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Posts posted by Bananamatic

  1. I'm looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (that's Japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (that's Japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (Korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i don't want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

  2. [hide=long quote]

    Alright, after letting the flames of immaturity die down a bit, my take on this update is pretty straightforward: best update to PvP/PKing in a long while. I'll give you three reasons why.




    1) Risk versus Reward. It's finally risky now if you want to PK in Bandos or want to use a set of Dragon Claws to quick-pwn someone. For a long, long time, n-itemers could really PK with near impunity, so long as they didn't run out of prayer and/or didn't skull. This has been a major complaint since the PK days of old, and it's one of the reasons I got out of the PK scene. It's also riskier now if you want to gain 2 or 4 times more experience - what, you thought that Brawlers were meant to be safe to use?




    2) This one dates back to a friend of mine that PKs a lot - "There's no such thing as safing on Members, you know" With players no longer able to protect their whips, Godswords, or all other manner of weapons that hit over 33, the potential for getting KOed while loitering in the Wilderness out of the clear blue is significantly reduced. This means fairer fights - not everyone can afford claws or Godswords - and also more interesting battles.




    3) This update has the potential to drain off some of the cash brought in by inflation, 26K or otherwise. Now that you have the chance to lose stuff, gear such as food, potions, ammunition/runes, and armor can finally normalize themselves. What I'm hoping is that with this update, players that previously exclusively PKed/26Ked for their funding will have no other alternative but to gather food for themselves, and harvest herbs once again, either at Abberants or Chaos Druids, et al.




    I don't think that this fixed the 26K trick, but it did provide some long standing issues that needed to be resolved in PKing. Now if we can just make it so that if you teleport out, you lose all of your EP, and if we beef Mage up a bit, PKing will actually become a pleasant pastime.





    1) More risk......same rewards, along with being the #1 target. Every pjer would love to kill you. You get barraged all the time.


    And once you die, all the gain from pks is gone.


    D scim = #1 weapon.




    2) Pjers don't give a rat's [wagon] about Protect Item. They will still rush, and they enjoy it even more now, as one of them stated on forums.


    The only difference is that while you use a crap weapon, they use a better one and don't care.




    3) That's cool.




    Just give us back the goddamn Protect Item and we'll be happy. It doesn't allow RWT, it won't steal credit cards.




    75king will continue, bolting is there, pjing is there, but real pking took the biggest hit.


    It's like they have dropped a nuke but completely missed it.

  3. Jesus, good job Jagex.




    Judging from the ingame screenies where every dude pks skulled in full dragon with a DFH, they obviously don't know what does money mean to players and that no one can pull 80m straight out of their [wagon].




    NO ONE is going to risk more than 300k when the drops are RANDOM, hell even the combat system is totally random.


    One guy might have rune with a dds and the other AGS with bandos armor, but the dds guy might get complete hax specs and make the other guy lose 1 month of working his [wagon] off, which would atleast annoy somebody IRL, but 90% of people would get smashed if they lost a GS.






    In a combat system where "skill" is nonexistant as long as you can spam click sharks, no one is going to risk more than 300-700k.


    People did skull dharok fights because they got the dharok sets, but now you get what.....a load of junk.




    No way that pjing will be stopped in any way as pjers are nearly invincible anyways(10 brews, 3 different flavors of teleporting, constant prayer) and the risking player will obviously be the #1 target.


    Quote from forums:




    Since this update, I've been rushing more than ever.


    Throw on some black d hide and teleport, bring a skill cape, and BINGO! 100% EP in a matter of 2 hours.


    Sip some Sara Brew, super set, throw on that melee pray, and off I go to Claw rush. :)


    And now, if I kill a whipper, you're damn right, I get that whip. <3"




    75king will continue, EPing isn't any harder as you can teleport and pkers won't risk more than d scims.




    Fun how the forums are under a total crapflood of complaints(99% of the threads are about protect item), yet a jmod comes out, says "It's better like this because we think so" and case closed.

  4. those stats hurt my eyes :shame: Only you cb levels are good, rest is 3/10..... bank is quite sad tbh....


    fun over carpal


    [bleep] the idiots who say 'Camper' you earned the right to be there so you can damn well stay there.




    Good job for just 11 days mate, how'd you manage it?




    9/10. <3:


    camping abyssals, spiritual mages, pking and some from 26k....only a small part of it though, pked more than 26ked.

  5. (almost)All kills so far are done with sara sword, as I'm not a fan of 4 iteming or the new overpowered stuff....


    I'll add more as they come....well, if they come:p


    NOTE:I don't use the teletab to tab out of fights, but only for pjers. Died once due to barrage already and lost like 700k, not gonna let it happen again. Saved me 2 times from claws too.


    NOTE2:Tabs don't work, I suck.


    090629141759.png<-As said above, look at the chatbox. Didn't find the loot after returning.








    090706233820.png<-was a targ, first he ring of lifed on me with a whip, then he switched to bgs and....uh, did his best to stay alive, to say it nicely.


    Was last fight, had 1 safezone minute left....even though he brought a tbird, still managed to kill him.




    090707002509.png<-d scim and either hid a gs or claws, didn't let him show








    090707031850.png<-vid crashed here, too bad, it was awesome....pretty much mistimed SS spec and hit a 14-41.




    090707033504.png<-Self note, don't pk on 1% EP, you get crap.

















  6. Gear is a total of 270 ranged def....


    I've went like 7-10 times, not once....I've even posted that.


    Sometimes you get trips where you get absolutely beasted and others where you get 6 kills.


    More like, "sometimes you get absolutely beasted and sometimes you actually redbar the second one"




    Nothing against the guide, it's cool, but whipping seems to be a waste :roll:


    Or maybe I'm extremely unlucky as usual.


    Your using piety right.


    Correct. And protect from melee, if you want to ask.


    Got a friend's gs and soloed 2 last 2 trips(well 1 and half the second one.....got across a half killed >.>)


    Another thing why I wouldn't whip again is prayer usage....with GS, I have to ppot much less....




    EDIT: Too much luck based....


    1 3/4 kills, not a single hit above 37.


    Next trip, such garbage hits that I've soloed one with 2 sharks left.

  7. Gear is a total of 270 ranged def....


    I've went like 7-10 times, not once....I've even posted that.


    Sometimes you get trips where you get absolutely beasted and others where you get 6 kills.


    More like, "sometimes you get absolutely beasted and sometimes you actually redbar the second one"




    Nothing against the guide, it's cool, but whipping seems to be a waste :roll:


    Or maybe I'm extremely unlucky as usual.

  8. Might just add "if you whip, don't bother"


    I'm nearly maxed melee(97 str) and I can barely solo one with a full tortoise when using a whip.


    7 last trips, I was only able to solo one and barely get out without killing all minions.


    Maybe I'm extremely unlucky, but it doesn't seem to be worth it....

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