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Posts posted by wildernessfreelancer

  1. if god is so real then y when i tried praying for a pet flying pig i don't get one. so i say he's not real other wise i'd have a flying pig right now




    Maybe God had known that you don't need a flying pig at all? :lol:


    Besides, flying pigs defy logic.


    (And yes I know you're being cynical about this.)




    Question to Christians:


    I've heard from the Bible that Jesus was the "Son of God" and that he died for our sins. If that was true, in my opinion, wouldn't everyone go to heaven regardless of their sins? So people will do whatever they want on Earth and still end up going to heaven anyway? Even when they had known about the Gospel and refused to accept Christianity, which should be considered as a "sin", will they still go to heaven as Jesus died for their sins? :-k

  2. [oh man... come on.. i didnt do that bad to your modesty... and i was drunk! you were not! you took advantage of me... wildernessfreelancer!]




    Siggied \'




    I did?! Oh, so I did. Well, I'll be damned. ::'


    Zombies don't get drunk, lil' girl. *Audience laughs off-screen*




    *Turns silver_wits back to human again*


    Hoped you've learned your lesson. ::'

  3. this is why i could never follow islam although half of my heritage comes from the middle east. Women literally have no rights and thats a bunch of bs. and lets face it, she was assassinated mostly because she was a woman




    Yeah, blame Islam just because a crazy extremist shot her and blew himself up (due to the fact that she's a woman). Doesn't make sense now, does it?




    ten bucks says you have never even witnessed anything of revelance my friend. i live the proof and simply said why i dont follow islam




    So you're saying you don't follow Islam because the terrorists/extremists did all the violence "in the name of Islam"?




    Afghanistan versus the Taleban.


    Saudi Arabia + U.S.A versus Al-Qaeda.


    Turkey versus the Kurdish rebels.


    Sri Lanka versus Tamil Tigers.


    I can state more if you want to, but I think those are sufficient.


    Point: Terrorists/extremists are not fixed into one religion/race. The governments are doing what they can to curb terrorism/extremism.




    By the way, keep your ten bucks.






    ummm wow u definitely got off track the subject but the point im trying to make is I PERSONALLY dont follow islam for the reason that islam in general does not treat women with the same respect as men.




    Common misunderstanding. However since it's something personal to you, regarding your opinion, I'm going to leave this alone.




    Back to the subject:


    Benazir Bhutto was killed by a suicide bomber who shot her then blew himself up. Her supporters are blaming Musharraf for not providing her adequate security. This is the second assassination attempt since her homecoming from her self-imposed exile.

  4. this is why i could never follow islam although half of my heritage comes from the middle east. Women literally have no rights and thats a bunch of bs. and lets face it, she was assassinated mostly because she was a woman




    Yeah, blame Islam just because a crazy extremist shot her and blew himself up (due to the fact that she's a woman). Doesn't make sense now, does it?




    ten bucks says you have never even witnessed anything of revelance my friend. i live the proof and simply said why i dont follow islam




    So you're saying you don't follow Islam because the terrorists/extremists did all the violence "in the name of Islam"?




    Afghanistan versus the Taleban.


    Saudi Arabia + U.S.A versus Al-Qaeda.


    Turkey versus the Kurdish rebels.


    Sri Lanka versus Tamil Tigers.


    I can state more if you want to, but I think those are sufficient.


    Point: Terrorists/extremists are not fixed into one religion/race. The governments are doing what they can to curb terrorism/extremism.




    By the way, keep your ten bucks.

  5. this is why i could never follow islam although half of my heritage comes from the middle east. Women literally have no rights and thats a bunch of bs. and lets face it, she was assassinated mostly because she was a woman




    Yeah, blame Islam just because a crazy extremist shot her and blew himself up (due to the fact that she's a woman). Doesn't make sense now, does it?

  6. *Runs into you with a car going at 120km/h off of the cliff, and grab the mega unbreakable defence shield from the back of my car and activate it. (It's hooked up to a charger thats in my house that is only 20 meters away, which the UDS is guarding aswell, so there is no possible way to get in my house or get me, and you cant get mah car either. You may aswell just give up now anyway*




    Oh, you mean your remote-controlled-tiny-toy-car? Still, my foot hurts and I still fell off the 1m-tall cliff. Didn't die though. :)




    There is a difference between "a car" and "my car". So, I assume your real car is parked 20m away from your house. (Good logic ftw :XD:)




    Back to the story:


    *Upon seeing silver_wits as a zombie, I quickly curled up in a corner and played dead*

  7. I don't see the connection between we look like God and therefore we created God.




    If we look like God then I don't see why we can't make God up. God shouldn't look like us or any other living being (much less a figment of our imagination). If we can't see/perceive God as one of His creations, then it will be harder to disprove that we made God up in the first place.

  8. so I hit him over the head with the butt of my gun.




    Took you that long to figure it out. :-k


    (Still, I knew you'd do that. ::' )




    Although it's pretty mean for a girl to hit me on the head with a gun. :shame:






    *Wakes up 8 hours later and pries cravey off silver_wits*


    Pinning a girl down is just... wrong. :x

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