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Posts posted by dahool

  1. People who are "L00k1ng 4 h0t GF!!!11!oneone!!!shift!!" are just noobs irl... really.. go get a life. They are either 65+ people who didn't take a lot of oppurtunities when they were young and try to make up for that or some 5-year old who aren't even toilet-trained... =P~




    So please.. Sign me in!

  2. 7.5/10 for the collection. Some of 'em are very good some of em less.




    Lovin'the second one though :3>






    TIP: When the sig doesn't work out the way you want - don't save it - start over :)

  3. It's good, but try repositioning the text. You might wan't to duplicate+enlarge it two times with each time a lower opacity or brightness, this gives cool effects ::' .




    EDIT: like this for example:






    It makes the sig less empty and blends the text into the sig too.





  4. Well on the Pixel, I love the background, obviously a lot of work went into it, but the people seem very wierd. Also what's up with that rune? :lol:






    yes lol this is actually my first pixel and i started off with the people so.. :roll: looks nooby, I know :XD:.

  5. freewebs /metalclashv1_dahool/




    I think it looks a bit boring because there's not really anything on it, lol. But please rate anyway :). Not really any theme there, just tried to make a grey-blue tech template. It's small so low-res comp people can view aswell.

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