'll do fine. But seriously. This class sucks.


In any event, here's the stats I promised you guys.




As you can see, not impressive. But since I don't have to go to 40+ wilderness to fight Greater Demons anymore, I plan on starting with combat. I'll try for 99 Defense first. Oh and I almost got 72 Constitution (?), so I'll get Combat lvl 88 after 72 Defense. However, because I insist on gathering my own food, it's likely I'll hit a higher fishing and cooking before then. I have about 200 lobsters left so I'll train combat until they are gone, then head over to FoG to get swordfish gloves.




I should probably get a shield to. But it's the wilderness. I'm honestly to scared to bring anything else too valuable. I have an irrational fear of the wilderness.


Recommended Comments

Macroeconomics? Is that as dry and boring as it sounds? :P


Nice stats. The reaper hood looks really good with the new armor. :thumbup:


Good luck with your training. You should head over to the Wizard's Tower and check out RuneSpan. It's so much better for training RC than running back and forth to the altars.

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1) macroeconomics itself is interesting to a degree. But my professors class is not

2) Thanks. I think it looks good too. I love wearing it.

3) I know. Runespan is indeed awesome. That's how I got my 50 in RC now.

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