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Posts posted by Draconus

  1. I remember something like this a couple of years ago, I think we managed to first get RS-Classic to the number 1 spot, and then a year later, we got RS2 into the number 1 spot, just by mass-voting.








    :) lets start the voting then :)

  2. I think runescape is much better den its been rated in that link? they r just 2 stupid to realize it.




    and just to let people who think it sucks, well, runescape does suck at the start but once you get into it theres lots 2 do!




    LOL... thats why YOU need to take 2 seconds to rate it.




    realize YOU could give it a good rating and tell all them other guys off :P

  3. Here is a HUGE list of Free MMORPG and MMO games I put together. There is a lot of good games here and im sure you can find something you will enjoy.




    list can be found here ----> http://mmolist.blogspot.com/




    I could also use your help. If you see any games that are not on the list or should not be on the list it would be great if you could post a comment on the site to let me know.




    thanks to everyone in advance and i hope you find something you like!

  4. thanks lightning for updateing the download link in the original post...








    i also come by to let you know we have a forum section for the game open now at
















    AND if your looking for people to play with we have started a player network... you can get ahold of people to play with you..goto the link below and add your info
















    make sure to add everyone in the list to your MSN messenger









  5. new patches added to game








    work log added here
















    more people will start testing we we offically launch the testing :)








    if you dont see anyone in the server... log in anyways... then someone will see someone is online and come play with you..








    one of the biggest problems is people just look at the server screen and say... "well, i dont see anyone im not going to log in" if you never log there will never be anyone inside :)

  6. i keep trying to get in the alpha server... but it isnt working! keeps kicking me out.








    HMMM... IS ANYONE ELSE HAVING PROBLEMS LOGING IN? and acan you explain exacting what happens or what error you get?








    and to answer the above question about game play still... yes it is kind of like TFC

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