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Posts posted by sevival

  1. Gee,I work on housework in a sound-isolated room :P Good air-condishened and with good lights shining on the homework to concentrate me.




    However,if ur training without lookign at the screen,u got to look very often but its legal what you do

  2. No :),its Just a Logo for An amator's Internet tv with much of movies etc.




    He worked on it with his friends in his free time and was hosting the site where he post all the movies,he got a guestbook,bloopers and tshirts for sale,And its not copyrighted.So nto a company just a Online Television wich brings out every week a new comic 5-minute movie with a handycam.Now he dont work anymore on his site,anyways he startedit when he was like 14 years old and isnt anymore interested.

  3. ULead cool 3D,dont have it anymore i think...




    It was quite simpke and used to be an animation where the 3 letters DTV Fall down and start moving and the [bleep]ed ring around it should be moving..I'd never know how to play the animation..




    The lower part should be [bleep]ed too but i think you see it horizontally.Maybe an attempt to change it.

  4. This is a logo i have left in my pictures map i decide to show it.




    It is'nt really finished,but say ur tought about it.I made it for my bro's site.




    I think it's quite good since i'd never did it before,well here it is:












    Maybe a background should be added,but anyways,i don't gonna change anything to it anymore,it is just for fun i kept it.




    (BTW:it says "DTV")

  5. Yes,title says it.




    I wan't a signature please for the forums.




    I don't really got some ideas,Not like much stats or achievements becouse im not that high lvl.




    So i want it to say my rsname:100 bakvis




    and a image with a warrior with full granite if possible,Becouse i lost mine :(.




    I want it baground look kinda golden OR red or somting else if u got good idea.




    Maybe some kinda dragons( rather runescape-style) on it,




    And maybe Under my name:Advanced Dragon Slayer or someting :P




    Some other tips,i like the hunter and slayer skill,and crafting and construction,Perhaps this would give some inspiration to you.




    Perhaps a part of skillcape emote would look good i think,if u decide to make my sig looking construction-style maybe a picture of the emote :P




    I dont say the sig must contain all these term it are just some ideas...




    I hope you can help me!

  6. Nice,it helped me a little bit and even more when i went there for first.




    Just have one suggestion,unimportant:Update the "11" number on the map you made.Its a very useful map but i wouldnt find the 11.lol.




    Oh! the 13 (i think its a 13) at the anvil hosue could be in another color.




    Sorry for my complains.

  7. You would think:"ANOTHER noob asking how to raise his combat levels,just look somewhere on the forums for that!"




    Yes im a noob,hitpoints lvl 56,So i also think it SHOULD be raised soon.




    My question just is SHould i train on experiments,or should i spent my 50 Pc points(first get it to 100)As pc gives more hitpoints-only xp.

  8. Everyone,thanx all for the replies,even they are bad or positive.




    1:My spelling could be some weird becouse im actually not english...




    and never leaerned it.




    2:I made this guide mostly for fun and helping low-lvl or mid-level players,and i didnt pay much attention on the fonts or never read the guide-to-making-guides.Also i didn't expect this guide reaching the achieve of wisdom.




    Thanx for the wrong information i write at the tzhaar section,




    But i wasnt shure wich type or runes to use.




    Thanx for your tips for improving my guide,maybe I also improve it if i have time.

  9. So,welcome to my guide!




    Its the first time i make one,so excuse me if you see any faults--




    Below im gonna shout out my (secrets?) ways to make some little cash.




    Im only a lvl 69,so dont suspect 1mil in a day or so...








    Yes merchanting,still the best way for makign money,some people are born for it,some aren't.(I'm no good merchanter!)Years ago when I asked hwo to make money ppl always said merchanting,when i thought"Where the hell u get that much profit from that?"So i found out bigger invest makes more money,But never started merchanting in bulk becuz i didnt want to spend my money on that.Hower i found out i was a very good merchanter!Here some of my wicky ways:








    1:Just hang out a little time at the banks,You will always find someone that buys one of your items at high price.==For example:




    One day i sold my rune full helmet for rune claws,Then someone said he buys my rune legs for like 70k,then someone buyed my rune pl8 for 80k,granite shield for 120k,and bought all my items back for less.That all in a hour!(Okay that day i was just lucky)So just look out for buyers that offer wopping amounts of money.




    2:Often look in general stores!Bought 200 raw sharks the other day and cooked them all and sold them to players for 950 each.




    3:I never tried out,but sometimes i see nats in ruen shop for 180 ea,if u buy 1k of them and sell them for like 300+ each u make little profit too.




    4:This method i learned from a friend:Buy like 10k or just enough fire or other runes at lowest price form rune shops,and sell them all in tzhaar city for tokkul until u got 67500 tokkul,buy a Obby shield ands sell it.This method can be either bad or good profit when the obby shield street price changes.








    No,i dont mean the hunter skill,but just monster hunting.




    My favorites ones are green dragons.




    Now,with monster hunting i mean like high-lvl creatures that drop profitable items.




    1: Green dragons===These are my favorite becuz it dont bores me,and deliverd fairly much profit if u don't want to spend much useful time on merchanting.For example i got like 40 hides(I THINK) from an hour,PLUS(+)Dragon bones.Both they sell pretty much i think.




    IF ur lucky(like me)U get a lvl 3 clue scroll from ur first dragon,or just while ur fighting.I got 600k from that scroll(wich is pretty low when i found out when i saw i even cud get 3rd age armor if i was way more lucky)








    Above:These items i got from a few days doing dragon hunting(not all the items you see),that addy ores too,like 60 addy ores.




    2: Errr...i have to fill this in yet...I did only killed green dragons..








    This is the Hints 'n Tips part of my guide,just some little things that are good too know.:




    I got plenty more ways of making money but you should already know cannonballs,Flax,steel bars,....




    I also suggest mining coal at the coal trucks,or if ure not member iron(or maybe coal too).




    Cow hides for low levels,Feathers for the lowest...




    Also if u focus on getting high lvls ands much profit,Fishing sharks can make a wopping amount of money too if ur smart.




    But HIGH lvl fishing is required for this becouse its very slow.




    In this guide im not telling you much about using skills,just the minor hints and tips.




    Also,if you dont want to spend(or waste) time on mining coal and iron junk,just buy it!You get a less profit but if you're going on for a while,and buy new ores with your profit,you invest more and make more profit!




    For this method "Time is money"Isnt much a part of it.Well,that's my meaning.




    Remember if you're merchanting,My slogan is:The Seller always makes profit!I mean:If ur not merchanting for money but just for the items u get,like ur dreaming weeks when you get an abbyssal whip,you normally offer more when the item is higher in demand.And vice versa,the seller makes more money.Hope u understand it!




    So,This was my small guide!ḫ̫̉̉pe u enjoyed reading it,and mostly,u enjoy making money.Remember!:Money doesnt make people happy!

  10. Im ExTrEmElY bored!




    Would someone help me? information:




    Im a member.




    Some stats:14 ranged(lol)61 attack,59 strenth,35 magic,25 const.,11 farm.,49 fishing and mining,43 smithin,48 cooking,27 hunter,25 slayer,2 runecrafting(!!!!lol!!!),43 prayer,55 hp,crafting 45,fletching 28 (lol),thieving 31,28 agility,here comes it....1 herblore!(?lol?),55 wc,22 slayer,51 defence,34 magic(lol..).............




    Pphhew!Thats it! (even too bored to just take a pick of my stats)




    so....Any advice?




















    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bored things~~~~~~~~~~




    These actions i already tried and bored me:(lol got bored fast):








    ummm,gnome stronghold?junk!




    green dragons....(not boring but i dont want to do that right now)




    Money-making,Half.....I just lost like 100k and tahts why im bored,always makign money and losing it again...(perhaps some money-making and funny ways to stop keeping me bored)












    herblore(sounds liek the word "junk" into MY eyes,meybe u can change that)




    Prayer..i dont think ANYONE would amuseh im with burrying bones after each other...perhaps if a monster drops it...




    Fishign...a bit of fun but gets bored if i fished 2 hours and only got 200 lobs or so




    Smithing!!i only raise that skill when moneymaking




    Slayer gets a bit bored,a bit fun




    quests,not really boring but dont have good skills for those








    (lol soudns liek a mini-quest to you )




    I like:Hunting a bit,now im 27 hutning perhaps some advice to raise it an funny way,




    Treasure trails!!!!!!!




    I like dragon hunting




    I dont liek skill building...Only when it has a bit of fun...




    40% of the minigames are ok..




    And Golden Tip(golden tip)I am bored when i dont have any goals,so find a way to amuse me when i sitll have a bit a goal,not just for fun.if u dont understand:i focus on fun things to not get bored,and achievement goals too,like treasure trails:amusing me a bit/lot and i earn money also...~








    Thank you by reading this far,actually im not bored while typing this(phhew)but im talking for runescape-being-bored




    Hope you find a way,




    (why i made this long text?Answer:Becuz i dont want to hear from noobz:




    "minigames" :XD: or:"raise ur ranging".)




    So:All i have to say is,Happy day further,and..happy runescape playing!(THis game is not for strategies,or being the best,its for F U N!)




    (im talkign too much in "()" )




    (bye)() ()




    ------(ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâð ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâð)





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