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Steels dragons and abyssal demons... and Alan Rickman??



Easy tasks for me this weekend. Next one will require a bit more concentration. So slayer is going well, this weekend was pretty good for me, steel dragons was a bit tight at the end, but managed to get it done. I still need to get a better set up, I miscalculated slightly. Oh well, the abyssal demons was pretty good, and it was a decent amount. The exp for these tasks was decent and I'm getting closer and closer to 98 strength. Neither task afforded me any significant drops, I've got a clue scroll to do. Yay. Next up is abberant spectres. This should be an interesting task, I haven't done them for a long time.

Luckily this weekend has been pretty great. I've had time to do everything that I wanted to, so I'm finally on top of everything I'm trying to do. I've been working hard on my guitar work, and I now understand how to use garageband better aswell. Yay!!

So I've got another day off tomorrow so hopefully I'll be spending more time in the gym, smashing things and getting a beasting. Today I ran my best 5km, and cycled a good 10km as well. Indoor reverse triathlon training is going well.

I've not got much to say. Tomorrow is a day off.

Here is a video of Alan Rickman making tea, in slow motion.


Peace -x-


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