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80 prayer, epic herblore cleaning, and hooray for passing assessments



So now its on thursdays its a lot easier for me to write, and I've done more stuff.

In runescape, i've changed all my goals now i've got 97 strength, and I'm aiming for more things to do, but I'm focussing on herblore. Today I got 80 prayer, which made me happy and helped me feel like I've actually achieved something. I'm slowly prioritizing my goals. Yesterday I began cleaning all my herbs, and by today I'd got all 6000 clean, and now I'm going to pot everything up except the avantoes, so that once I hit 88 i can make extreme attacks. Although I have a feeling it'll take forever to get there. I'm aiming for 84 herblore soon, and finishing of my slayer task, and really just aiming to get everything done that I've started. I've started and got to the boss fights in both Love Story and Nomads requiem but to no avail on those battles, so i'm going to attempt them again soon, i think i only made 2 attempts on the love story boss battle before i got distracted. I've also organised my bank to the point where I realised how much I've got of various raw materials for skilling, which was actually the precursor to all the herblore.

I want to catch up with all the higher level quests, but the effort to put in to do them seems like too great for what i'll be able to manage for a while.

So this week, on monday, I passed my practical assessment for my fitness instructors level 2 qualification, now I've only got the theory to do, and that shouldn't be too difficult.

I've also had dinner out on Monday... and tuesday... and wednesday, and I've had enough of eating out for a while, except that I have to get take away tomorrow night because I'm visiting people in southampton, and am getting there too late for food.

I also saw The Dark Knight Rises on monday, i thought it was great, and I love Bane as a villain, especially as well executed as it was. My friends opinions on it seem split, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it, I can't really understand where they're coming from when there is criticism, and I reckon it'll require another watch to really appreciate it. I also know the ideas behind the story and characters, and was really kicking myself at one point in the film, due to missing a big plot point, which I guess I have to give credit to how well the misconception was done, as it caught me out.

So as I've not really done anything significant this week, all I've done is Tae Kwon Do tonight I have nothing of note to mention. I think that next week I'm going to check out a gymnastics club nearby and have a guitar lesson, probably on the same night. Next week should see a return to normalcy for my gym routine. Hopefully I can rework off the weight I've put on this week, due to all the meals out and no time to exercise. I plan to go saturday and absolutely beast myself.

Feel free to add me on runescape, as I've only got one person in my friend list, and I he doesn't seem to play much at all at the moment, and herblore is mighty boring. My RSN is Punk Man666.

Peace -x-


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