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Posts posted by PhaperPlane

  1. I'm now part of the Microsoft Academic Alliance. :thumbup: Meaning I can get lots of software (such as Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate) for FREE! It has everything, everything but Office! :thumbdown:

  2. I've been doing some more events today around Cambridge! Collected my student discount card, dropped some forms in about accommodation and then visited Cambridge University Botanic Gardens with some others as a freshers event. It's seriously beautiful, hundreds of different plants and trees from all around the world. If you have the opportunity to go, don't miss it!


    Also, I found out today that if I can convince my Personal Tutor that I need to do some extra reading around a particular subject which I need for a module they can give me access to Cambridge University Library. :thumbup:


    Once I get a camera, I'll post some pictures of Cambridge. :smile:

  3. Hey TIF,


    Time for an update!


    First of all, thank you for your replies I greatly appreciate it! Secondly, I am happy to say I am getting in the swing of things. I spent today exploring Cambridge with a friend of mine (who went to my old school!) and then later this evening, we went to a nice chilled out bar and had a good time! :D Thanks TIF, I shall post more updates soon!

  4. TIF, I am in need of your help.


    Today, I moved to University and I'm in Cambridge and I know I should be living the life but my problem is that I'm scared and worried. In fact, I have tears in my eyes while I'm writing this. I am meeting up with a friend of mine tomorrow but I'm still scared. I don't enjoy going to clubs as I don't like the loud music and I don't enjoy getting drunk (I enjoy the casual drink here and there). Help me TIF, how can I relax, calm down and enjoy myself?

  5. I'm moving to Cambridge tomorrow, and I am scared. I've been to Cambridge a few times and I know it's an amazing place to be in and I'm sure I will enjoy it but it's venturing into the unknown which just scares the [cabbage] out of me. I will have to report back tomorrow if I survive the first night (and other general stuff).

  6. I got a haircut and then bought some new clothes. I can't believe I'm moving to University so soon, I know it's going to be an amazing experience and I'm going to get a degree but I'm leaving home... :(

  7. I've been playing this game some more and I'm really getting into it. Ashe can be such a beast :thumbup: I'm pretty tempted by Talon (the new champion) so I may buy him. Anyone looking forward to dominion?

  8. I got my colour laser printer today! :thumbup:


    Tomorrow, I'm going up to Cambridge to take a look round. Since I'll be moving to Cambridge NEXT WEEK! :ohnoes:

  9. I'm finally mailing my UK student visa application today. There's no reason for it to be rejected but I'm still nervous :P


    I'm sure it will go smoothly! Where are you going to live in the UK?


    I was looking through my calendar and I found out that I move to Cambridge in TWO WEEKS. :shock: I'm really nervous about moving to University, I'm always scared about "the unknown". Anyone else going through this right now?

  10. Try the free champions out every week and read guides on them (www.solomid.net is a great site for guides). Try them and get better with the champions you like. Oh and try to save up IP for runes so you can get rank 3 runes at level 21.


    Thanks for the advice! I'll look into it. :D


    Also, if anyone wants to add me, my Summoner name is Phaper. :)

  11. I started playing this yesterday and I'm really enjoying it so far! :smile: Ashe is the main champion I'm playing as right now, anyone got any suggestions on any other good champions to play as?


    Also, have you seen the preview of the Dominion update coming? Looks pretty good! :D

  12. When I got my A level results, I found out that I was moving to the city of Cambridge. My parents and my brother were extremely happy and I was certainly pleased with the results that I got. :D My parents told the rest of family and everyone now is pleased with my results. Anyway, today I received a package from Cadbury Gifts direct addressed to me. I opened it up and found a card inside which was from my Aunty congratulating me on my results. Inside the postage box was another box and this was what I found inside:





    A box FILLED TO THE TOP with Cadbury Chocolates. I immediately called my Aunty to thank her for feeding me for 4 months while I'm at University. :P


    Just thought I'd share this!

  13. 1 Week till I get my A level results and then I can see where I am heading to University. I've gone through the whole "collecting results" process before but I am really worried this time round. :( Anyone else in this position?

  14. I got my new Laptop :) It's pretty amazing in my view, just been removing some of the crapware which came with it and updating Windows 7 (which I like a lot, a huge improvement over Vista!).

    Specs of the laptop if you're interested:

    Intel Core i7

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M

    15.6" HD LCD LED Screen

    6BG DDR3 RAM

    750GB HDD


    Just going need to find a bag and a mouse and then I'll be all set. :)

  15. Today I had my first driving lesson. Got into third gear and waved to someone for allowing me to pass! :thumbup: I will my second lesson this Thursday. :mrgreen:

  16. I picked up a new Moleskine (weekly notebook diary, this is my second Moleskine! The first was very useful for me while in school and it will be helpful at University!). Also got Sleep through the static and En Concert albums by Jack Johnson. Pretty good day! :D

  17. Got an email today from my first choice university about booking an allocated time for me to move in when term begins! :thumbsup: But first I have to go through tons of information and answer a questionnaire for each section. :/ Looks like the halls of residence is pretty strict, but I guess it helps keep the peace.

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