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Posts posted by blushenka

  1. [Whoa, new look! Sweet.]


    Hey guys, I was wondering if any one of you here uses the Eurosport Player application, and if so, does it work for you at the present time?


    I've been having issues with it for almost three hours now.

    Specifically, the main page loads, then when I want to log in, it tells me the password is incorrect. I've changed my password, received an email with the new one from them and everything, but then when I want to log in, it tells me the same thing. I was considering my subscription period may be over (I forgot the exact date), but when I try to subcribe the page wouldn't load. I can't even access the troubleshooting page, so I can send an angry email to them telling them to sort out their problem. (Weirdly enough, the eurosport main page does work). I'd really like it sorted out soon, I wanna watch the evening session of snooker grand prix and the tv coverage of it is just pitful(ly nonexistent).


    So, I'd like to ask if anyone here is registered on Eurosport player and if so, do you have the same problems with logging in at the moment? Thanks and sorry if this is considered spam. I've been away from the forums for a while and quite forgot :P

  2. These guys can make great covers even from lame songs:




    EXHIBIT A: Crappy original:










    EXHIBIT B: Rocking cover:





  3. That was a nice and varied list, pleasant read through the descriptions as well.




    The only thing I dissapprove of is the term 'almost beautiful', when you describe Summoning's songs. There's nothing 'almost' about them, baby!




    I know most of the albums on this list, and those that I don't already know, I'll be curious enough to check them out (apart from the indie ones). Some of those which I knew, I never really got into, but your descriptions make me want to give them another chance.

  4. I did say on the first page this was gonna turn into an argument about genres and who/what isn't metal. Oh I'm such a visionary.




    Anyway, I've been randomly thinking about metal today, cause I got another random note / meme on FB with 'list your favourite' stuff, and I think that my favourite band atm (if I had to give one) would be Moonsorrow. I'm basing that on 'what I feel like listening and how much I enjoy it. That sort of stuff always tends to change with me, though, from a period to another. But right now, Moonsorrow are up there. Don't think anyone's ever mentioned them, in all these metal threads I've been browsing. Oh well. People should maybe try them out.

  5. I managed to quit for around two weeks cold turkey, for monetary reasons. I missed them like hell. I never really get bad cravings, but I couldn't sleep, couldn't write and just really wanted to smoke. I cracked at the two week mark because I really associated smoking with literature, and just wanted to sit and read and write and smoke furiously.




    I put an elastic band round my wrist and pinged it hard whenever I thought about smoking.




    Funny, I also seem to associate smoking with creativity. And there could be a little something to it, when I smoke I get more ideas, and better ones too. What are you writing btw, if you don't mind me asking?




    Also, that idea with the elastic band, I think I'll try it. Good old behaviourist punishment.

  6. a javelina, one of the ugliest animals on the planet besides a warthog


    It is not an ugly creature, all creatures are put on this earth by God to be treasured and loved. They all have a purpose. Down with killing!


    Both the giraffe and the capybara are utterly useless creatures.


    I think most of them are useless.


    I think most of you are useless. =D


    Oh, just kidding! you're all wonderful attractive people.

  7. That is so strange. I read she was a 'long-time smoker', and lobbied against banning smoking in restaurants and stuff. And she goes and dies from a fall in the snow, during a 'beginner's ski lesson'. Wow, such is life, silly and meaningless. I don't mean to divert the thread through, RIP.

  8. I'm trying to quit without any outside help. The only thing I've considered as an aid are nicotine patches or gum, but then I thought it would be silly to become addicted to those in turn. Anyway, it's not going very well. I keep re-lapsing. One notable side effect is that I want to eat more.




    And to the people who say 'bah, quitting is easy, nothing to it. Just do it (Nike!)', please do Truth a favour and shut up. You obviously never really smoked regularly: you're either social smokers or you smoke regularly but don't inhale. Of course that's not addictive, it's like sucking on a stick. Jesus, get a brain. Nicotine is highly addictive. If you don't believe me, check wikipedia, the all-reliable source for internet browsing folk!




    I've come to the conclusion that what you need is good motivation to quit. So yes, the money issue is a very good one (think of all the money you'd be saving if you quit), so is the health issue (like, if you go to a doctor and you're told that it's either quit smoking or become really ill, that'd be a good incentive to quit).

  9. I've a verbal tic in which I overuse the word 'literally' (literalmente, in my original language). I haven't realized it until someone drew my attention to it.




    When I talk in English, like during classes, I overuse the word 'like' and 'well'. But these aren't interesting....




    I wish I could use cool words like 'soupy twist' in everyday conversation. : [

  10. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Well, it sort of bored me. It was long and not very 'structured'. The idea exhausted its novelty about 15 minutes into the film, the rest was more or less predictable.




    Restul e tacere (The Rest is Silence): This was a movie that I kept thinking about after I finished watching it, and I wanted to discuss it with people / read about it. Which can only mean it was kinda good. It's about the making of an 'epic' movie back when the cinema was at its 'beginnings' and people had mixed feelings about it. The 19 year old son of a famous theatre actor (who thinks his kid is better off sweeping streets than working in film business) has a grand idea of making a movie about the war of independence; of course he needs a lot of money for this and tricks an eccentric merchant to sponsor him. That would be the starting point of the movie in a nutshell. After a little research, I found out (what I should have known before, had I any knowledge of cinema culture), that the characters and main events were actually real, so this movie was a sort of documentary, taking some artistic license at times. Anyway, it was clever and funny, with plenty of underlying meanings and beautiful directing. I'm usually hesitant to recommend 'local' movies to foreigners because of 'in-jokes' or 'background knowledge' or whatever. I'm kinda hesitant to recommend this one too, actually, even though it's more 'universal' imo. Just saying I really liked it.

  11. I don't quite know where to start...


    My dad has tried to stop drinking many times, but has always ended up back on the bottle. He's a hard working man, and earns around three quarters of the money we live on.




    I don't mean to sound judgemental, but your last sentence makes me think that his alcoholic problem is something not 'end of the world'-y, to warrant a divorce and to be separated from his child. If he is capable of having a well paid job and brings in the majority of your income, then obviously his alcoholism isn't affecting him on any personal level. From what you're saying, it sounds as if he enjoys a few more drinks than is customary when he comes home after a hard day's work. You didn't specify why his affinity with alchohol is a big problem for your mother. Is it a problem for you? You said he's given you a hard time (can you be a bit more specific), but you tend to believe it's not his fault. I get the feeling from what you said that you sympathize with your dad in this situation? But I don't want to put words in your mouth and I know that your feelings about this situation must be very mixed, so that you may not even know yourself.




    Anyway, if you want a stranger's opinion, I get the impression that your mom isn't trying hard enough.




    Maybe you should try to persuade her to try to actively help out your dad with this, discuss things more openly with him before taking such rash decisions. But all this depends on how close you and your mom are and how badly your mom and dad have fallen apart already.

  12. Dude, you gotta be kidding me! There are at least 10000 topics with the same subject, or very close. And it eventually all ends with people arguing about genres and the trveness thereof and / or Adio coming in and starting a flame war.




    Anyway, I used to like power metal a lot, but now I don't think I'd be able to listen to much of that. I still like viking / folk and atmospheric black metal (the likes of Summoning). I still don't see the fun with doom metal. Dunno about favourite artists, I don't really wanna start a list, because it would be quite long, and I don't have any absolute 'favourites' anymore; I listen to as much as I can and sometimes I feel like listening to some stuff more and others less, you know how it goes.

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